Measurement of (anti)nuclei production in p-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 8.16$ TeV

The ALICE collaboration
CERN-EP-2022-275, 2022.

Abstract (data abstract)
Transverse momentum spectra of protons, deuterons, and 3He nuclei, measured in p--Pb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8.16 TeV, are shown in Fig. 1. The coalescence parameters B2 and B3 as a function of the transverse momentum per nucleon are reported in Fig. 2. The coalescence parameter B2 as a function of the average charged particle multiplicity density is shown in Fig. 3. The ratios of the integrated yields of deuterons to protons and 3He to protons are shown in Fig. 4 as a function of the average charged particle multiplicity density.

  • Table 1 - Proton PT spectrum centrality 0 to 5


    Transverse momentum spectra of protons measured in pPb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8d16 TeV, as shown in...

  • Table 2 - Proton PT spectrum centrality 5 to 10


    Transverse momentum spectra of protons measured in pPb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8d16 TeV, as shown in...

  • Table 3 - Proton PT spectrum centrality 10 to 20


    Transverse momentum spectra of protons measured in pPb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8d16 TeV, as shown in...

  • Table 4 - Proton PT spectrum centrality 20 to 40


    Transverse momentum spectra of protons measured in pPb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8d16 TeV, as shown in...

  • Table 5 - Proton PT spectrum centrality 40 to 60


    Transverse momentum spectra of protons measured in pPb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8d16 TeV, as shown in...

  • Table 6 - Proton PT spectrum centrality 60 to 80


    Transverse momentum spectra of protons measured in pPb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8d16 TeV, as shown in...

  • Table 7 - Proton PT spectrum centrality 80 to 100


    Transverse momentum spectra of protons measured in pPb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8d16 TeV, as shown in...

  • Table 8 - Proton PT spectrum centrality MB 0 to 100


    Transverse momentum spectra of protons measured in pPb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8d16 TeV, as shown in...

  • Table 9 - Deuteron PT spectrum centrality 0 to 10


    Transverse momentum spectra of deuterons measured in pPb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8d16 TeV, as shown in...

  • Table 10 - Deuteron PT spectrum centrality 10 to 20


    Transverse momentum spectra of deuterons measured in pPb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8d16 TeV, as shown in...

  • Table 11 - Deuteron PT spectrum centrality 20 to 40


    Transverse momentum spectra of deuterons measured in pPb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8d16 TeV, as shown in...

  • Table 12 - Deuteron PT spectrum centrality 40 to 100


    Transverse momentum spectra of deuterons measured in pPb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8d16 TeV, as shown in...

  • Table 13 - Deuteron PT spectrum centrality 0 to 100 (MB)


    Transverse momentum spectra of deuterons measured in pPb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8d16 TeV, as shown in...

  • Table 14 - Helium-3 PT spectrum centrality 0 to 100 (MB)


    Transverse momentum spectra of He3 measured in pPb collisions at centre-of-mass per nucleon-nucleon energy of 8d16 TeV, as shown in...

  • Table 15 - B2 vs PTA centrality 0 to 10


    Coalescence parameter B2 as a function of the transverse momentum per nucleon pT/A, in the centrality class 0 to 10...

  • Table 16 - B2 vs PTA centrality 10 to 20


    Coalescence parameter B2 as a function of the transverse momentum per nucleon pT/A, in the centrality class 10 to 20...

  • Table 17 - B2 vs PTA centrality 20 to 40


    Coalescence parameter B2 as a function of the transverse momentum per nucleon pT/A, in the centrality class 20 to 40...

  • Table 18 - B2 vs PTA centrality 40 to 100


    Coalescence parameter B2 as a function of the transverse momentum per nucleon pT/A, in the centrality class 40 to 100...

  • Table 19 - B3 vs PTA centrality 0 to 100


    Coalescence parameter B3 as a function of the transverse momentum per nucleon pT/A, in the centrality class 0 to 100...

  • Table 20 - B2 vs multiplicity


    Coalescence parameter B2 as a function of the average charged particle multiplicity density, for fixed PTA. The B2 vs mult...

  • Table 21 - Deuteron-over-proton yields vs multiplicity


    Ratio of integrated yields of deuterons and of protons, as a function of the average charged particle multiplicity density. The...

  • Table 22 - He3-over-proton yields vs multiplicity


    Ratio of integrated yields of He3 and of protons, as a function of the average charged particle multiplicity density. The...

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