Table 1
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Data and SM predictions from Figure 2a.
The measured $p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{recoil}}$ distributions in the $W \rightarrow \mu \nu $ control region, compared with the background predictions as estimated...
Data and SM predictions from Figure 2b.
The measured $p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{recoil}}$ distributions in the $W \rightarrow e \nu$ control region, compared with the background predictions as estimated after...
Data and SM predictions from Figure 2c.
The measured $p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{recoil}}$ distributions in the top control region, compared with the background predictions as estimated after the simultaneous, binned...
Data and SM predictions from Figure 3a.
The measured $p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{recoil}}$ distributions in the $Z\rightarrow\mu\mu$ control region, compared with the background predictions as estimated after the simultaneous, binned...
Data and SM predictions from Figure 3b.
The measured $p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{recoil}}$ distributions in the $Z\rightarrow ee$ control region, compared with the background predictions as estimated after the simultaneous,...
Data and SM predictions from Figure 4.
The measured $p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{recoil}}$ distributions in the signal region, compared with the background predictions as estimated after the simultaneous, binned background-only...
Observed contour from Figure 5a.
Observed exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{A}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the axial-vector mediator model.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ up observed contour from Figure 5a.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ up observed exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{A}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the axial-vector mediator model.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ down observed contour from Figure 5a.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ down observed exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{A}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the axial-vector mediator model.
Expected contour from Figure 5a.
Expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{A}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the axial-vector mediator model.
1 $\sigma$ up expected contour from Figure 5a.
1 $\sigma$ up expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{A}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the axial-vector mediator model.
1 $\sigma$ down expected contour from Figure 5a.
1 $\sigma$ down expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{A}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the axial-vector mediator model.
2 $\sigma$ up expected contour from Figure 5a.
2 $\sigma$ up expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{A}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the axial-vector mediator model.
2 $\sigma$ down expected contour from Figure 5a.
2 $\sigma$ down expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{A}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the axial-vector mediator model.
Observed contour from Figure 5b.
Observed exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{P}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the pseudo-scalar mediator model.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ up observed contour from Figure 5b.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ up observed exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{P}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the pseudo-scalar mediator model.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ down observed contour from Figure 5b.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ down observed exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{P}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the pseudo-scalar mediator model.
Expected contour from Figure 5b.
Expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{P}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the pseudo-scalar mediator model.
1 $\sigma$ up expected contour from Figure 5b.
1 $\sigma$ up expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{P}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the pseudo-scalar mediator model.
1 $\sigma$ down expected contour from Figure 5b.
1 $\sigma$ down expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{P}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the pseudo-scalar mediator model.
2 $\sigma$ up expected contour from Figure 5b.
2 $\sigma$ up expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{P}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the pseudo-scalar mediator model.
2 $\sigma$ down expected contour from Figure 5b.
2 $\sigma$ down expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{P}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the pseudo-scalar mediator model.
Observed contour from Figure 6a.
A comparison of the inferred limits with the constraints from direct-detection experiments on the spin-dependent WIMP-neutron and WIMP-proton scattering cross...
Observed contour from Figure 7a.
Observed excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to c + \tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$...
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ up observed contour from Figure 7a.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ up observed excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to...
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ down observed contour from Figure 7a.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ down observed excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to...
Expected contour from Figure 7a.
Expected excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to c + \tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$...
1 $\sigma$ up expected contour from Figure 7a.
1 $\sigma$ up expected excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to...
1 $\sigma$ down expected contour from Figure 7a.
1 $\sigma$ down expected excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to...
2 $\sigma$ up expected contour from Figure 7a.
2 $\sigma$ up expected excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to...
2 $\sigma$ down expected contour from Figure 7a.
2 $\sigma$ down expected excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to...
Observed contour from Figure 7b.
Observed excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to b + ff^{'}...
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ up observed contour from Figure 7b.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ up observed excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to...
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ down observed contour from Figure 7b.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ down observed excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to...
Expected contour from Figure 7b.
Expected excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to b + ff^{'}...
1 $\sigma$ up expected contour from Figure 7b.
1 $\sigma$ up expected excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to...
1 $\sigma$ down expected contour from Figure 7b.
1 $\sigma$ down expected excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to...
2 $\sigma$ up expected contour from Figure 7b.
2 $\sigma$ up expected excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to...
2 $\sigma$ down expected contour from Figure 7b.
2 $\sigma$ down expected excluded regions at the 95% CL in the ($\tilde{t}_1,\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$)mass plane for the decay channel $\tilde{t}_1 \to...
Observed contour from Figure 8a.
Observed exclusion plane at 95% CL as a function of sbottom and neutralino masses for the decay channel $\tilde{b}_1 \to...
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ up observed contour from Figure 8a.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ up observed exclusion plane at 95% CL as a function of sbottom and neutralino masses for the decay...
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ down observed contour from Figure 8a.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ down observed exclusion plane at 95% CL as a function of sbottom and neutralino masses for the decay...
Expected contour from Figure 8a.
Expected exclusion plane at 95% CL as a function of sbottom and neutralino masses for the decay channel $\tilde{b}_1 \to...
1 $\sigma$ up expected contour from Figure 8a.
1 $\sigma$ up expected exclusion plane at 95% CL as a function of sbottom and neutralino masses for the decay...
1 $\sigma$ down expected contour from Figure 8a.
1 $\sigma$ down expected exclusion plane at 95% CL as a function of sbottom and neutralino masses for the decay...
2 $\sigma$ up expected contour from Figure 8a.
2 $\sigma$ up expected exclusion plane at 95% CL as a function of sbottom and neutralino masses for the decay...
2 $\sigma$ down expected contour from Figure 8a.
2 $\sigma$ down expected exclusion plane at 95% CL as a function of sbottom and neutralino masses for the decay...
Observed contour from Figure 8b.
Observed exclusion region at 95$\%$ CL as a function of squark mass and the squark--neutralino massdifference for $\tilde{q} \to q...
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ up observed contour from Figure 8b.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ up observed exclusion region at 95$\%$ CL as a function of squark mass and the squark--neutralino massdifference for...
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ down observed contour from Figure 8b.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ down observed exclusion region at 95$\%$ CL as a function of squark mass and the squark--neutralino massdifference for...
Expected contour from Figure 8b.
Expected exclusion region at 95$\%$ CL as a function of squark mass and the squark--neutralino massdifference for $\tilde{q} \to q...
1 $\sigma$ up expected contour from Figure 8b.
1 $\sigma$ up expected exclusion region at 95$\%$ CL as a function of squark mass and the squark--neutralino massdifference for...
1 $\sigma$ down expected contour from Figure 8b.
1 $\sigma$ down expected exclusion region at 95$\%$ CL as a function of squark mass and the squark--neutralino massdifference for...
2 $\sigma$ up expected contour from Figure 8b.
2 $\sigma$ up expected exclusion region at 95$\%$ CL as a function of squark mass and the squark--neutralino massdifference for...
2 $\sigma$ down expected contour from Figure 8b.
2 $\sigma$ down expected exclusion region at 95$\%$ CL as a function of squark mass and the squark--neutralino massdifference for...
Observed and expectd contours from Figure 9.
Observed and expected exclusions at $95\%$ CL on the Horndeski dark-energy model for $m_{\phi}=0.1$ GeV and $c_{i\neq 2}=0$, $c_{2}=1$, expressed...
Observed and expectd contours from Figure 10.
$95\%$ CL observed and expected lower limits on the fundamental Planck scale in $4+n$ dimensions, $M_D$, as a function of...
Observed and expectd contours from Figure 10.
Observed and expected 95$\%$ CL upper limits on the coupling $c_{\stackrel{\sim}{\smash{G}}}$ as a function of the effective scale $f_a$ for...
Observed contour from Aux Figure 6.
Observed exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{V}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the vector mediator model.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ up observed contour from Aux Figure 6.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ up observed exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{V}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the vector mediator model.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ down observed contour from Aux Figure 6.
1 $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}}^{\mathrm{PDF+scale}}$ down observed exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{V}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the vector mediator model.
Expected contour from Aux Figure 6.
Expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{V}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the vector mediator model.
1 $\sigma$ up expected contour from Aux Figure 6.
1 $\sigma$ up expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{V}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the vector mediator model.
1 $\sigma$ down expected contour from Aux Figure 6.
1 $\sigma$ down expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{V}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the vector mediator model.
2 $\sigma$ up expected contour from Aux Figure 6.
2 $\sigma$ up expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{V}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the vector mediator model.
2 $\sigma$ down expected contour from Aux Figure 6.
2 $\sigma$ down expected exclusion contour at 95% CL in the $m_{Z_{V}}-m_\chi$ parameter plane for the vector mediator model.
Observed contour from Aux Figure 7.
A comparison of the inferred limits with the constraints from direct-detection experiments on the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon scattering cross section as...
Observed contour from Aux Figure 8.
Inferred 95% CL limits on the WIMP annihilation rate as a function of WIMP mass, for the pseudoscalar mediator model....
Supplemental data for Figure 5a.
95% CL upper limits on the cross-section $\sigma$ in the $m_{Z_A}-m_{\chi}$ parameter plane for the axial-vector mediator model.
Supplemental data for Figure 5b.
95% CL upper limits on the cross-section $\sigma$ in the $m_{Z_P}-m_{\chi}$ parameter plane for the pseudo-scalar mediator model.
Impact of the systematic uncertainties from Aux Table 1.
Contribution to the total SR background uncertainty in exclusive bins of the SR, as obtained from the CR-only fit. In...
Data and background predictions in EM0 from Aux Table 2
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the exclusive SR bin...
Data and background predictions in EM1 from Aux Table 3
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the exclusive SR bin...
Data and background predictions in EM2 from Aux Table 4
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the exclusive SR bin...
Data and background predictions in EM3 from Aux Table 5
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the exclusive SR bin...
Data and background predictions in EM4 from Aux Table 6
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the exclusive SR bin...
Data and background predictions in EM5 from Aux Table 7
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the exclusive SR bin...
Data and background predictions in EM6 from Aux Table 8
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the exclusive SR bin...
Data and background predictions in EM7 from Aux Table 9
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the exclusive SR bin...
Data and background predictions in EM8 from Aux Table 10
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the exclusive SR bin...
Data and background predictions in EM9 from Aux Table 11
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the exclusive SR bin...
Data and background predictions in EM10 from Aux Table 12
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the exclusive SR bin...
Data and background predictions in EM11 from Aux Table 13
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the exclusive SR bin...
Data and background predictions in EM12 from Aux Table 14
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the exclusive SR bin...
Data and background predictions in IM0 from Aux Table 15
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the inclusive SR IM0.
Data and background predictions in IM1 from Aux Table 16
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the inclusive SR IM1.
Data and background predictions in IM2 from Aux Table 17
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the inclusive SR IM2.
Data and background predictions in IM3 from Aux Table 18
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the inclusive SR IM3.
Data and background predictions in IM4 from Aux Table 19
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the inclusive SR IM4.
Data and background predictions in IM5 from Aux Table 20
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the inclusive SR IM5.
Data and background predictions in IM6 from Aux Table 21
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the inclusive SR IM6.
Data and background predictions in IM7 from Aux Table 22
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the inclusive SR IM7.
Data and background predictions in IM8 from Aux Table 23
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the inclusive SR IM8.
Data and background predictions in IM9 from Aux Table 24
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the inclusive SR IM9.
Data and background predictions in IM10 from Aux Table 25
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the inclusive SR IM10.
Data and background predictions in IM11 from Aux Table 26
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the inclusive SR IM11.
Data and background predictions in IM12 from Aux Table 27
Expected and observed backgrounds, before and after a binned likelihood fit in the control regions, in the inclusive SR IM12.
Signal cutflows from Aux Table 28.
Cutflow of several signal benchmarks. A cut on the truth $E_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{miss}$ at 150 GeV is applied.
Signal cutflows from Aux Table 29.
Cutflow of several signal benchmarks. A cut on the truth $E_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{miss}$ at 350 GeV is applied.
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