Observation of four-top-quark production in the multilepton final state with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration
Eur.Phys.J.C 83 (2023) 496, 2023.

Abstract (data abstract)
A measurment is presented for four-top-quark production using an integrated luminosity of 140 fb\(^{-1}\) of proton--proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Events are selected if they contain a same-sign lepton pair or at least three leptons (electrons or muons). Jet multiplicity, jet flavour and event kinematics are used to separate signal from the background through a multivariate discriminant, and dedicated control regions are used to constrain the dominant backgrounds. The four-top-quark production cross section is measured to be $22.5^{+6.6}_{-5.5}$ fb. This corresponds to an observed (expected) significance with respect to the background-only hypothesis of 6.1 (4.3) standard deviations and provides evidence for this process.

  • Figure 2a: CR ttW+jets (+)

    Data from Figure 2a


    Post-fit distributions for the number of jets ($N_{j}$) in CR $t\bar{t}W^{+}$+jets. The QmisID represents the backgrounds with a mis-assigned charge....

  • Figure 2b: CR ttW+jets (-)

    Data from Figure 2b


    Post-fit distributions for the number of jets ($N_{j}$) in CR $t\bar{t}W^{-}$+jets. The QmisID represents the backgrounds with a mis-assigned charge....

  • Figure 2c: CR 1b(+)

    Data from Figure 2c


    Post-fit distributions for the number of jets ($N_{j}$) in CR 1b(+). The QmisID represents the backgrounds with a mis-assigned charge....

  • Figure 2d: CR 1b(-)

    Data from Figure 2d


    Post-fit distributions for the number of jets ($N_{j}$) in CR 1b(-). The QmisID represents the backgrounds with a mis-assigned charge....

  • Figure 3: ttW validation

    Data from Figure 3


    Post-fit distribution for the difference between the number of positive events and the number of negative events ($N_{+}-N_{-}$) as a...

  • Figure 4a: CR HF e

    Data from Figure 4a


    Post-fit distributions for the fitted variables in the CRs for the fake/non-prompt lepton background - CR HF e. The QmisID...

  • Figure 4b: CR HF mu

    Data from Figure 4b


    Post-fit distributions for the fitted variables in the CRs for the fake/non-prompt lepton background - CR HF $\mu$. The QmisID...

  • Figure 4c: CR Mat. Conv.

    Data from Figure 4c


    Post-fit distributions for the fitted variables in the CRs for the fake/non-prompt lepton background - CR Mat. Conv.. The QmisID...

  • Figure 4d: CR Low m_{gamma*}

    Data from Figure 4d


    Post-fit distributions for the fitted variables in the CRs for the fake/non-prompt lepton background - CR Low $m_{\gamma*}$. The QmisID...

  • Figure 5: GNN in SR

    Data from Figure 5


    Comparison between data and the predictions after a fit to data for the GNN distribution in the SR. The QmisID...

  • Figure 6a: number of jets in GNN >= 0.6

    Data from Figure 6a


    Comparison between data and prediction after the fit to data in the signal-enriched region with GNN >= 0.6 for the...

  • Figure 6b: number of b-jets in GNN >= 0.6

    Data from Figure 6b


    Comparison between data and prediction after the fit to data in the signal-enriched region with GNN >= 0.6 for the...

  • Figure 6c: Leading four PCBT scores of jets (GNN >= 0.6)

    Data from Figure 6c


    Comparison between data and prediction after the fit to data in the signal-enriched region with GNN >= 0.6 for the...

  • Figure 6d: HT (GNN >= 0.6)

    Data from Figure 6d


    Comparison between data and prediction after the fit to data in the signal-enriched region with GNN >= 0.6 for the...

  • Figure 7: NLL contour of ttt and tttt cross sections

    Data from Figure 7


    Two-dimensional negative log-likelihood contour for the $t\bar{t}t$ cross section ($\sigma_{t\bar{t}t}$) versus the $t\bar{t}t\bar{t}$ cross section ($\sigma_{t\bar{t}t\bar{t}}$) when the normalisation of...

  • Figure 9: NLL values of Higgs oblique parameter

    Data from Figure 9


    The negative log-likelihood values as a function of the Higgs oblique parameter $\hat{H}$.

  • The measured and expected cross-sections of tttt production.

    Auxiliary data


    The measured and expected cross-sections of $t\bar{t}t\bar{t}$ production.

  • Figure 8: Observed 68% CL Lower Limit Contour

    Data from Figure 8


    Observed 68% CL Limit Contour in $\kappa_t,\alpha$ with $t\bar tt\bar t$ parameterized as a function of $\kappa_t,\alpha$, and the $t\bar...

  • Figure 8: Observed 68% CL Upper Limit Contour

    Data from Figure 8


    Observed 68% CL Limit Contour in $\kappa_t,\alpha$ with $t\bar tt\bar t$ parameterized as a function of $\kappa_t,\alpha$, and the $t\bar...

  • Figure 8: Observed 95% CL Limit Contour

    Data from Figure 8


    Observed 95% CL Limit Contour in $\kappa_t,\alpha$ with $t\bar tt\bar t$ parameterized as a function of $\kappa_t,\alpha$, and the $t\bar...

  • Figure 8: Expected 68% CL Limit Contour

    Data from Figure 8


    Expected 68% CL Limit Contour in $\kappa_t,\alpha$ with $t\bar tt\bar t$ parameterized as a function of $\kappa_t,\alpha$, and the $t\bar...

  • Figure 8: Expected 95% CL Limit Contour

    Data from Figure 8


    Expected 95% CL Limit Contour in $\kappa_t,\alpha$ with $t\bar tt\bar t$ parameterized as a function of $\kappa_t,\alpha$, and the $t\bar...

  • Auxiliary Figure 7: Observed 68% CL Lower Limit Contour

    Auxiliary Figure 7


    Observed 68% CL Limit Contour in $\kappa_t,\alpha$ with $t\bar tt\bar t$ parameterized as a function of $\kappa_t,\alpha$, and the $t\bar...

  • Auxiliary Figure 7: Observed 68% CL Upper Limit Contour

    Auxiliary Figure 7


    Observed 68% CL Limit Contour in $\kappa_t,\alpha$ with $t\bar tt\bar t$ parameterized as a function of $\kappa_t,\alpha$, and the $t\bar...

  • Auxiliary Figure 7: Observed 95% CL Limit Contour

    Auxiliary Figure 7


    Observed 95% CL Limit Contour in $\kappa_t,\alpha$ with $t\bar tt\bar t$ parameterized as a function of $\kappa_t,\alpha$, and the $t\bar...

  • Auxiliary Figure 7: Expected 68% CL Limit Contour

    Auxiliary Figure 7


    Expected 68% CL Limit Contour in $\kappa_t,\alpha$ with $t\bar tt\bar t$ parameterized as a function of $\kappa_t,\alpha$, and the $t\bar...

  • Auxiliary Figure 7: Expected 95% CL Limit Contour

    Auxiliary Figure 7


    Expected 95% CL Limit Contour in $\kappa_t,\alpha$ with $t\bar tt\bar t$ parameterized as a function of $\kappa_t,\alpha$, and the $t\bar...

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