Figure 1.1
Data from Figure 1 (top left).
Two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CD}$ for 0$-$5% multiplicity class pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7\;\text{TeV}$.
Data from Figure 1 (top left).
Two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CD}$ for 0$-$5% multiplicity class pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7\;\text{TeV}$.
Data from Figure 1 (top central).
Two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CD}$ for 30$-$40% multiplicity class pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7\;\text{TeV}$.
Data from Figure 1 (top right).
Two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CD}$ for 70$-$80% multiplicity class pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7\;\text{TeV}$.
Data from Figure 1 (bottom left).
Two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CI}$ for 0$-$5% multiplicity class pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7\;\text{TeV}$.
Data from Figure 1 (bottom central).
Two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CI}$ for 30$-$40% multiplicity class pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7\;\text{TeV}$.
Data from Figure 1 (bottom right).
Two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CI}$ for 70$-$80% multiplicity class pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7\;\text{TeV}$.
Data from Figure 2 (top left).
Two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CD}$ for 0$-$5% multiplicity class p$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=5.02\;\text{TeV}$.
Data from Figure 2 (top central).
Two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CD}$ for 30$-$40% multiplicity class p$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=5.02\;\text{TeV}$.
Data from Figure 2 (top right).
Two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CD}$ for 70$-$80% multiplicity class p$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=5.02\;\text{TeV}$.
Data from Figure 2 (bottom left).
Two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CI}$ for 0$-$5% multiplicity class p$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=5.02\;\text{TeV}$.
Data from Figure 2 (bottom central).
Two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CI}$ for 30$-$40% multiplicity class p$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=5.02\;\text{TeV}$.
Data from Figure 2 (bottom right).
Two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CI}$ for 70$-$80% multiplicity class p$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=5.02\;\text{TeV}$.
Data from Figure 3 (top left).
Near side ($|\Delta\varphi| < \pi/2$) longitudinal projection of the two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CD}$ for 0$-$5%, 30$-$40%, and 70$-$80%...
Data from Figure 3 (top right).
Azimuthal projection ($|\Delta\eta|<1.6$) of the two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CD}$ for 0$-$5%, 30$-$40%, and 70$-$80% multiplicity classes pp collisions...
Data from Figure 3 (bottom left).
Near side ($|\Delta\varphi| < \pi/2$) longitudinal projection of the two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CI}$ for 0$-$5%, 30$-$40%, and 70$-$80%...
Data from Figure 3 (bottom right).
Azimuthal projection ($|\Delta\eta|<1.6$) of the two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CI}$ for 0$-$5%, 30$-$40%, and 70$-$80% multiplicity classes pp collisions...
Data from Figure 4 (top left).
Near side ($|\Delta\varphi| < \pi/2$) longitudinal projection of the two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CD}$ for 0$-$5%, 30$-$40%, and 70$-$80%...
Data from Figure 4 (top right).
Azimuthal projection ($|\Delta\eta|<1.6$) of the two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CD}$ for 0$-$5%, 30$-$40%, and 70$-$80% multiplicity classes p$-$Pb collisions...
Data from Figure 4 (bottom left).
Near side ($|\Delta\varphi| < \pi/2$) longitudinal projection of the two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CI}$ for 0$-$5%, 30$-$40%, and 70$-$80%...
Data from Figure 4 (bottom right).
Azimuthal projection ($|\Delta\eta|<1.6$) of the two-particle transverse momentum correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CI}$ for 0$-$5%, 30$-$40%, and 70$-$80% multiplicity classes p$-$Pb collisions...
Data from Figure 5 (top left).
Evolution with the average charged particle multiplicity of the longitudinal widths of the two-particle transverse momentum differential correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CD}$...
Data from Figure 5 (top right).
Evolution with the average charged particle multiplicity of the azimuthal widths of the two-particle transverse momentum differential correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CD}$...
Data from Figure 5 (bottom left).
Evolution with the average charged particle multiplicity of the longitudinal widths of the two-particle transverse momentum differential correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CI}$...
Data from Figure 5 (bottom right).
Evolution with the average charged particle multiplicity of the azimuthal widths of the two-particle transverse momentum differential correlation $G_{2}^{\rm CI}$...
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