Measurements of the production cross-section for a $Z$ boson in association with $b$- or $c$-jets in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration
Eur.Phys.J.C 84 (2024) 984, 2024.

Abstract (data abstract)
This paper presents a measurement of the production cross-section of a $Z$ boson in association with $b$- and $c$-jets, in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 140 fb$^{-1}$, i.e. full Run 2 statistics. Inclusive and differential cross-sections are measured for events containing a $Z$ boson decaying into electrons or muons and produced in association with at least one $b$- or $c$-jets or at least two $b$-jets with transverse momentum $p_T > 20$ Ge and rapidity $|y|<2.5$. Predictions from several Monte Carlo generators based on leading-order (LO) or next-to-leading-order (NLO) matrix elements interfaced with a parton-shower simulation and testing different flavour schemes for the choice of initial-state partons are compared with measured cross-sections alongside innovative fixed order with next-to-next-to-leading-order precision predictions with IRC safe algorithms. N.B.: Data correspond to average of electron and muon channel.

  • Table 1

    Data from page 24 of preprint


    Figure 6(left) of the article. Measured fiducial cross sections for events with $Z (\rightarrow ll) \ge 1 $ b-jets. The...

  • Table 2

    Data from page 24 of preprint


    Figure 6(right) of the article. Measured fiducial cross sections for events with $Z (\rightarrow ll) \ge 2 $ b-jets. The...

  • Table 3

    Data from page 25 of preprint


    Figure 7 of the article. Measured fiducial cross sections for events with $Z (\rightarrow ll) \ge 1 $ c-jets. The...

  • Table 4

    Data from page 27 of preprint


    Figure 8(left) of the article. Differential fiducial cross-section of the Z boson $p_T$ in events with $Z (\rightarrow ll) \ge...

  • Table 5

    Data from page 27 of preprint


    Figure 8(right) of the article. Differential fiducial cross-section of the leading $b$-jet $p_T$ in events with $Z (\rightarrow ll) \ge...

  • Table 6

    Data from page 28 of preprint


    Figure 9 of the article. Differential fiducial cross-section of the $\Delta R$ between the $Z$ boson and the leading $b$-jet...

  • Table 7

    Data from page 30 of preprint


    Figure 10(left) of the article. Differential fiducial cross-section of the $\Delta \phi$ between the leading and sub-leading $b$-jets in events...

  • Table 8

    Data from page 30 of preprint


    Figure 10(right) of the article. Differential fiducial cross-section of the invariant mass of the leading and sub-leading $b$-jets in events...

  • Table 9

    Data from page 31 of preprint


    Figure 11(left) of the article. Differential fiducial cross-section of the Z boson $p_T$ in events with $Z (\rightarrow ll) \ge...

  • Table 10

    Data from page 31 of preprint


    Figure 11(right) of the article. Differential fiducial cross-section of the leading $c$-jet $p_T$ in events with $Z (\rightarrow ll) \ge...

  • Table 11

    Data from page 32 of preprint


    Figure 12 of the article. Differential fiducial cross-section of the leading $c$-jet $x_F$ in events with $Z (\rightarrow ll) \ge...

  • Table 12


    Correction factors from parton level done with flavour dressing algorithms as seen in Ref. [2] of the paper to hadron...

  • Table 13


    Correction factors from parton level done with flavour dressing algorithms as seen in Ref. [2] of the paper to hadron...

  • Table 14


    Correction factors from parton level done with flavour dressing algorithms as seen in Ref. [2] of the paper to hadron...

  • Table 15


    Correction factors from parton level done with flavour dressing algorithms as seen in Ref. [2] of the paper to hadron...

  • Table 16


    Correction factors from parton level done with flavour dressing algorithms as seen in Ref. [2] of the paper to hadron...

  • Table 17


    Correction factors from parton level done with flavour dressing algorithms as seen in Ref. [2] of the paper of the...

  • Table 18


    Correction factors from hadron level done with flavour dressing algorithms as seen in Ref. [2] of the paper to hadron...

  • Table 19


    Correction factors from hadron level done with flavour dressing algorithms as seen in Ref. [2] of the paper to hadron...

  • Table 20


    Correction factors from hadron level done with flavour dressing algorithms as seen in Ref. [2] of the paper to hadron...

  • Table 21


    Correction factors from hadron level done with flavour dressing algorithms as seen in Ref. [2] of the paper to hadron...

  • Table 22


    Correction factors from hadron level done with flavour dressing algorithms as seen in Ref. [2] of the paper to hadron...

  • Table 23


    Correction factors from hadron level done with flavour dressing algorithms as seen in Ref. [2] of the paper of the...

  • Table 24


    Correction factors from parton level to hadron level for the differential cross-section of the Z boson $p_T$ in events with...

  • Table 25


    Correction factors from parton level to hadron level for the differential cross-section of the Z boson $p_T$ in events with...

  • Table 26


    Correction factors from parton level to hadron level for the differential cross-section of the leading $b$-jet $p_T$ in events with...

  • Table 27


    Correction factors from parton level to hadron level for the differential cross-section of the leading $c$-jet $p_T$ in events with...

  • Table 28


    Correction factors from parton level to hadron level for the differential cross-section of the leading $c$-jet $x_F$ in events with...

  • Table 29


    Correction factors from parton level to hadron level for the differential cross-section of $\Delta R$ between the $Z$ boson and...

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