Measurements of inclusive and differential fiducial cross-sections of $t\bar{t}\gamma$ production in leptonic final states at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV in ATLAS

The ATLAS collaboration
Eur.Phys.J.C 79 (2019) 382, 2019.

Abstract (data abstract)
CERN-LHC-ATLAS. Measurements of the inclusive and differential fiducial cross-sections for ttbar+photon production using leptonic channels in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with 36.1 fb^-1 of data collected in 2015 and 2016. The fiducial region for single lepton channel is defined as: - Exactly 1 electron or muon, which has pT > 25 GeV and |eta| < 2.5. - Exactly 1 photon, which has pT > 20 GeV and |eta| < 2.37. - At least 4 jets, which have pT > 25 GeV and |eta| < 2.5. - At least 1 b-jet - The deltaR between the lepton and the photon is larger than 1.0. The fiducial region for dilepton channel is defined as: - Exactly 2 leptons, where lepton can be electron or muon, which have pT > 25 GeV and |eta| < 2.5. - Exactly 1 photon, which has pT > 20 GeV and |eta| < 2.37. - At least 2 jets, which have pT > 25 GeV and |eta| < 2.5. - At least 1 b-jet - The minimum deltaR between the leptons and the photon is larger than 1.0.

  • Table 1

    Data from Page 22 of preprint


    The measured fiducial cross section in the single lepton channel. The first uncertainty is the statistical uncertainty and the second...

  • Table 2

    Data from Page 22 of preprint


    The measured fiducial cross section in the dilepton channel. The first uncertainty is the statistical uncertainty and the second one...

  • Table 3

    Data from Figure 9A


    The measured normalized differential cross section as a function of the photon pT in the single lepton channel. The uncertainty...

  • Table 4

    Data from Figure 9B


    The measured normalized differential cross section as a function of the photon $|\eta|$ in the single lepton channel. The uncertainty...

  • Table 5

    Data from Figure 9C


    The measured normalized differential cross section as a function of the $\Delta R$ between the photon and the lepton in...

  • Table 6

    Data from Figure 10A


    The measured normalized differential cross section as a function of the photon pT in the dilepton channel. The uncertainty is...

  • Table 7

    Data from Figure 10B


    The measured normalized differential cross section as a function of the photon $|\eta|$ in the dilepton channel. The uncertainty is...

  • Table 8

    Data from Figure 10C


    The measured normalized differential cross section as a function of minimum $\Delta R) between the photon and the leptons in...

  • Table 9

    Data from Figure 10D


    The measured normalized differential cross section as a function of $|\Delta\eta|$ between the two leptons in the dilepton channel. The...

  • Table 10

    Data from Figure 10E


    The measured normalized differential cross section as a function of $\Delta\phi$ between the two leptons in the dilepton channel. The...

  • Table 11

    Data from auxiliary Table 1


    The total correlation matrix of the measured normalized differential cross section as a function of the photon pT in the...

  • Table 12

    Data from auxiliary Table 2


    The total correlation matrix of the measured normalized differential cross section as a function of the photon $|\eta|$ in the...

  • Table 13

    Data from auxiliary Table 3


    The total correlation matrix of the measured normalized differential cross section as a function of the $\Delta R$ between the...

  • Table 14

    Data from auxiliary Table 4


    The total correlation matrix of the measured normalized differential cross section as a function of the photon pT in the...

  • Table 15

    Data from auxiliary Table 5


    The total correlation matrix of the measured normalized differential cross section as a function of the photon $|\eta|$ in the...

  • Table 16

    Data from auxiliary Table 6


    The total correlation matrix of the measured normalized differential cross section as a function of the minimum $\Delta R$ between...

  • Table 17

    Data from auxiliary Table 7


    The total correlation matrix of the measured normalized differential cross section as a function of the $|\Delta\eta|$ between the two...

  • Table 18

    Data from Table 6


    The total correlation matrix of the measured normalized differential cross section as a function of the $\Delta\phi$ between the two...

  • Table 19

    Data from auxiliary Figure 9


    The statistical correlation matrix of all the measured normalized differential cross sections in the single lepton channel.

  • Table 20

    Data from auxiliary Figure 10


    The statistical correlation matrix of all the measured normalized differential cross sections in the dilepton channel.

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