Search for resonances decaying into photon pairs in 139 fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration
Phys.Lett.B 822 (2021) 136651, 2021.

Abstract (data abstract)
CERN-LHC. Search for resonances decay into photon pairs in 139 fb^{-1} of proton-proton collisions collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector between 2015--2018. The fiducial region for the combined spin-0/spin-2 resonance search is defined as: - 2 photons - E_T > 0.3 m_gamgam for the photon with leading E_T, and E_T > 0.25 m_gamgam for the photon with sub-leading E_T - |eta_gam| < 2.37 - An isolation requirement using all particles with lifetime greater than 10 ps at the generator level in a cone of Delta_R = 0.4 around the photon direction: E^iso_T< 0.05 E_T + 6 GeV. For the spin-2 resonance search, the acceptance and efficiencies are assumed to be those obtained from MC simulation of KK graviton decays.

  • Table 1

    Figure 5a


    The expected and observed upper limits at 95\% CL on the fiducial cross-section times branching ratio to two photons of...

  • Table 2

    Figure 5b


    The expected and observed upper limits at 95\% CL on the production cross-section times branching ratio to two photons of...

  • Table 3

    Figures 03a and 04a (auxiliary material)


    Expected and observed limits computed using asymptotic formulas as a function of the signal mass m_{X} and the relative width...

  • Table 4

    Figures 03b and 04b (auxiliary material)


    Expected and observed limits computed using asymptotic formulas as a function of the signal mass m_{G*} and k/Mpl for the...

  • Table 5

    Figure 05a (auxiliary material)


    The expected and observed upper limits at 95\% CL on the fiducial cross-section times branching ratio to two photons of...

  • Table 6

    Figure 05b (auxiliary material)


    The expected and observed upper limits at 95\% CL on the fiducial cross-section times branching ratio to two photons of...

  • Table 7

    Figure 05c (auxiliary material)


    The expected and observed upper limits at 95\% CL on the fiducial cross-section times branching ratio to two photons of...

  • Table 8

    Figure 06a (auxiliary material)


    The expected and observed upper limits at 95\% CL on the production cross-section times branching ratio to two photons of...

  • Table 9

    Figure 06b (auxiliary material)


    The expected and observed upper limits at 95\% CL on the production cross-section times branching ratio to two photons of...

  • Table 10

    Figure 11a (auxiliary material)


    Diphoton invariant mass in the signal region using a binning based on the invariant mass resolution.

  • Table 11

    Figure 11b (auxiliary material)


    Diphoton invariant mass in the signal region binned in 1 GeV bins..

  • Table 12

    Table 01 (auxiliary material)


    Effect of event selections on a NWA spin-0 and a spin-2 ($k/Mpl=0.01$) MC samples generated for m_X = 1 TeV...

  • Table 13

    Table 02 (auxiliary material)


    Parameterization for the CX and AX factors as function of mX for a scalar particle, as obtained from the narrow-width...

  • Table 14

    Table 03 (auxiliary material)


    Parameterization for the $C_{X}\cdot A_{X}$ factor as function of $m_{G^*}$ for the RS graviton, as obtained from k/MPl = 0.05...

  • Table 15

    Table 04 (auxiliary material)


    Parameterization of the Double Sided Crystal Ball function parameters describing the scalar mass resolution model as a function of m_{X}...

  • Table 16

    Table 05 (auxiliary material)


    Parameterization of the Double Sided Crystal Ball function parameters describing the graviton mass resolution model as a function of m_{X}...

Version 2 modifications: Corrected typo of the width used in Table 3

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