Measurement of angular correlations in Drell-Yan lepton pairs to probe Z/gamma* boson transverse momentum at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration
Phys.Lett.B 720 (2013) 32-51, 2013.

Abstract (data abstract)
CERN-LHC. Measurements of the PHI* distributions of di-electron and di-muon Drell-Yan pairs produced in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. The data sample has an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb-1. Normalised differential PHI* distributions are presented within the fiducial region of the leptons corrected to three levels, Born, dressed and bare, for QED FSR. The data are presented for di-electron and di-muons separately as well as combined, and also in three regions of rapidity as well as overall. For details of the variables see the text of the article. UPDATE (05 JAN 2015): corrected columns 2,3,4 of Tables 2,3,5,6 due to a bug fixed for bare and dressed cross sections in y-ranges; Table 4, value of the very last bin of the born dimuon, y>1.6, phi*=2.522-3.277 corrected (typo error).

  • Table 1

    Data from T 1


    The measured PHI* distributions for the dielectron events corrected back to the born level. The distributions are normalised to unity...

  • Table 2

    Data from T 1


    The measured PHI* distributions for the dielectron events corrected back to the dress level. The distributions are normalised to unity...

  • Table 3

    Data from T 1


    The measured PHI* distributions for the dielectron events corrected back to the bare particle level. The distributions are normalised to...

  • Table 4

    Data from T 1


    The measured PHI* distributions for the dimuon events corrected back to the born level. The distributions are normalised to unity...

  • Table 5

    Data from T 1


    The measured PHI* distributions for the dimuon events corrected back to the dress level. The distributions are normalised to unity...

  • Table 6

    Data from T 1


    The measured PHI* distributions for the dimuon events corrected back to the bare level. The distributions are normalised to unity...

  • Table 7

    Data from T 2,3


    The combined normalised differential PHI* distributions at the Born level in the different rapidity ranges.

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