Search for an axion-like particle with forward proton scattering in association with photon pairs at ATLAS

The ATLAS collaboration
JHEP 07 (2023) 234, 2023.

Abstract (data abstract)
A search for forward proton scattering in association with light-by-light scattering mediated by an axion-like particle is presented, using the ATLAS Forward Proton spectrometer to detect scattered protons and the central ATLAS detector to detect pairs of outgoing photons. Proton-proton collision data recorded in 2017 at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=$13 TeV were analysed, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 14.6 fb$^{-1}$. A total of 441 candidate signal events were selected. A search was made for a narrow resonance in the diphoton mass distribution, corresponding to an axion-like particle (ALP) with mass in the range 150-1600 GeV. No excess is observed above a smooth background. Upper limits on the production cross section of a narrow resonance are set as a function of the mass, and are interpreted as upper limits on the ALP production coupling constant, assuming 100% decay branching ratio into a photon pair. The inferred upper limit on the coupling constant is in the range 0.04-0.09 TeV$^{−1}$ at 95% confidence level.

  • Table 1

    Figures 2a, 2b from paper and Tables 06-07 from auxiliary material


    Signal selection efficiency as a function of ALP mass $m_{\textrm{X}}$ for the exclusive (EL), single-dissociative (SD), and double-dissociative (DD) processes....

  • Table 2

    Figure 4a


    The diphoton mass distribution of the mixed-data sample (black points).

  • Table 3

    Figure 5


    The $(\xi_{\gamma\gamma}^{+},\xi_{\gamma\gamma}^{-})$ distribution of the selected data candidates after the full event selection in $m_{\gamma\gamma}$ in [150,1600] GeV with $m_{\gamma\gamma}$...

  • Table 4

    Figure 6


    Background-only fit to the observed numbers of events (black points) as a function of the diphoton invariant mass $m_{\gamma\gamma}$.

  • Table 5

    Figures 08a


    Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on the signal fiducial cross section $\sigma_{\textrm{fid}}$, assuming 100% branching ratio for ALP...

  • Table 6

    Figure 08b


    Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on the the ALP coupling constant, assuming 100% branching ratio for ALP decay...

  • Table 7

    Auxiliary material Figure 01 and Table 01.


    Fiducial region acceptance of signal events for coupling constant f$^{-1}=0.05$ TeV$^{-1}$. EL, SD, and DD stand for the exclusive, single-dissociative,...

  • Table 8

    Auxiliary material Figure 14 and Table 09


    Correction factors $A_{\textrm{X}}/A_{0}$ and $C_{\textrm{X}}$ for the exclusive signal events with ALP coupling constant f$^{-1}$=0.05 TeV$^{-1}$, where acceptance $A_{\textrm{X}}$ and...

  • Table 9

    Auxiliary material Table 03 and Table 04


    Simulated ALP signal cutflow for $m_{\rm{X}}$=300 GeV and $m_{\rm{X}}$=1200 GeV. The yields are normalized to a luminosity of 14.6 fb$^{-1}$....

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