Measurement of inclusive forward neutron production cross section in proton-proton collisions at $\mathrm{\sqrt{s} = 13~TeV}$ with the LHCf Arm2 detector

The LHCf collaboration
JHEP 11 (2018) 073, 2018.

Abstract (data abstract)
Inclusive differential production cross section of forward neutrons (and antineutrons) produced in p-p collisions at $\mathrm{\sqrt{s} = 13\,TeV}$. Cross section is expressed as a function of energy in three different pseudorapidity regions, namely $\eta > 10.76$, $8.99 < \eta < 9.22$ and $8.81 < \eta < 8.99$. The measurements refer to all neutrons (and antineutrons) directly produced in the collisions or resulting from the decay of short life particles ($\mathrm{c \tau<1\,cm}$).

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