Search for fractionally charged particles in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV

The CMS collaboration
CMS-EXO-19-006, 2024.

A search is presented for fractionally charged particles with charge below 1$e$, using their small energy loss in the tracking detector as a key variable to observe a signal. The analyzed data set corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions collected at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV in 2016-2018 at the CERN LHC. This is the first search at the LHC for new particles with charges between $e/$3 and $e$. Masses up to 640 GeV and charges as low as $e/$3 are excluded at 95% confidence level. These are the most stringent limits to date for the considered Drell-Yan-like production mode.

  • Event yields in 2016BCDEF signal

    Data from Figure 4 and Table 2 in the supplementary material.


    Signal yields for the charge scenarios considered in the analysis, as well as their associateds uncertainties.

  • Event yields in 2016GH signal

    Data from Figure 5 and Table 3 in the supplementary material.


    Signal yields for the charge scenarios considered in the analysis, as well as their associateds uncertainties.

  • Event yields in 2017BCDEF signal

    Data from Figure 6 and Table 4 in the supplementary material.


    Signal yields for the charge scenarios considered in the analysis, as well as their associateds uncertainties.

  • Event yields in 2018ABCD signal

    Data from Figure 7 and Table 5 in the supplementary material.


    Signal yields for the charge scenarios considered in the analysis, as well as their associateds uncertainties.

  • Event yields in 2016BCDEF data

    Data from Figure 4 in the supplementary material.


    Distribution of $N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}}$ in the SR and the CR for the early 2016 data set, as well as for...

  • Event yields in 2016GH data

    Data from Figure 5 in the supplementary material.


    Distribution of $N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}}$ in the SR and the CR for the late 2016 data set, as well as for...

  • Event yields in 2017BCDEF data

    Data from Figure 6 in the supplementary material.


    Distribution of $N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}}$ in the SR and the CR for the 2017 data set, as well as for an...

  • Event yields in 2018ABCD data

    Data from Figure 2.


    Distribution of $N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}}$ in the SR and the CR for the 2018 data set, as well as for an...

  • 2D excluded region

    Data from Figure 3.


    Exclusion region (hatched) at 95% CL in the FCP charge-mass plane for the considered signal. The expected exclusion is shown...

Version 2 modifications: Added additional feynman diagrams under additional resources

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