Figure 2a
Data from Figure 2a
Observed and predicted cross sections for different Higgs boson production processes, measured assuming SM values for the decay branching fractions....
Data from Figure 2a
Observed and predicted cross sections for different Higgs boson production processes, measured assuming SM values for the decay branching fractions....
Data from Figure 2b
Observed and predicted branching fractions for different Higgs boson decay modes measured assuming SM values for the production cross sections....
Data from Figure 3
Ratio of observed rate to predicted SM event rate for different combinations of Higgs boson production and decay processes. The...
Data from Figure 4
Negative log-likelihood contours corresponding to 68% and 95% CL in the ($\kappa_{V}$, $\kappa_{F}$) plane obtained from a combined fit, assuming...
Data from Figure 5
Reduced coupling strength modifiers $\kappa_{F}\cdot m_{F}/\text{vev}$ for fermions ($F=t,\,b,\,\tau,\,\mu$) and $\sqrt{\kappa_{V}}\cdot m_{V}/\text{vev}$ for vector bosons as a function of their...
Data from Figure 5
Reduced coupling strength modifiers $\kappa_{F}\cdot m_{F}/\text{vev}$ for fermions ($F=t,\,b,\,\tau,\,\mu$) and $\sqrt{\kappa_{V}}\cdot m_{V}/\text{vev}$ for vector bosons as a function of their...
Data from Figure 6
Reduced coupling strength modifiers and their uncertainties per particle type with effective photon, $Z\gamma$ and gluon couplings. The scenario where...
Data from Figure 6
Reduced coupling strength modifiers and their uncertainties per particle type with effective photon, $Z\gamma$ and gluon couplings. The scenario where...
Data from Figure 7
Observed and predicted Higgs boson production cross sections in different kinematic regions. The $p$-value for compatibility of the combined measurement...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 8
Observed variations of −2 ln $\Lambda(\mu)$ as a function of $\mu$ with all systematic uncertainties included.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 8
Observed variations of −2 ln $\Lambda(\mu)$ as a function of $\mu$ with with parameters describing theory uncertainties in background processes...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 8
Observed variations of −2 ln $\Lambda(\mu)$ as a function of $\mu$ with parameters describing theory uncertainties in background and signal...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 8
Observed variations of −2 ln $\Lambda(\mu)$ as a function of $\mu$ with all systematic uncertainties fixed to their best-fit values.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 9
Cross sections for ggF, VBF, $WH$, $ZH$, $t\bar{t}H$ and $tH$ production modes. The cross sections are normalized to their SM...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 10a
Correlation matrix from the measurement of ggF, VBF, $WH$, $ZH$, $ttH$ and $tH$ production cross sections without theory uncertainties.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 10b
Correlation matrix from the measurement of ggF, VBF, $WH$, $ZH$, $ttH$ and $tH$ production cross sections with the theory uncertainties.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 11a
Cross sections for ggF, VBF, $WH$, $ZH$, $t\bar{t}H+tH$ production modes, obtained without including the theory uncertainties on the predicted SM...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 11b
Correlation matrix from the measurement of ggF, VBF, $WH$, $ZH$, $ttH+tH$ production cross sections without theory uncertainties.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 12
Correlation matrix from the measurement of the branching fractions, assuming SM values for the decay production cross sections and no...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 14
Correlation matrix from the measured values of the production cross sections times branching fractions of the Higgs boson, for the...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 15
Observed correlation matrix from the fit of $\kappa_{V}$ and $\kappa_{F}$ coupling modifiers. No contributions from non-SM invisible and undetected Higgs...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 16
Negative log-likelihood contour corresponding to 68% CL in the ($\kappa_{V}$, $\kappa_{F}$) plane, corresponding to $H\to\gamma\gamma$ decay, obtained from a combined...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 16
Negative log-likelihood contour corresponding to 68% CL in the ($\kappa_{V}$, $\kappa_{F}$) plane, corresponding to $H\to ZZ$ decay, obtained from a...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 16
Negative log-likelihood contour corresponding to 68% CL in the ($\kappa_{V}$, $\kappa_{F}$) plane, corresponding to $H\to\tau\tau$ decay, obtained from a combined...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 16
Negative log-likelihood contour corresponding to 68% CL in the ($\kappa_{V}$, $\kappa_{F}$) plane, corresponding to $H\to WW$ decay, obtained from a...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 16
Negative log-likelihood contour corresponding to 68% CL in the ($\kappa_{V}$, $\kappa_{F}$) plane, corresponding to $H\to bb$ decay, obtained from a...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 17
Observed correlation matrix from the fit of $\kappa_{Z}$, $\kappa_{W}$, $\kappa_{b}$, $\kappa_{t}$, $\kappa_{\tau}$ and $\kappa_{\mu}$ coupling modifiers with $\kappa_{c}$ = $\kappa_{t}$...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 18
Observed correlation matrix from the fit of the $\kappa_{Z}$, $\kappa_{W}$, $\kappa_{b}$, $\kappa_{t}$, $\kappa_{\tau}$, $\kappa_{\mu}$ and effective photon, $Z \gamma$ and...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 19
Coupling-strength modifiers and their uncertainties for the effective photon, $Z\gamma$ and gluon couplings as free parameters and all other coupling...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 19
Coupling-strength modifiers and their uncertainties for the effective photon, $Z\gamma$ and gluon couplings as free parameters and all other coupling...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 20
Negative log-likelihood contours corresponding to 68% and 95% CL in the ($\kappa_{g}$, $\kappa_{\gamma}$) plane obtained from a combined fit of...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 21
Measured ratios of coupling modifiers. The red line indicates the SM value of unity for each parameter. The level of...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 22
Best-fit values and uncertainties for the cross sections in each measurement region, normalized to the SM predictions for the various...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 23
Correlation matrix for the measured values of the simplified template cross sections.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24a (Expected)
Expected negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{Z}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24a (Observed)
Observed negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{Z}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24b (Expected)
Expected negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{W}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24b (Observed)
Observed negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{W}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24c (Expected)
Expected negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{t}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24c (Observed)
Observed negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{t}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24d (Expected)
Expected negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{b}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24d (Observed)
Observed negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{b}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24e (Expected)
Expected negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{\tau}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24e (Observed)
Observed negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{\tau}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24f (Expected)
Expected negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{\mu}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24f (Observed)
Observed negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{\mu}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24g (Expected)
Expected negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{g}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24g (Observed)
Observed negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{g}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24h (Expected)
Expected negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{\gamma}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24h (Observed)
Observed negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{\gamma}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24i (Expected)
Expected negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{Z\gamma}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24i (Observed)
Observed negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $\kappa_{Z\gamma}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24j (Expected)
Expected negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $B_{inv.}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24j (Observed)
Observed negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $B_{inv.}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24k (Expected)
Expected negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $B_{u.}$.
Data from Auxiliary Figure 24k (Observed)
Observed negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $B_{u.}$.
Data from STXS acceptances
The acceptances of STXS stage 1.2 kinematic regions in the Higgs boson production processes.
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