Measurement of Spin-Density Matrix Elements in $\rho(770)$ Production with a Linearly Polarized Photon Beam at $E_\gamma = 8.2\,-\,8.8\,\text{GeV}$

The GlueX collaboration
Phys.Rev.C 108 (2023) 055204, 2023.

The GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab studies photoproduction of mesons using linearly polarized $8.5\,\text{GeV}$ photons impinging on a hydrogen target which is contained within a detector with near-complete coverage for charged and neutral particles. We present measurements of spin-density matrix elements for the photoproduction of the vector meson $\rho$(770). The statistical precision achieved exceeds that of previous experiments for polarized photoproduction in this energy range by orders of magnitude. We confirm a high degree of $s$-channel helicity conservation at small squared four-momentum transfer $t$ and are able to extract the $t$-dependence of natural and unnatural-parity exchange contributions to the production process in detail. We confirm the dominance of natural-parity exchange over the full $t$ range. We also find that helicity amplitudes in which the helicity of the incident photon and the photoproduced $\rho(770)$ differ by two units are negligible for $-t<0.5\,\text{GeV}^{2}/c^{2}$.

  • rho(770) Spin Density Matrix Elements

    Data from Table 1 (Supplemental Material)


    Spin-density matrix elements for the photoproduction of $\rho(770)$ in the helicity system. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic....

Version 2 modifications: Final version published in PRC

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