Figure 2a
Data from Figure 2 (left)
The $M_J^Y$ distribution for the number of observed events (black markers) compared with the estimated backgrounds (filled histograms) and their...
Data from Figure 2 (left)
The $M_J^Y$ distribution for the number of observed events (black markers) compared with the estimated backgrounds (filled histograms) and their...
Data from Figure 2 (right)
The $M_{JJ}$ distribution for the number of observed events (black markers) compared with the estimated backgrounds (filled histograms) and their...
Data from Figure 3
The soft-drop mass distribution of the top quark candidate jets in the 2018 jets+lepton category, in the tight ParticleNet region,...
Data from Figure 4
The 95% confidence level expected and observed upper limits on $\sigma$(pp->X->YH->4b) for different values of $M_X$ and $M_Y$. The areas...
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