Measurement of electroweak WZ boson production and search for new physics in WZ $+$ two jets events in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV

The CMS collaboration
Phys.Lett.B 795 (2019) 281-307, 2019.

Abstract (data abstract)
CERN-LHC. Measurement of electroweak WZ boson production and search for new physics in WZ + two jets events in pp collisions at sqrt(s)= 13 TeV. The final states used are 3 charged electrons or muons, MET and 2 jets. Selection for WZ, EWK WZ (loose and tight regions) and aQGC regions: - 3e, 2e 1mu, 2mu 1e, or 3mu - kinematic selection - Ambiguities in pairing are resolved by choosing the combination that results in the smallest value of the sum |mll - mZ| for one of the two pairs, where mll is the mass of the dilepton system and mZ = 91.2 GeV. - ptLepton > 25 (15) GeV for the two leptons consistent with being from a Z boson - ptLepton > 20 for the lepton consistent with being from a W boson - |etaLepton| < 2.5 (2.4) for electrons (muons) - Z: At least one opposite charge same flavor lepton pair is required to have invariant mass within 15 GeV of mZ = 91.2 GeV - Z: Three charged lepton mass m3l > 100 GeV - W: pTmiss > 30 GeV - All chareged lepton pairs required to have mll > 4 GeV - pTjet > 30 GeV, 2 jets required - |etaJ| < 4.7 - mjj > 500 GeV - |deltaetajj| > 2.5 - min(DeltaR(l,j)) > 0.4 - min(DeltaR(l,l)) > 0.02 and electrons from muons by min(DeltaR(l,l)) > 0.05. - non Kinematic selection: non applied as part of loose and tight fiducial region selections - The tranverse distance of clossest approach between each lepton candidate and the event vertex is required ot be less than 0.05 cm electrons barrel, 0.10 electrons endcap, 0.02 muons - The logitudinal distace of clossest approach between each lepton candidate and the event vertex is required ot be less than 0.1 cm electrons barrel, 0.2 electrons endcap, 0.1 muons - Riso defined as the sum of charged hadron, neutral hadron, photon pT minus pile up contributions over pTLepton in a cone of deltaR < 0.3 (electrons) < 0.4 (muons) is requred to be less than 0.036 electrons barrel, 0.096 electrons endcap and 0.15 muons - events with b jets are vetored - events with additional letpons with pt > 10 GeV are votoed The Fiducial loose selection (note many selections above are considered part of the efficiency for the loose and tight fidicial region selections: - See Table 1 - ptl > 20(20) for letpons from the Z boson: looser/tighter than selection above - |etamuon| < 2.5: looser than selection above and equal to electron value - no pTmiss selection: looser than selection above - other kinematic selection as above - non kinematic selection not applied as part of fidicial region definition The Fiducial tight selection (note many selections above are considered part of the efficiency for the loose and tight fidicial region selections: - See Table 1 - ptl > 25(15) for letpons from the Z boson: tighter/losser than selection above - |etamuon| < 2.5: looser than selection above and equal to electron value - no pTmiss selection: looser than selection above - ptjet> 50: tighter than selection above - Zepenfield variable, |eta3l-(etaj1+etaj2)/2| < 2.5 - other kinematic selection as above - non kinematic selection not applied as part of fidicial region definition EWK and aTGC search region: Not used to define fiducial regions, additinal selection result in an extrapolation to the fiducial region. Closest to tigh region - See Table 1 - ptl > 25(15) for letpons from the Z boson: tighter/losser than selection above, same as tight fiducial - |etamuon| < 2.5: looser than selection above and equal to electron value - pTmiss > 30 GeV - ptjet> 50: tighter than selection above, same as tight region - Zepenfield variable, |eta3l-(etaj1+etaj2)/2| < 2.5, same as tight region - Other kinematic and non kinematic seleciton as in main selection

  • Table 1

    Data from page 11


    The measured WZ cross section in the tight EWK fiducial region.

  • Table 2

    Data from page 11


    The measured WZ cross section in the loose EWK fiducial region.

  • Table 3

    Data from page 11


    The measured EWK WZ scale factor (mu) in the tight EWK fiducial region. The uncertainty is the combined stastical uncertianty...

  • Table 4

    Data from page 11


    The theoretical EWK WZ cross section in the tight EWK fiducial region. Can be multiplied by the measured EWK WZ...

  • Table 5

    Data from Table 4


    aQGC limits on effective field theory parameters in EWK WZ events

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