Figure 1
Data from Figure 2 (upper left).
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\tau_\mathrm{h}$+jet btag category with the BDT requirements selecting the most...
Data from Figure 2 (upper left).
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\tau_\mathrm{h}$+jet btag category with the BDT requirements selecting the most...
Data from Figure 2 (upper center).
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the e+jet btag category with the BDT requirements selecting the most...
Data from Figure 2 (upper right).
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\mu$+jet btag category with the BDT requirements selecting the most...
Data from Figure 2 (lower left).
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\tau_\mathrm{h}$+jet no-btag category with the BDT requirements selecting the most...
Data from Figure 2 (lower center).
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the e+jet no-btag category with the BDT requirements selecting the most...
Data from Figure 2 (lower right).
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\mu$+jet no-btag category with the BDT requirements selecting the most...
Data from Figure 3 (left).
Expected and observed upper limits at 95% CL on the scalar lepton-induced LQ production cross section times branching fraction for...
Data from Figure 3 (right).
Expected and observed upper limits at 95% CL on the scalar lepton-induced LQ production cross section times branching fraction for...
Data from Figure 4 (left).
Expected upper limit at 95% CL on the coupling strength $\lambda$ of a scalar LQ to b quarks and $\tau$...
Data from Figure 4 (right).
Expected upper limit at 95% CL on the coupling strength $\lambda$ of a scalar LQ to light-flavor quarks and $\tau$...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 1.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\tau_\mathrm{h}$+jet btag category with the lowest BDT requirement. The signal...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 2.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the e+jet btag category with the lowest BDT requirement. The signal...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 3.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\mu$+jet btag category with the lowest BDT requirement. The signal...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 4.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\tau_\mathrm{h}$+jet btag category with the intermediate BDT requirement. The signal...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 5.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the e+jet btag category with intermediate BDT requirement. The signal hypothesis...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 6.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\mu$+jet btag category with intermediate BDT requirement. The signal hypothesis...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 7.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\tau_\mathrm{h}$+jet no-btag category with the lowest BDT requirement. The signal...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 8.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the e+jet no-btag category with the lowest BDT requirement. The signal...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 9.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\tau_\mathrm{h}$+jet btag category with the lowest BDT requirement. The signal...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 10.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\tau_\mathrm{h}$+jet no-btag category with low BDT requirement. The signal hypothesis...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 11.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the e+jet no-btag category with low BDT requirement. The signal hypothesis...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 12.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\mu$+jet no-btag category with low BDT requirement. The signal hypothesis...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 13.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\tau_\mathrm{h}$+jet no-btag category with intermediate BDT requirement. The signal hypothesis...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 14.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the e+jet btag category with intermediate BDT requirement. The signal hypothesis...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 15.
Observed and expected distributions of the collinear mass in the $\mu$+jet no-btag category with intermediate BDT requirement. The signal hypothesis...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 16.
Expected and observed upper limits at 95% CL on the scalar lepton-induced LQ production cross section times branching fraction for...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 17.
Expected and observed upper limits at 95% CL on the scalar lepton-induced LQ production cross section times branching fraction for...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 18.
Expected and observed upper limits at 95% CL on the scalar lepton-induced LQ production cross section times branching fraction for...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 19.
Expected and observed upper limits at 95% CL on the scalar lepton-induced LQ production cross section times branching fraction for...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 20.
Expected and observed upper limits at 95% CL on the scalar lepton-induced LQ production cross section times branching fraction for...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 21.
Expected and observed upper limits at 95% CL on the scalar lepton-induced LQ production cross section times branching fraction for...
Data from supplementary material, Figure 22.
Observed and expected distributions of the jet multiplicity in the e+jet btag control region.
Data from supplementary material, Figure 23.
Observed and expected distributions of the jet multiplicity in the $\mu$+jet btag control region.
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