Measurements of the inclusive and differential production cross sections of a top-quark-antiquark pair in association with a $Z$ boson at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration
Eur.Phys.J.C 81 (2021) 737, 2021.

Abstract (data abstract)
CERN-LHC-ATLAS. Measurements of the inclusive and differential fiducial cross-sections for $t\bar{t}+Z$ production in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with 139 fb−1 of data collected between 2015 and 2018. The fiducial regions for the trilepton channel are defined as: - Exactly 3 leptons ($e$ or $\mu$) with transverse momentum greater than 27, 20, 20 GeV for leading, subleading and third lepton, respectively. - The sum of the three lepton charges is required to be $\pm$1. - At least one opposite-sign-same-flavour (OSSF) lepton pair (considered to be lepton pair from $Z$ boson) with invaraint mass compatible with $Z$ boson ($|m_{\ell\ell}^{Z}-m_{Z}|<10$ GeV) and $m_{OSSF}>10$ GeV for each OSSF lepton pair. - Two orthogonal regions combined for inclusive measurement, different region for differential measurement. - $b$-jets requirements: pseudo-continuous $b$-tagging with different working points for inclusive measurement, fixed 85% $b$-tagging working point for differential measurement. - At least 3 (inclusive and differential region) or 4 (inclusive region) jets The fiducial regions for the tetralepton channel are defined as: - Exactly 4 leptons ($e$ or $\mu$) with transverse momentum greater than 27, 20, 10, 7 GeV for leading, subleading, third and fourth lepton, respectively. - The sum of the four lepton charges is required to be zero. - At least one opposite-sign-same-flavor (OSSF) lepton pair (considered to be lepton pair from $Z$ boson) with invaraint mass compatible with $Z$ boson ($|m_{\ell\ell}^{Z}-m_{Z}|<10$ GeV) and $m_{OSSF}>10$ GeV for each OSSF lepton pair. - Four regions separated based on $b$-jets multiplicity (1$b$ or 2$b$ jets at 85% $b$-tagging working point) and flavour composition of the non-$Z$ lepton pair (same flavour, different flavour). - At least 2 jets. - $E_{T}^{miss}$ requirements (depending on the region) for suppresion of $ZZ$+jets background.

  • Table 1

    Inclusive cross section result


    The measured $t\bar{t}\text{Z}$ cross-section value and its uncertainty based on the fit results from the combined trilepton and tetralepton channels....

  • Table 2

    Data from Table 7


    List of relative uncertainties of the measured inclusive $t\bar{t}\text{Z}$ cross section from the combined fit. The uncertainties are symmetrised for...

  • Table 3

    Data from Table 1


    The definitions of the trilepton signal regions: for the inclusive measurement, a combination of the regions with pseudo-continuous $b$-tagging 3$\ell$-Z-1$b$4$j$-PCBT...

  • Table 4

    Data from Table 2


    The definitions of the four tetralepton signal regions. The regions are defined to target different $b$-jet multiplicities and flavour combinations...

  • Table 5

    Data from Figure 9A


    The absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $p_{\textrm{T}}$ of the $Z$ boson...

  • Table 6

    Data from Figure 9B


    The absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $p_{\textrm{T}}$ of the $Z$ boson...

  • Table 7

    Data from Figure 10A


    The normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $p_{\textrm{T}}$ of the $Z$ boson...

  • Table 8

    Data from Figure 10B


    The normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $p_{\textrm{T}}$ of the $Z$ boson...

  • Table 9

    Data from Figure 11A


    The absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the absolute value of rapidity of...

  • Table 10

    Data from Figure 12A


    The absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the number of jets in the...

  • Table 11

    Data from Figure 12B


    The absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the number of jets in the...

  • Table 12

    Data from Figure 13A


    The absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $p_{\textrm{T}}^{l \textrm{non-}Z}$ in the 3$\ell$...

  • Table 13

    Data from Figure 13B


    The absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta \phi (Z, t_{\textrm{lep}})|/\pi$ in...

  • Table 14

    Data from Figure 14A


    The absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta y (Z, t_{\textrm{lep}})|$ in...

  • Table 15

    Data from Figure 14B


    The absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta \phi (l_{t}^{+}, l_{\bar{t}}^{-})|/\pi$ in...

  • Table 16

    Data from Figure 15A


    The absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta \phi (t\bar{t}, Z)|/\pi$ in...

  • Table 17

    Data from Figure 15B


    The absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $p_{\textrm{T}}^{t\bar{t}}$ in the 4$\ell$ channel....

  • Table 18

    Data from Figure 19A


    The normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $p_{\textrm{T}}^{l \textrm{non-}Z}$ in the 3$\ell$...

  • Table 19

    Data from Figure 19B


    The normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta \phi (Z, t_{\textrm{lep}})|/\pi$ in...

  • Table 20

    Data from Figure 20A


    The normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta y (Z, t_{\textrm{lep}})|$ in...

  • Table 21

    Data from Figure 20B


    The normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta \phi (l_{t}^{+}, l_{\bar{t}}^{-})|/\pi$ in...

  • Table 22

    Data from Figure 21A


    The normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta \phi (t\bar{t}, Z)|/\pi$ in...

  • Table 23

    Data from Figure 21B


    The normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $p_{\textrm{T}}^{t\bar{t}}$ in the 4$\ell$ channel....

  • Table 24

    Data from Figure 22A


    The normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the absolute value of rapidity of...

  • Table 25

    Data from Figure 23A


    The absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $p_{\textrm{T}}^{l \textrm{non-}Z}$ in the 3$\ell$...

  • Table 26

    Data from Figure 23B


    The absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta \phi (Z, t_{\textrm{lep}})|/\pi$ in...

  • Table 27

    Data from Figure 24A


    The absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta y (Z, t_{\textrm{lep}})|$ in...

  • Table 28

    Data from Figure 24B


    The absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta \phi (l_{t}^{+}, l_{\bar{t}}^{-})|/\pi$ in...

  • Table 29

    Data from Figure 25A


    The absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta \phi (t\bar{t}, Z)|/\pi$ in...

  • Table 30

    Data from Figure 25B


    The absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $p_{\textrm{T}}^{t\bar{t}}$ in the 4$\ell$ channel....

  • Table 31

    Data from Figure 26A


    The absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the absolute value of rapidity of...

  • Table 32

    Data from Figure 27A


    The normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $p_{\textrm{T}}^{l \textrm{non-}Z}$ in the 3$\ell$...

  • Table 33

    Data from Figure 27B


    The normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta \phi (Z, t_{\textrm{lep}})|/\pi$ in...

  • Table 34

    Data from Figure 28A


    The normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta y (Z, t_{\textrm{lep}})|$ in...

  • Table 35

    Data from Figure 28B


    The normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta \phi (l_{t}^{+}, l_{\bar{t}}^{-})|/\pi$ in...

  • Table 36

    Data from Figure 29A


    The normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $|\Delta \phi (t\bar{t}, Z)|/\pi$ in...

  • Table 37

    Data from Figure 29B


    The normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the $p_{\textrm{T}}^{t\bar{t}}$ in the 4$\ell$ channel....

  • Table 38

    Data from Figure 30A


    The normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the absolute value of rapidity of...

  • Table 39

    Data from Figure 31A


    The normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the number of jets in the...

  • Table 40

    Data from Figure 31B


    The normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the number of jets in the...

  • Table 41


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 42


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 43


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 44


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 45


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 46


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 47


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 48


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 49


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 50


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 51


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 52


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 53


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 54


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 55


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 56


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised parton-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 57


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 58


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 59


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 60


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 61


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 62


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 63


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 64


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 65


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 66


    The total correlation matrix of the absolute particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 67


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 68


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 69


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 70


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 71


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 72


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 73


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 74


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 75


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

  • Table 76


    The total correlation matrix of the normalised particle-level differential cross-section measured in the fiducial phase-space as a function of the...

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