Table 1
Data from Table 7
Particle level efficiency*acceptance correction factors and cross section measurements for the four channels (W decay to muon or electron and...
Data from Table 7
Particle level efficiency*acceptance correction factors and cross section measurements for the four channels (W decay to muon or electron and...
Data from Table 8
Parton level efficiency*acceptance correction factors and cross section measurements for the four channels (W decay to muon or electron and...
Data from Table 9
Inclusive cross section predictions at QCD NLO accuracy from MCFM using different PDF sets
Data from Table 12
Inclusive cross section predictions up to QCD NNLO accuracy using the NNPDF3.1 PDF set
Data from Table 10
Measured production cross sections ratio $\sigma(W^+ + \overline{c})$ / $\sigma(W^- + c)$
Data from Table 11
Predictions for the cross sections ratio $\sigma(W^+ + \overline{c})$ / $\sigma(W^- + c)$ at QCD NLO accuracy from MCFM using...
Data from Table 13
Predictions for the cross sections ratio $\sigma(W^+ + \overline{c})$ / $\sigma(W^- + c)$ up to QCD NNLO accuracy using the...
Data from Figure 5
Measured diferential cross sections $\sigma(W^- + c) + \sigma(W^+ + \overline{c})$ as a function of the absolute value of the...
Data from Figure 5
Measured diferential cross sections as a function of the transverse momentum of the lepton from the W decay, unfolded to...
Data from Figure 7
Measured diferential cross sections $\sigma(W^- + c) + \sigma(W^+ + \overline{c})$ as a function of the absolute value of the...
Data from Figure 7
Measured diferential cross sections as a function of the transverse momentum of the lepton from the W decay, unfolded to...
Data from Figure 9
Measured diferential cross sections ratio $R=\sigma(W^+ + \overline{c}) / \sigma(W^- + c)$ as a function of the absolute value of...
Data from Figure 9
Measured diferential cross sections ratio $R=\sigma(W^+ + \overline{c}) / \sigma(W^- + c)$ as a function of the transverse momentum of...
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