$\Upsilon$ production and nuclear modification at forward rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at $\mathbf{\sqrt{\textit{s}_{\textbf{NN}}}=5.02}$ TeV

The ALICE collaboration
Phys.Lett.B 822 (2021) 136579, 2021.

Abstract (data abstract)
CERN-LHC. The production of $\Upsilon$ mesons in Pb–Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ = 5.02 TeV is measured with the muon spectrometer of ALICE at the LHC. The yields as well as the nuclear modification factors are determined in the forward rapidity region 2.5 $<y<$ 4.0, as a function of rapidity, transverse momentum and collision centrality. The cross sections in proton–proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 5.02 TeV used for the determination of the nuclear modification factors are also reported.

  • Table 1

    Data from Figure 3 (left)


    Rapidity-differential yield of $\Upsilon(1\mathrm{S}) \rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ divided by the average nuclear overlap function $\langle T_{\mathrm{AA}} \rangle$ for the 0–90% centrality...

  • Table 2

    Data from Figure 3 (left)


    Rapidity-differential yield of $\Upsilon(2\mathrm{S}) \rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ divided by the average nuclear overlap function $\langle T_{\mathrm{AA}} \rangle$ for the 0–90% centrality...

  • Table 3

    Data from Figure 3 (right)


    $p_{\mathrm{T}}$-differential yield of $\Upsilon(1\mathrm{S}) \rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ divided by the average nuclear overlap function $\langle T_{\mathrm{AA}} \rangle$ for the 0–90% centrality...

  • Table 4

    Data from Figure 4


    Nuclear modification factor of $\Upsilon(1\mathrm{S})$ as a function of the average number of participants $\langle N_{\mathrm{part}} \rangle$ or as a...

  • Table 5

    Data from Figure 4


    Nuclear modification factor of $\Upsilon(2\mathrm{S})$ as a function of the average number of participants $\langle N_{\mathrm{part}} \rangle$ or as a...

  • Table 6

    Data from Figure 5 (left)


    Ratio of $\Upsilon(2\mathrm{S})$ and $\Upsilon(1\mathrm{S})$ yields (cf. equation 2 in the article for the definition) as a function of the...

  • Table 7

    Data from Figure 5 (right)


    Relative nuclear modification factor or double yield ratio between $\Upsilon(2\mathrm{S})$ and $\Upsilon(1\mathrm{S})$ as a function of the average number of...

  • Table 8

    Data from Figure 6


    Nuclear modification factor of $\Upsilon(1\mathrm{S})$ as a function of transverse momentum for the 0–90% centrality interval.

  • Table 9

    Data from Figure 7


    Nuclear modification factor of $\Upsilon(1\mathrm{S})$ as a function of rapidity for the 0–90% centrality interval.

  • Table 10

    Data from Figure 7


    Nuclear modification factor of $\Upsilon(2\mathrm{S})$ as a function of rapidity for the 0–90% centrality interval.

  • Table 11

    Data for nuclear modification factors


    Interpolated production cross sections and cross-section ratio for $\Upsilon(1\mathrm{S}) \rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ and $\Upsilon(2\mathrm{S}) \rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ in proton–proton collisions, integrated over...

  • Table 12

    Data for nuclear modification factors


    Interpolated $p_{\mathrm{T}}$-differential cross section for $\Upsilon(1\mathrm{S}) \rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ in proton–proton collisions. Results used for the determination of the nuclear modification...

  • Table 13

    Data for nuclear modification factors


    Interpolated rapidity-differential cross section for $\Upsilon(1\mathrm{S}) \rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ in proton–proton collisions. Results used for the determination of the nuclear modification...

  • Table 14

    Data for nuclear modification factors


    Interpolated rapidity-differential cross section for $\Upsilon(2\mathrm{S}) \rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ in proton–proton collisions. Results used for the determination of the nuclear modification...

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