Search for a new pseudoscalar decaying into a pair of muons in events with a top-quark pair at $\sqrt{s} = 13$~TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration
Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 092007, 2023.

Abstract (data abstract)
A search for a new pseudoscalar boson produced in events with top quark pairs where the $a$ boson decays to a pair of muons is performed using $pp$ collision data at the LHC collected by the ATLAS detector at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $139~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$. This search targets the final state where only one top quark decay yields an electron or muon, resulting in a signature with three leptons $e\mu\mu$ and $\mu\mu\mu$. No significant excess of events above the Standard Model expectation is observed and upper limits are set on two signal models, $pp \rightarrow t\bar{t}a$ and $pp \rightarrow t\bar{t}$ with $t \rightarrow H^\pm b$, $H^\pm \rightarrow W^\pm a$, where $a\rightarrow\mu\mu$, in the mass ranges $15$ GeV $ < m_a < 72$ GeV and $120$ GeV $ \leq m_{H^{\pm}} \leq 160$ GeV.

  • Table 1

    Data from Figure 2a


    Comparison between data and expected background for the on-$Z$-boson control region in the $e\mu\mu$ final state. The bins correspond to...

  • Table 2

    Data from Figure 2b


    Comparison between data and expected background for the on-$Z$boson control region in the $\mu\mu\mu$ final state. The bins correspond to...

  • Table 3

    Data from Figure 3a


    Di-muon mass distribution for the $e\mu\mu$ signal region for data and expected background. The expected signal distribution for $m_a =...

  • Table 4

    Data from Figure 3b


    Di-muon mass distribution for the $\mu\mu\mu$ signal region for data and expected background. The expected signal distribution for $m_a =...

  • Table 5

    Data from Figure 4a


    Fit of the Double Crystal Ball width as a function of the $a$-boson mass in the $e\mu\mu$ channel.

  • Table 6

    Data from Figure 5a


    Expected and observed 95% CL upper limit on signal cross section as a function of $m_a$ for $t\bar{t}a$.

  • Table 7

    Data from Figure 5b


    Expected and observed 95% CL upper limit on signal cross section as a function of $m_a$ for $H^{+}\rightarrow aW$, considering...

  • Table 8

    Data from Figure 5c


    Expected and observed 95% CL upper limit on signal cross section as a function of $m_a$ for $H^{+}\rightarrow aW$, considering...

  • Table 9

    Data from Figure 5d


    Expected and observed 95% CL upper limit on signal cross section as a function of $m_a$ for $H^{+}\rightarrow aW$, considering...

  • Table 10

    Data from Auxiliary Figure 1


    Comparison of the expected background with data in a region dominated by non-prompt background. The region is defined exactly like...

  • Table 11

    Data from Auxiliary Figure 2(a)


    Scan of the observed p-value as a function of $m_a$ for the background-only hypothesis.

  • Table 12

    Data from Auxiliary Figure 2(b)


    Scan of the observed p-value as a function of $m_a$ for the background-only hypothesis for $e\mu\mu$ channel.

  • Table 13

    Data from Auxiliary Figure 2(c)


    Scan of the observed p-value as a function of $m_a$ for the background-only hypothesis for $\mu\mu\mu$ channel.

  • Table 14

    Data from Auxiliary Figure 3


    Acceptance times efficiency for the $t\bar{t}a$, $a\rightarrow \mu\mu$ signal as a function of the $m_a$ hypothesis.

  • Table 15

    Data from Auxiliary Figure 4(a)


    Acceptance times efficiency for the $t \rightarrow bH^+$, $H^+ \rightarrow W^+ a$, $a\rightarrow \mu\mu$ signal as a function of the...

  • Table 16

    Data from Auxiliary Figure 4(b)


    Acceptance times efficiency for the $t \rightarrow bH^+ $, $H^+ \rightarrow W^+ a$, $a\rightarrow \mu\mu$ signal as a function of...

  • Table 17

    Data from Auxiliary Figure 5(a)


    Expected lower limits on $\tan\beta$ for the $t\rightarrow H^{+}b, H^{+}\rightarrow aW, a\rightarrow\mu\mu$ signal in the context of the 2HDM as...

  • Table 18

    Data from Auxiliary Figure 5(b)


    Observed lower limits on $\tan\beta$ for the $t\rightarrow H^{+}b, H^{+}\rightarrow aW, a\rightarrow\mu\mu$ signal in the context of the 2HDM as...

  • Table 19

    Data from Auxiliary Table 01


    Cutflow for two signal mass points for $t\bar{t}a$, $m_{a} = 20$ GeV and $m_{a} = 60$ GeV, and one signal...

  • Table 20

    Data from Auxiliary Table 02


    Cutflow for the dominant backgrounds estimated from simulation ($t\bar{t}Z$, $WZ$, $t\bar{t}H$) and data, for the electron channel $e\mu\mu$. The yields...

  • Table 21

    Data from Auxiliary Table 03


    Cutflow for the signal mass point $t\bar{t}a$, $m_{a} = 20$ GeV, as well as the dominant backgrounds estimated from simulation...

  • Table 22

    Data from Auxiliary Table 04


    Cutflow for the signal mass point $t\bar{t}a$, $m_{a} = 60$ GeV, as well as the dominant backgrounds estimated from simulation...

  • Table 23

    Data from Auxiliary Table 05


    Cutflow for $H^+ \rightarrow W a$ with $m_{H^{+}} = 120$ GeV, $m_{a} = 30$ GeV for the muon channel $\mu\mu\mu$....

  • Table 24

    Data from Auxiliary Table 06


    Total yields in the $e\mu\mu$ and $\mu\mu\mu$ signal regions for the expected background and data after the profile likelihood fit...

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