Probing the Scalar WIMP-Pion Coupling with the first LUX-ZEPLIN data

The LZ collaboration
Commun.Phys. 7 (2024) 292, 2024.

Abstract (data abstract)
Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) may interact with a virtual pion that is exchanged between nucleons. This interaction channel is important to consider in models where the spin-independent isoscalar channel is suppressed. Using data from the first science run of the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter experiment, containing 60 live days of data in a 5.5~tonne fiducial mass of liquid xenon, we report the results on a search for WIMP-pion interactions.

  • WIMP-Pion cross section

    Figure 7


    WIMP-Pion interaction cross section at the 90% CL

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