Table 1
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Data from Table 6
Summary of the main systematic uncertainties and their impact on the total SM background prediction in each of the signal...
Data from Table 7
Fit results in SRb1 and SRb2 for an integrated luminosity of $36.1 fb^{-1}$. The background normalisation parameters are obtained from...
Data from Table 8
Fit results in SRt1, SRt2 and SRt3 for an integrated luminosity of $36.1 fb^{-1}$. The background normalisation parameters are obtained...
Data from Table 9
95% CL upper limits on the visible cross-section ($\langle\epsilon\mathcal{A}\sigma\rangle^{\rm obs}_{95}$) and on the number of BSM events ($S^{\rm obs}_{95}$ )....
Data from Figure 4a
Comparison of the data with the post-fit SM prediction of the $E_{\mathrm T}^{\mathrm{miss}}$ distribution in SRb1. The last bins include...
Data from Figure 4b
Comparison of the data with the post-fit SM prediction of the $\cos{\theta}^*_{bb}$ distribution in SRb2. The last bins include overflows,...
Data from Figure 4c
Comparison of the data with the post-fit SM prediction of the $m_{\mathrm T}^{\mathrm{b,min}}$ distribution in SRt1. The last bins include...
Data from Figure 4d
Comparison of the data with the post-fit SM prediction of the $E_{\mathrm T}^{\mathrm{miss,sig}}$ distribution in SRt2. The last bins include...
Data from Figure 4e
Comparison of the data with the post-fit SM prediction of the $\xi^{+}_{\ell\ell}$ distribution in SRt3. The last bins include overflows,...
Data from Figure 5a
Expected exclusion limits for colour-neutral scalar model in the SRb2 as a function of the mediator mass for a DM...
Data from Figure 5a
Observed exclusion limits for colour-neutral scalar model in SRb2 as a function of the mediator mass for a DM mass...
Data from Figure 5a
Expected exclusion limits for colour-neutral scalar model in the SRt1/SRt2 as a function of the mediator mass for a DM...
Data from Figure 5a
Observed exclusion limits for colour-neutral scalar model in SRt1/SRt2 as a function of the mediator mass for a DM mass...
Data from Figure 5a
Expected exclusion limits for colour-neutral scalar model in SRt3 as a function of the mediator mass for a DM mass...
Data from Figure 5a
Observed exclusion limits for colour-neutral scalar model in SRt3 as a function of the mediator mass for a DM mass...
Data from Figure 5b
Expected exclusion limits for colour-neutral pseudo-scalar model in SRb2 as a function of the mediator mass for a DM mass...
Data from Figure 5b
Observed exclusion limits for colour-neutral pseudo-scalar model in SRb2 as a function of the mediator mass for a DM mass...
Data from Figure 5b
Expected exclusion limits for colour-neutral pseudo-scalar model in SRt1/SRt2 as a function of the mediator mass for a DM mass...
Data from Figure 5b
Observed exclusion limits for colour-neutral pseudo-scalar model in SRt1/SRt2 as a function of the mediator mass for a DM mass...
Data from Figure 5b
Expected limits for colour-neutral pseudo-scalar model in SRt3 as a function of the mediator mass for a DM mass of...
Data from Figure 5b
Observed exclusion limits for colour-neutral pseudo-scalar model in SRt3 as a function of the mediator mass for a DM mass...
Data from Figure 6a
Expected exclusion limits for colour-neutral scalar model in SRt1/SRt2 as a function of the DM mass for a mediator mass...
Data from Figure 6a
Observed exclusion limits for colour-neutral scalar model in SRt1/SRt2 as a function of the DM mass for a mediator mass...
Data from Figure 6a
Expected exclusion limits for colour-neutral scalar model in SRt3 as a function of the DM mass for a mediator mass...
Data from Figure 6a
Observed exclusion limits for colour-neutral scalar model in SRt3 as a function of the DM mass for a mediator mass...
Data from Figure 6b
Expected exclusion limits for colour-neutral pseudo-scalar model in SRt1/SRt2 as a function of the DM mass for a mediator mass...
Data from Figure 5a
Observed exclusion limits for colour-neutral pseudo-scalar model in SRt1/SRt2 as a function of the DM mass for a mediator mass...
Data from Figure 6b
Expected exclusion limits for colour-neutral pseudo-scalar model in SRt3 as a function of the DM mass for a mediator mass...
Data from Figure 6b
Observed xclusion limits for colour-neutral pseudo-scalar model in SRt3 as a function of the DM mass for a mediator mass...
Data from Figure 7
Comparison of the 90% CL limits on the spin-independent DM–nucleon cross-section versus mediator mass between these results and the direct-detection...
Data from Figure 8
Expected exclusion limits for colour-charged scalar mediators ($b$-FDM) as a function of the mediator and DM masses for $36.1fb^{-1}$ of...
Data from Figure 8
Exclusion observed limits for colour-charged scalar mediators ($b-$FDM) as a function of the mediator and DM masses for $36.1fb^{-1}$ of...
Data from Figure 11a
Comparison of the data with the post-fit Monte Carlo prediction of sub leading jet $p_{T}$ in SRb1. The last bin...
Data from Figure 11b
Comparison of the data with the post-fit Monte Carlo prediction of $H_{\mathrm T}^{ratio}$ distribution in SRb2. The last bin includes...
Data from Figure 11c
Comparison of the data with the post-fit Monte Carlo prediction of $\Delta R_{bb}$ in SRt1. The last bin includes overflows....
Data from Figure 11d
Comparison of the data with the post-fit Monte Carlo prediction of $M_{\mathrm T}^{b,min}$ in SRt2. The last bin includes overflows....
Data from Figure 11e
Comparison of the data with the post-fit Monte Carlo prediction of $\Delta \phi_{boost}$ in SRt3. The last bin includes overflows....
Data from Table 19
Acceptance of the SRb1 selection of the $b$-FDM model signal samples
Data from Table 19
Efficiency of the SRb1 selection of the $b$-FDM model signal samples
Data from Table 20
Acceptance of the SRb2 selection of the colour-neutral simplified model samples with scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 21
Efficiency of the SRb2 selection to the colour-neutral simplified model samples with scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 22
Efficiency of the SRb2 selection to the colour-neutral simplified model samples with pseudo-scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 23
Acceptance of SRb2 selection to the colour-neutral simplified model samples with pseudo-scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced in...
Data from Table 24
Acceptance of the SRt2 selections to the color-neutral simplified model samples with scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 24
Acceptance of the SRt1 selections to the color-neutral simplified model samples with scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 24
Efficiency of the SRt2 selections to the color-neutral simplified model samples with scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 24
Efficiency of the SRt1 selections to the color-neutral simplified model samples with scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 25
Acceptance of the SRt2 selections to the color-neutral simplified model samples with pseudo-scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 25
Acceptance of the SRt1 selections to the color-neutral simplified model samples with pseudo-scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 25
Efficiency of the SRt2 selections to the color-neutral simplified model samples with pseudo-scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 25
Efficiency of the SRt1 selections to the color-neutral simplified model samples with pseudo-scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 26
Acceptance of the SRt3 selections to the color-neutral simplified model samples with scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 26
Efficiency of the SRt3 selections to the color-neutral simplified model samples with scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 27
Acceptance of the SRt3 selections to the color-neutral simplified model samples with pseudo-scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 27
Efficiency of the SRt3 selections to the color-neutral simplified model samples with pseudo-scalar mediator decaying into dark matter pairs produced...
Data from Table 28
Number of signal events selected at different stages of the SRb1 selections for the $b$-FDM benchmark model $m(\phi_b,\chi)=(1000,35)$GeV
Data from Table 29
Number of signal events selected at different stages of the SRb2 selections for the $b\bar{b} +\phi$ benchmark model $m(\phi,\chi)=(20,1)$GeV, $g=1$.
Data from Table 30
Number of signal events selected at different stages of the SRt1 selections for the $t \bar{t} +\phi$ benchmark model $m(\phi,\chi)=(20,1)$GeV,...
Data from Table 31
Number of signal events selected at different stages of the SRt2 selections for the $t \bar{t} +\phi$ benchmark model $m(\phi,\chi)=(20,1)$GeV,...
Data from Table 32
Number of signal events selected at different stages of the SRt1 selections for the $t \bar{t} +a$ benchmark model $m(a,\chi)=(20,1)$GeV,...
Data from Table 33
Number of signal events selected at different stages of the SRt2 selections for the $t \bar{t} +a$ benchmark model $m(\phi,\chi)=(20,1)$GeV,...
Data from Table 34
Number of signal events selected at different stages of the SRt3 selections for the $t \bar{t} +\phi$ benchmark model $m(\phi,\chi)=(20,1)$GeV,...
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