Table 1
Data from Figure 2, Page 4 of preprint
Monte Carlo evaluation of the tracklet reconstruction efficiency as a function of pseudorapidity for the 0-10% centraliry interval.
Data from Figure 2, Page 4 of preprint
Monte Carlo evaluation of the tracklet reconstruction efficiency as a function of pseudorapidity for the 0-10% centraliry interval.
Data from Figure 2, Page 4 of preprint
Monte Carlo evaluation of the tracklet reconstruction efficiency as a function of pseudorapidity for the 40-50% centraliry interval.
Data from Figure 2, Page 4 of preprint
Monte Carlo evaluation of the tracklet reconstruction efficiency as a function of pseudorapidity for the 70-80% centraliry interval.
Data from Figure 4, Page 5 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the pixel track (PXT) reconstruction efficiency for three pseudorapidity ranges in 0-10% centrality interval.
Data from Figure 4, Page 5 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the pixel track (PXT) reconstruction efficiency for three pseudorapidity ranges in 40-50% centrality interval.
Data from Figure 4, Page 5 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the pixel track (PXT) reconstruction efficiency for three pseudorapidity ranges in 70-80% centrality interval.
Data from Figure 4, Page 5 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the pixel track (PXT) reconstruction fake rate for three pseudorapidity ranges in 0-10% centrality...
Data from Figure 4, Page 5 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the pixel track (PXT) reconstruction fake rate for three pseudorapidity ranges in 40-50% centrality...
Data from Figure 4, Page 5 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the pixel track (PXT) reconstruction fake rate for three pseudorapidity ranges in 70-80% centrality...
Data from Figure 5, Page 6 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the inner detector track (IDT) reconstruction efficiency for three pseudorapidity ranges in 0-10% centrality...
Data from Figure 5, Page 6 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the inner detector track (IDT) reconstruction efficiency for three pseudorapidity ranges in 40-50% centrality...
Data from Figure 5, Page 6 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the inner detector track (IDT) reconstruction efficiency for three pseudorapidity ranges in 70-80% centrality...
Data from Figure 5, Page 6 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the inner detector track (IDT) reconstruction fake rate for three pseudorapidity ranges in 0-10%...
Data from Figure 5, Page 6 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the inner detector track (IDT) reconstruction fake rate for three pseudorapidity ranges in 40-50%...
Data from Figure 5, Page 6 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the inner detector track (IDT) reconstruction fake rate for three pseudorapidity ranges in 70-80%...
Data from Figure 8, Page 9 of preprint
Elliptic flow $v_{2}$ integrated over transverse momentum $p_{T}>p_{T,0}$ as a function of $p_{T,0}$ for 0-10% centrality interval, obtained with different...
Data from Figure 8, Page 9 of preprint
Elliptic flow $v_{2}$ integrated over transverse momentum $p_{T}>p_{T,0}$ as a function of $p_{T,0}$ for 10-20% centrality interval, obtained with different...
Data from Figure 8, Page 9 of preprint
Elliptic flow $v_{2}$ integrated over transverse momentum $p_{T}>p_{T,0}$ as a function of $p_{T,0}$ for 20-30% centrality interval, obtained with different...
Data from Figure 8, Page 9 of preprint
Elliptic flow $v_{2}$ integrated over transverse momentum $p_{T}>p_{T,0}$ as a function of $p_{T,0}$ for 30-40% centrality interval, obtained with different...
Data from Figure 8, Page 9 of preprint
Elliptic flow $v_{2}$ integrated over transverse momentum $p_{T}>p_{T,0}$ as a function of $p_{T,0}$ for 40-50% centrality interval, obtained with different...
Data from Figure 8, Page 9 of preprint
Elliptic flow $v_{2}$ integrated over transverse momentum $p_{T}>p_{T,0}$ as a function of $p_{T,0}$ for 50-60% centrality interval, obtained with different...
Data from Figure 8, Page 9 of preprint
Elliptic flow $v_{2}$ integrated over transverse momentum $p_{T}>p_{T,0}$ as a function of $p_{T,0}$ for 60-70% centrality interval, obtained with different...
Data from Figure 8, Page 9 of preprint
Elliptic flow $v_{2}$ integrated over transverse momentum $p_{T}>p_{T,0}$ as a function of $p_{T,0}$ for 70-80% centrality interval, obtained with different...
Data from Figure 10, Page 11 of preprint
Pseudorapidity dependence of elliptic flow, $v_{2}$, integrated over transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, for different charged particle reconstruction methods and different low-$p_{T}$...
Data from Figure 10, Page 11 of preprint
Pseudorapidity dependence of elliptic flow, $v_{2}$, integrated over transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, for different charged particle reconstruction methods and different low-$p_{T}$...
Data from Figure 10, Page 11 of preprint
Pseudorapidity dependence of elliptic flow, $v_{2}$, integrated over transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, for different charged particle reconstruction methods and different low-$p_{T}$...
Data from Figure 10, Page 11 of preprint
Pseudorapidity dependence of elliptic flow, $v_{2}$, integrated over transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, for different charged particle reconstruction methods and different low-$p_{T}$...
Data from Figure 10, Page 11 of preprint
Pseudorapidity dependence of elliptic flow, $v_{2}$, integrated over transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, for different charged particle reconstruction methods and different low-$p_{T}$...
Data from Figure 10, Page 11 of preprint
Pseudorapidity dependence of elliptic flow, $v_{2}$, integrated over transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, for different charged particle reconstruction methods and different low-$p_{T}$...
Data from Figure 10, Page 11 of preprint
Pseudorapidity dependence of elliptic flow, $v_{2}$, integrated over transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, for different charged particle reconstruction methods and different low-$p_{T}$...
Data from Figure 10, Page 11 of preprint
Pseudorapidity dependence of elliptic flow, $v_{2}$, integrated over transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, for different charged particle reconstruction methods and different low-$p_{T}$...
Data from Figure 12, Page 12 of preprint
Integrated elliptic flow, $v_{2}$, as a function of $|\eta| - y_{beam}$ for three centrality intervals Error bars indicate statistical and...
Data from Figure 13, Page 13 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the TKT track reconstruction efficiency for $\pi^{\pm}$, $K^{\pm}$ and $p^{\pm}$ in the pseudorapidity range...
Data from Figure 13, Page 13 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the TKT track reconstruction efficiency for $\pi^{\pm}$, $K^{\pm}$ and $p^{\pm}$ in the pseudorapidity range...
Data from Figure 13, Page 13 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the TKT track reconstruction efficiency for $\pi^{\pm}$, $K^{\pm}$ and $p^{\pm}$ in the pseudorapidity range...
Data from Figure 13, Page 13 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the PXT track reconstruction efficiency for $\pi^{\pm}$, $K^{\pm}$ and $p^{\pm}$ in the pseudorapidity range...
Data from Figure 13, Page 13 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the PXT track reconstruction efficiency for $\pi^{\pm}$, $K^{\pm}$ and $p^{\pm}$ in the pseudorapidity range...
Data from Figure 13, Page 13 of preprint
The transverse momentum, $p_{T}$, dependence of the PXT track reconstruction efficiency for $\pi^{\pm}$, $K^{\pm}$ and $p^{\pm}$ in the pseudorapidity range...
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