Transverse momentum distribution and nuclear modification factor of forward neutral pion in proton--lead collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02$TeV

The LHCf collaboration
Phys.Rev.C 89 (2014) 065209, 2014.

Abstract (data abstract)
CERN-LHC. The transverse momentum distribution for inclusive neutral pions in the very forward rapidity region has been measured with the LHCf detector. Given the geometrical acceptance of the LHCf detector and to ensure a good event reconstruction efficiency, the rapidity and pT range of the pi0s are limited to -11.0 < ylab < -8.9 and pT < 0.6 GeV, respectively.

  • Table 1

    Data from T 4,F 3A


    Production rate for PI0 production in the rapidity range -8.9 to -9.0.

  • Table 2

    Data from T 5,F 3B


    Production rate for PI0 production in the rapidity range -9.0 to -9.2.

  • Table 3

    Data from T 6,F 3C


    Production rate for PI0 production in the rapidity range -9.2 to -9.4.

  • Table 4

    Data from T 7,F 3D


    Production rate for PI0 production in the rapidity range -9.4 to -9.6.

  • Table 5

    Data from T 8,F 3E


    Production rate for PI0 production in the rapidity range -9.6 to -10.0.

  • Table 6

    Data from T 9,F 3F


    Production rate for PI0 production in the rapidity range -10.0 to -11.0.

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