Search for direct stau production in events with two hadronic $\tau$-leptons in $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration
Phys.Rev.D 101 (2020) 032009, 2020.

Abstract (data abstract)
A search for the direct production of the supersymmetric partners of tau leptons (staus) in final states with two hadronically decaying $\tau$ leptons is presented. The analysis uses a dataset of $pp$ collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 $fb^{-1}$, recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. No significant deviation from the expected Standard Model background is observed. Limits are derived in scenarios of direct production of stau pairs with each stau decaying into the stable lightest neutralino and one $\tau$-lepton in simplified models where the two stau mass eigenstates are degenerate. Stau masses from 120 GeV to 390 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence level for a massless lightest neutralino.

  • X-section U.L 1

    Tabulated data from the publication's auxiliary material Figure 1(a)


    The observed upper limits on the model cross-section in units of pb for simplified models with combined ${\tilde{\tau}}^{+}_{R,L} {\tilde{\tau}}^{-}_{R,L}$ production....

  • X-section U.L 2

    Tabulated data from the publication's auxiliary material Figure 1(b)


    The observed upper limits on the model cross-section in units of pb for simplified models with ${\tilde{\tau}}_L {\tilde{\tau}}_L$ only production....

  • Exclusion contour 1 (Obs.)

    Tabulated data from the publication's Figure 7(a)


    The observed 95\% CL exclusion contours for the combined fit of SR-lowMass and SR-highMass for simplified models with combined ${\tilde{\tau}}^{+}_{R,L}...

  • Exclusion contour 1 (Exp.)

    Tabulated data from the publication's Figure 7(a)


    The expected 95% CL exclusion contours for the combined fit of SR-lowMass and SR-highMass for simplified models with combined ${\tilde{\tau}}^{+}_{R,L}...

  • Exclusion contour 2 (Obs.)

    Tabulated data from the publication's Figure 7(b)


    The observed 95% CL exclusion contours for the combined fit of SR-lowMass and SR-highMass for simplified models with ${\tilde{\tau}}_L {\tilde{\tau}}_L$...

  • Exclusion contour 2 (Exp.)

    Tabulated data from the publication's Figure 7(b)


    The expected 95% CL exclusion contours for the combined fit of SR-lowMass and SR-highMass for simplified models with ${\tilde{\tau}}_L {\tilde{\tau}}_L$...

  • Exclusion contour aux 1 (Obs.)

    Tabulated data from the publication's auxiliary material Figure 2(a)


    Observed 95% CL exclusion limits for simplified models with direct stau pair production in SR-lowMass.

  • Exclusion contour aux 1 (Exp.)

    Tabulated data from the publication's auxiliary material Figure 2(a)


    Expected 95% CL exclusion limits for simplified models with direct stau pair production in SR-lowMass.

  • Exclusion contour aux 2 (Obs.)

    Tabulated data from the publication's auxiliary material Figure 2(b)


    Observed 95% CL exclusion limits for simplified models with direct stau pair production in SR-highMass.

  • Exclusion contour aux 2 (Exp.)

    Tabulated data from the publication's auxiliary material Figure 2(b)


    Expected 95% CL exclusion limits for simplified models with direct stau pair production in SR-highMass.

  • Acc_table_SRhigh

    Tabulated data from the publication's auxiliary material Figure 3(b)


    Signal acceptance in SR highMass for combined stau final states

  • Acc_table_SRlow

    Tabulated data from the publication's auxiliary material Figure 3(a)


    Signal acceptance in SR lowMass for combined stau final states

  • Eff_table_SRhigh

    Tabulated data from the publication's auxiliary material Figure 3(d)


    Signal efficiency in SR highMass for combined stau final states

  • Eff_table_SRlow

    Tabulated data from the publication's auxiliary material Figure 3(c)


    Signal efficiency in SR lowMass for combined stau final states

  • Eff_Acc_table_SRhigh

    Tabulated data from the publication's auxiliary material Figure 3(f)


    Signal acceptance*efficiency in SR highMass for combined stau final states

  • Eff_Acc_table_SRlow

    Tabulated data from the publication's auxiliary material Figure 3(e)


    Signal acceptance*efficiency in SR lowMass for combined stau final states

  • Cutflow for Direct Stau

    Tabulated data from the publication's auxiliary material Table 1


    Cutflow for two reference points (${\tilde{\tau}}^{+}_{R,L} {\tilde{\tau}}^{-}_{R,L}$ production) in SR. The column labelled $N_{weighted}$ shows the results including all correction...

  • Background only fit in all relevant region for Direct Stau

    Tabulated data from the publication's auxiliary material Table 2


    Observed and expected numbers of events in the control and signal regions where all control and signal region bins are...

  • SR-lowMass distribution

    Tabulated data from the publication's Figure 6(a)


    The post-fit $m_{T2}$ distribution for SR-lowMass. The stacked histograms show the expected SM backgrounds. The multi-jet contribution is estimated from...

  • SR-highMass distribution

    Tabulated data from the publication's Figure 6(b)


    The post-fit $m_{T2}$ distribution for SR-highMass. The stacked histograms show the expected SM backgrounds. The multi-jet contribution is estimated from...

  • ABCD-lowMass MT2 distribution

    Tabulated data from the publication's Figure 3(a)


    The $m_{T2}$ post-fit distributions in the multi-jet background validation region VR-F (lowMass). The stacked histograms show the contribution of each...

  • ABCD-highMass MT2 distribution

    Tabulated data from the publication's Figure 3(b)


    The $m_{T2}$ post-fit distributions in the multi-jet background validation VR-F (highMass). The stacked histograms show the contribution of each relevant...

  • ABCD-lowMass MET distribution

    Tabulated data from the publication's Figure 3(c)


    The $E_{T}^{miss}$ post-fit distributions in the multi-jet background validation region VR-F (lowMass). The stacked histograms show the contribution of each...

  • ABCD-highMass MET distribution

    Tabulated data from the publication's Figure 3(d)


    The $E_{T}^{miss}$ post-fit distributions in the multi-jet background validation region VR-F (highMass). The stacked histograms show the contribution of each...

  • WCR MT2 distribution

    Tabulated data from the publication's Figure 4


    The pre-fit $m_{T2}$ distribution in the $WCR$. The SM backgrounds other than multi-jet production are estimated from MC simulation. The...

  • Validation region event yields

    Tabulated data from the publication's Figure 5


    The post-fit yields in the $WVR$, $TVRs$, $ZVRs$ and $VVVRs$. The SM backgrounds other than multi-jet production are estimated from...

Version 2 modifications: Replacing signal patch files with a single (per grid) patch-set file for likelihoods. No change in actual information stored, neither in likelihoods nor in other materials.

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