Search for long-lived, massive particles in events with displaced vertices and multiple jets in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration
JHEP 06 (2023) 200, 2023.

Abstract (data abstract)
A search for long-lived particles decaying into hadrons ispresented. The analysis uses 139 fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collision datacollected at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV by the ATLAS detector at the LHCusing events that contain multiple energetic jets and a displacedvertex. The search employs dedicated reconstruction techniques thatsignificantly increase the sensitivity to long-lived particlesdecaying in the ATLAS inner detector. Background estimates forStandard Model processes and instrumental effects are extracted fromdata. The observed event yields are compatible with those expectedfrom background processes. The results are used to set limits at95% confidence level on model-independent cross sections forprocesses beyond the Standard Model, and on scenarios withpair-production of supersymmetric particles with long-livedelectroweakinos that decay via a small $R$-parity-violatingcoupling. The pair-production of electroweakinos with masses below1.5 TeV are excluded for mean proper lifetimes in the range from0.03~ns to 1~ns. When produced in the decay of m(gluino)=2.4 TeVgluinos, electroweakinos with m(neutralino)=1.5 TeV are excludedwith lifetimes in the range of 0.02~ns to 4~ns.

  • Table of Contents

    - - - - - - - - Overview of HEPData Record - - - - - - - -


    Tables of Yields: Validation Regions Summary Yields, High-pT jet selections Validiation Regions Summary Yields, Trackless jet selections <a...

  • validation_regions_yields_highpt_SR

    Figure 5a


    Validation of background estimate in validation regions for the High-pT jet selections

  • validation_regions_yields_trackless_SR

    Figure 5b


    Validation of background estimate in validation regions for the Trackless jet selections

  • yields_highpt_SR_observed

    Figure 10a


    Two-dimensional distribution of the invariant mass $m_{DV}$ and the track multiplicity in the High-pT jet SR for observed data events

  • yields_highpt_SR_expected_ewk

    Figure 10a


    Two-dimensional distribution of the invariant mass $m_{DV}$ and the track multiplicity in the High-pT jet SR for expected signal events...

  • yields_trackless_SR_observed

    Figure 10b


    Two-dimensional distribution of the invariant mass $m_{DV}$ and the track multiplicity in the Trackless jet SR for observed data events

  • yields_trackless_SR_expected_ewk

    Figure 10b


    Two-dimensional distribution of the invariant mass $m_{DV}$ and the track multiplicity in the Trackless jet SR for expected signal events...

  • excl_ewk_exp_nominal

    Figure 11


    Expected exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in electroweakino pair production models

  • excl_ewk_exp_up

    Figure 11


    Expected (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in electroweakino pair production...

  • excl_ewk_exp_down

    Figure 11


    Expected (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in electroweakino pair production...

  • excl_ewk_obs_nominal

    Figure 11


    Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in electroweakino pair production models

  • excl_ewk_obs_up

    Figure 11


    Observed (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in electroweakino pair production...

  • excl_ewk_obs_down

    Figure 11


    Observed (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in electroweakino pair production...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2400_GeV_exp_nominal

    Figure 12


    Expected exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2400_GeV_exp_up

    Figure 12


    Expected (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2400_GeV_exp_down

    Figure 12


    Expected (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2400_GeV_obs_nominal

    Figure 12


    Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2400_GeV_obs_up

    Figure 12


    Observed (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2400_GeV_obs_down

    Figure 12


    Observed (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_xsec_ewk

    Figure 13a


    Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the production cross section in the electroweak pair production model.

  • excl_xsec_strong_mgluino_2400

    Figure 13b


    Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the production cross section in the strong gluino pair production models and m(gluino)=2.4 TeV

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2000_GeV_exp_nominal

    Figure 07a (auxiliary material)


    Expected exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2000_GeV_exp_up

    Figure 07a (auxiliary material)


    Expected (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2000_GeV_exp_down

    Figure 07a (auxiliary material)


    Expected (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2000_GeV_obs_nominal

    Figure 07a (auxiliary material)


    Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2000_GeV_obs_up

    Figure 07a (auxiliary material)


    Observed (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2000_GeV_obs_down

    Figure 07a (auxiliary material)


    Observed (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2200_GeV_exp_nominal

    Figure 07b (auxiliary material)


    Expected exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2200_GeV_exp_up

    Figure 07b (auxiliary material)


    Expected (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2200_GeV_exp_down

    Figure 07b (auxiliary material)


    Expected (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2200_GeV_obs_nominal

    Figure 07b (auxiliary material)


    Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2200_GeV_obs_up

    Figure 07b (auxiliary material)


    Observed (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mgluino_2200_GeV_obs_down

    Figure 07b (auxiliary material)


    Observed (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mchi0_50_GeV_exp_nominal

    Figure 08a (auxiliary material)


    Expected exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the gluino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_mchi0_50_GeV_exp_up

    Figure 08a (auxiliary material)


    Expected (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the gluino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mchi0_50_GeV_exp_down

    Figure 08a (auxiliary material)


    Expected (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the gluino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mchi0_50_GeV_obs_nominal

    Figure 08a (auxiliary material)


    Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the gluino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_mchi0_50_GeV_obs_up

    Figure 08a (auxiliary material)


    Observed (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the gluino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mchi0_50_GeV_obs_down

    Figure 08a (auxiliary material)


    Observed (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the gluino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mchi0_450_GeV_exp_nominal

    Figure 08b (auxiliary material)


    Expected exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the gluino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_mchi0_450_GeV_exp_up

    Figure 08b (auxiliary material)


    Expected (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the gluino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mchi0_450_GeV_exp_down

    Figure 08b (auxiliary material)


    Expected (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the gluino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mchi0_450_GeV_obs_nominal

    Figure 08b (auxiliary material)


    Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the gluino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_mchi0_450_GeV_obs_up

    Figure 08b (auxiliary material)


    Observed (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the gluino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_mchi0_450_GeV_obs_down

    Figure 08b (auxiliary material)


    Observed (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the lifetime and mass of the gluino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_0p01_ns_exp_nominal

    Figure 09a (auxiliary material)


    Expected exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_tau_0p01_ns_exp_up

    Figure 09a (auxiliary material)


    Expected (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_0p01_ns_exp_down

    Figure 09a (auxiliary material)


    Expected (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_0p01_ns_obs_nominal

    Figure 09a (auxiliary material)


    Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_tau_0p01_ns_obs_up

    Figure 09a (auxiliary material)


    Observed (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_0p01_ns_obs_down

    Figure 09a (auxiliary material)


    Observed (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_0p1_ns_exp_nominal

    Figure 09b (auxiliary material)


    Expected exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_tau_0p1_ns_exp_up

    Figure 09b (auxiliary material)


    Expected (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_0p1_ns_exp_down

    Figure 09b (auxiliary material)


    Expected (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_0p1_ns_obs_nominal

    Figure 09b (auxiliary material)


    Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_tau_0p1_ns_obs_up

    Figure 09b (auxiliary material)


    Observed (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_0p1_ns_obs_down

    Figure 09b (auxiliary material)


    Observed (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_1_ns_exp_nominal

    Figure 09c (auxiliary material)


    Expected exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_tau_1_ns_exp_up

    Figure 09c (auxiliary material)


    Expected (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_1_ns_exp_down

    Figure 09c (auxiliary material)


    Expected (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_1_ns_obs_nominal

    Figure 09c (auxiliary material)


    Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_tau_1_ns_obs_up

    Figure 09c (auxiliary material)


    Observed (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_1_ns_obs_down

    Figure 09c (auxiliary material)


    Observed (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_10_ns_exp_nominal

    Figure 09d (auxiliary material)


    Expected exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_tau_10_ns_exp_up

    Figure 09d (auxiliary material)


    Expected (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_10_ns_exp_down

    Figure 09d (auxiliary material)


    Expected (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_10_ns_obs_nominal

    Figure 09d (auxiliary material)


    Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair production models...

  • excl_strong_tau_10_ns_obs_up

    Figure 09d (auxiliary material)


    Observed (+1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_strong_tau_10_ns_obs_down

    Figure 09d (auxiliary material)


    Observed (-1 sigma) exclusion limits at 95% CL on the mass of the gluino and neutralino in strong gluino pair...

  • excl_xsec_strong_chi0_1250

    Figure 10 (auxiliary material)


    Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the production cross section in the strong gluino pair production models and m($ ilde{\chi}^0_1$)=1.25...

  • acceptance_highpt_strong

    Table 02 (auxiliary material)


    Acceptance cutflow for the High-pT SR for representative points in the strong gluino pair production model. See additional resources for...

  • acceptance_trackless_ewk

    Table 03 (auxiliary material)


    Acceptance cutflow for the Trackless SR for representative points in the electroweak pair production model. See additional resources for more...

  • acceptance_trackless_ewk_hf

    Table 08 (auxiliary material)


    Acceptance cutflow for the Trackless SR for representative points in the electroweak pair production model with heavy-flavor quarks final state....

  • acceptance_highpt_ewk_hf

    Table 09 (auxiliary material)


    Acceptance cutflow for the High-pT SR for representative points in the electroweak pair production model with heavy-flavor quarks final state....

  • event_efficiency_HighPt_R_1150_mm

    Figure 11a (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Event-level Efficiency for HighPt SR selections, R < 1150 mm

  • event_efficiency_HighPt_R_1150_3870_mm

    Figure 11b (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Event-level Efficiency for HighPt SR selections, R [1150, 3870] mm

  • event_efficiency_HighPt_R_3870_mm

    Figure 11c (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Event-level Efficiency for HighPt SR selections, R > 3870 mm

  • event_efficiency_Trackless_R_1150_mm

    Figure 12a (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Event-level Efficiency for Trackless SR selections, R < 1150 mm

  • event_efficiency_Trackless_R_1150_3870_mm

    Figure 12b (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Event-level Efficiency for Trackless SR selections, R [1150, 3870] mm

  • event_efficiency_Trackless_R_3870_mm

    Figure 12c (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Event-level Efficiency for Trackless SR selections, R > 3870 mm

  • vertex_efficiency_R_22_mm

    Figure 13a (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Vertex-level Efficiency for R < 22 mm

  • vertex_efficiency_R_22_25_mm

    Figure 13b (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Vertex-level Efficiency for R [22, 25] mm

  • vertex_efficiency_R_25_29_mm

    Figure 13c (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Vertex-level Efficiency for R [25, 29] mm

  • vertex_efficiency_R_29_38_mm

    Figure 13d (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Vertex-level Efficiency for R [29, 38] mm

  • vertex_efficiency_R_38_46_mm

    Figure 13e (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Vertex-level Efficiency for R [38, 46] mm

  • vertex_efficiency_R_46_73_mm

    Figure 13f (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Vertex-level Efficiency for R [46, 73] mm

  • vertex_efficiency_R_73_84_mm

    Figure 14a (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Vertex-level Efficiency for R [73, 84] mm

  • vertex_efficiency_R_84_111_mm

    Figure 14b (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Vertex-level Efficiency for R [84, 111] mm

  • vertex_efficiency_R_111_120_mm

    Figure 14c (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Vertex-level Efficiency for R [111, 120] mm

  • vertex_efficiency_R_120_145_mm

    Figure 14d (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Vertex-level Efficiency for R [120, 145] mm

  • vertex_efficiency_R_145_180_mm

    Figure 14e (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Vertex-level Efficiency for R [145, 180] mm

  • vertex_efficiency_R_180_300_mm

    Figure 14f (auxiliary material)


    Reinterpretation Material: Vertex-level Efficiency for R [180, 300] mm

  • cutflow_highpt_strong

    Table 04 (auxiliary material)


    Cutflow (acceptance x efficiency) for the High-pT SR for representative points in the strong gluino pair production model. See additional...

  • cutflow_trackless_ewk

    Table 05 (auxiliary material)


    Cutflow (acceptance x efficiency) for the Trackless SR for representative points in the electroweak pair production model. See additional resources...

  • cutflow_trackless_ewk_hf

    Table 10 (auxiliary material)


    Cutflow (acceptance x efficiency) for the Trackless SR for representative points in the electroweak pair production model with heavy-flavor quarks....

  • cutflow_highpt_ewk_hf

    Table 11 (auxiliary material)


    Cutflow (acceptance x efficiency) for the High-pT SR for representative points in the electroweak pair production model with heavy-flavor quarks....

Version 2 modifications: Update Figure 13a according to referee requests

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