Table 1
Figure 2 (a)
Post-fit BDT distributions after the VBF event selection for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ SF analysis channel. The VBF signal is shown for...
Figure 2 (a)
Post-fit BDT distributions after the VBF event selection for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ SF analysis channel. The VBF signal is shown for...
Figure 2 (b)
Post-fit BDT distributions after the VBF event selection for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ DF analysis channel. The VBF signal is shown for...
Figure 2 (c)
Post-fit BDT distributions after the VBF event selection for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{had}}$ analysis channel. The VBF signal is shown for $\mu...
Figure 2 (d)
Post-fit BDT distributions after the VBF event selection for the $\tau_{\mathrm{had}}\tau_{\mathrm{had}}$ analysis channel. The VBF signal is shown for $\mu...
Figure 3 (a)
Post-fit $m_{\tau\tau}^{\mathrm{MMC}}$ distributions in the low BDT score CR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ SF analysis channel. ''Other bkg'' denotes all background...
Figure 3 (b)
Post-fit $m_{\tau\tau}^{\mathrm{MMC}}$ distributions in the low BDT score CR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ DF analysis channel. ''Other bkg'' denotes all background...
Figure 3 (c)
Post-fit $m_{\tau\tau}^{\mathrm{MMC}}$ distributions in the low BDT score CR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{had}}$ analysis channel. ''Other bkg'' denotes all background contributions...
Figure 3 (d)
Post-fit $m_{\tau\tau}^{\mathrm{MMC}}$ distributions in the low BDT score CR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{had}}\tau_{\mathrm{had}}$ analysis channel. ''Other bkg'' denotes all background contributions...
Figure 4 (a)
Post-fit Optimal Observable distributions in the low BDT score CR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ SF analysis channel. ''Other bkg'' denotes all...
Figure 4 (b)
Post-fit Optimal Observable distributions in the low BDT score CR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ DF analysis channel. ''Other bkg'' denotes all...
Figure 4 (c)
Post-fit Optimal Observable distributions in the low BDT score CR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{had}}$ analysis channel. ''Other bkg'' denotes all background...
Figure 4 (d)
Post-fit Optimal Observable distributions in the low BDT score CR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{had}}\tau_{\mathrm{had}}$ analysis channel. ''Other bkg'' denotes all background...
Figure 5 (a)
Post-fit distributions of the event yields as a function of the Optimal Observable in the SR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ SF...
Figure 5 (b)
Post-fit distributions of the event yields as a function of the Optimal Observable in the SR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ DF...
Figure 5 (c)
Post-fit distributions of the event yields as a function of the Optimal Observable in the SR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{had}}$ analysis...
Figure 5 (d)
Post-fit distributions of the event yields as a function of the Optimal Observable in the SR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{had}}\tau_{\mathrm{had}}$ analysis...
Figure 6 (a)
The observed $\Delta\mathrm{NLL}$ curve as a function of $\tilde d$ values. For comparison, expected $\Delta\mathrm{NLL}$ curves are also shown. The...
Figure 6 (b)
The expected $\Delta\mathrm{NLL}$ curves comparing the sensitivity of the fit with and without systematic uncertainties. For comparison, other curves are...
Figure 6 (c)
The observed $\Delta\mathrm{NLL}$ curves for each analysis channel as a function of $\tilde d$, compared to the combined result. For...
Figure 7 (a)
Post-fit BDT distributions in the top-quark CR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ SF channel. The size of the combined statistical, experimental, and...
Figure 7 (b)
Post-fit BDT distributions in the top-quark CR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ DF channel. The size of the combined statistical, experimental, and...
Figure 7 (c)
Post-fit BDT distributions in the $Z\to \ell\ell$ CR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ SF analysis channel. The size of the combined statistical,...
Figure 8 (a)
Post-fit Optimal Observable distributions in the top-quark CR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ SF channel. The size of the combined statistical, experimental,...
Figure 8 (b)
Post-fit Optimal Observable distributions in the top-quark CR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ DF channel. The size of the combined statistical, experimental,...
Figure 8 (c)
Post-fit Optimal Observable distributions in the $Z\to \ell\ell$ CR for the $\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}\tau_{\mathrm{lep}}$ SF analysis channel. The size of the combined...
Figure 9
Post-fit distribution of weighted event yields as a function of the Optimal Observable for all four SRs combined. The contributions...
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