Table 1
Data from Table 1
Selected signal candidate events in data for both decay channels as well as the expected background contributions including their total...
Data from Table 1
Selected signal candidate events in data for both decay channels as well as the expected background contributions including their total...
Data from Table 2
Overview of the detector efficiency correction factors, $C_{Z}$ , for the electron and muon channels and their systematic uncertainty contributions.
Data from table 3
Measured inclusive cross-section in the fiducial volume in the electron and muon decay channels at Born level and their combination...
Data from table 4
The measured combined normalized differential cross-sections, divided by the bin-width, in the fiducial volume at Born level as well as...
Data from table 4
The measured combined normalized differential cross-sections, divided by the bin-width, in the fiducial volume at Born level as well as...
Data from auxiliary tables - Table 1
Results of the normalized differential cross-section $1/\sigma_\mathrm{fid}\times \mathrm{d}\sigma_\mathrm{fid}/\mathrm{d}p_{T}^{ll}$ measured on born level for the $Z\rightarrow\mu\mu$ decay channel. The following naming...
Data from auxiliary tables - Table 2
Results of the normalized differential cross-section $1/\sigma_\mathrm{fid}\times \mathrm{d}\sigma_\mathrm{fid}/\mathrm{d}\phi_{\eta}^{*}$ measured on born level for the $Z\rightarrow\mu\mu$ decay channel. The following naming...
Data from auxiliary tables - Table 3
Results of the normalized differential cross-section $1/\sigma_\mathrm{fid}\times \mathrm{d}\sigma_\mathrm{fid}/\mathrm{d}p_{T}^{ll}$ measured on born level for the $Z\rightarrow ee$ decay channel. The following...
Data from auxiliary tables - Table 4
Results of the normalized differential cross-section $1/\sigma_\mathrm{fid} \times \mathrm{d}\sigma_\mathrm{fid}/\mathrm{d}\phi_{\eta}^{*}$ measured on born level for the $Z\rightarrow ee$ decay channel. The...
Data from auxiliary tables - Table 5
Results of the normalized differential cross-section $1/\sigma_\mathrm{fid} \times \mathrm{d}\sigma_\mathrm{fid}/\mathrm{d}p_{T}^{ll}$ measured on bare level for the $Z\rightarrow\mu\mu$ decay channel. The following...
Data from auxiliary tables - Table 6
Results of the normalized differential cross-section $1/\sigma_\mathrm{fid} \times \mathrm{d}\sigma_\mathrm{fid}/\mathrm{d}\phi_{\eta}^{*}$ measured on bare level for the $Z\rightarrow\mu\mu$ decay channel. The following...
Data from auxiliary tables - Table 7
Measured combined normalized differential cross-section in the fiducial volume at Born level as well as a factor $k_{dressed}$ to translate...
Data from auxiliary tables - Table 7
Measured combined normalized differential cross-section in the fiducial volume at Born level as well as a factor $k_{dressed}$ to translate...
Tabulated results from Figure 1
The distribution of events passing the selection requirements in the electron channel as a function of dilepton invariant mass $m_{ll}$...
Tabulated results from Figure 1
The distribution of events passing the selection requirements in the muon channel as a function of dilepton invariant mass $m_{ll}$,...
Tabulated results from Figure 1
The distribution of events passing the selection requirements in the electron channel as a function of lepton pseudorapidity $\eta$, the...
Tabulated results from Figure 1
The distribution of events passing the selection requirements in the muon channel as a function of lepton pseudorapidity $\eta$, the...
Tabulated results from Figure 2
The distribution of events passing the selection requirements in the electron channel as a function of dilepton transverse momentum. The...
Tabulated results from Figure 2
The distribution of events passing the selection requirements in the muon channel as a function of dilepton transverse momentum. The...
Tabulated results from Figure 2
The distribution of events passing the selection requirements in the electron channel as a function of $\phi_{\eta}^{*}$. The MC signal...
Tabulated results from Figure 2
The distribution of events passing the selection requirements in the muon channel as a function of $\phi_{\eta}^{*}$. The MC signal...
Tabulated results from Figure 4
The measured normalized cross section as a function of $p_{ll}$ for the electron and muon channels and the combined result...
Tabulated results from Figure 4
The measured normalized cross section as a function of $\phi_{\eta}^{*}$ for the electron and muon channels and the combined result...
Tabulated results from Figure 5
Comparison of the normalized $p_{ll}$ distributions predicted by different computations: Pythia8 with the AZ tune, Powheg+Pythia8 with the AZNLO tune,...
Tabulated results from Figure 5
Comparison of the normalized $\phi_{\eta}^{*}$ distributions predicted by different computations: Pythia8 with the AZ tune, Powheg+Pythia8 with the AZNLO tune,...
Tabulated results from Figure 6
Comparison of the normalized $p_{ll}$ distribution in the range $p_{ll}$ > 10 GeV. The Born level combined measurement is compared...
Data from table 4
The measured combined normalized differential cross-sections, divided by the bin-width, in the fiducial volume at dressed level.
Data from table 4
The measured combined normalized differential cross-sections, divided by the bin-width, in the fiducial volume at dressed level.
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