Figure 3: Number of pileup tracks
Data from Figure 3, located on page 8.
Normalized distributions of $N_\mathrm{tracks}^\mathrm{PU}$ in windows of 0.1 cm width along the $z$ axis using a sample of $\mu\mu$ events...
Data from Figure 3, located on page 8.
Normalized distributions of $N_\mathrm{tracks}^\mathrm{PU}$ in windows of 0.1 cm width along the $z$ axis using a sample of $\mu\mu$ events...
Data from Figure 4, located on page 10.
Normalized distributions of of the number of reconstructed tracks ($N_\mathrm{tracks}$) in a 0.1 cm wide window in the $z$ direction,...
Data from Figure 5, located on page 11.
Distributions of $m_{\mu\mu}$ in the $\mu\mu$ channel of the $N_\mathrm{tracks}=0$ and 1 categories with acoplanarity $A<0.015$, and for the combined...
Data from Figure 7a.
Multiplicative $N_\mathrm{tracks}$-dependent corrections to the $\tau_\mathrm{h}$ MFs, in the $\mathrm{e}\tau_\mathrm{h}$ final state in the high-$m_\mathrm{T}$ CR, for the $h^{\pm} +...
Data from Figure 7b.
Multiplicative $N_\mathrm{tracks}$-dependent corrections to the $\tau_\mathrm{h}$ MFs, in the $\mathrm{e}\tau_\mathrm{h}$ final state in the SS CR, for the $h^{\pm} +...
Data from Figure 9 (upper left).
Observed and predicted $m_\mathrm{vis}$ distributions in the $\mathrm{e}\mu$ final state for events with $N_\mathrm{tracks} = 0$. The normalization of the...
Data from Figure 9 (upper right).
Observed and predicted $m_\mathrm{vis}$ distributions in the $\mathrm{e}\tau_\mathrm{h}$ final state for events with $N_\mathrm{tracks} = 0$. The normalization of the...
Data from Figure 9 (lower left).
Observed and predicted $m_\mathrm{vis}$ distributions in the $\mu\tau_\mathrm{h}$ final state for events with $N_\mathrm{tracks} = 0$. The normalization of the...
Data from Figure 9 (lower right).
Observed and predicted $m_\mathrm{vis}$ distributions in the $\tau_\mathrm{h}\tau_\mathrm{h}$ final state for events with $N_\mathrm{tracks} = 0$. The normalization of the...
Data from Figure 10 (upper left).
Observed and predicted $m_\mathrm{vis}$ distributions in the $\mathrm{e}\mu$ final state for events with $N_\mathrm{tracks} = 1$. The normalization of the...
Data from Figure 10 (upper right).
Observed and predicted $m_\mathrm{vis}$ distributions in the $\mathrm{e}\tau_\mathrm{h}$ final state for events with $N_\mathrm{tracks} = 1$. The normalization of the...
Data from Figure 10 (lower left).
Observed and predicted $m_\mathrm{vis}$ distributions in the $\mu\tau_\mathrm{h}$ final state for events with $N_\mathrm{tracks} = 1$. The normalization of the...
Data from Figure 10 (lower right).
Observed and predicted $m_\mathrm{vis}$ distributions in the $\tau_\mathrm{h}\tau_\mathrm{h}$ final state for events with $N_\mathrm{tracks} = 1$. The normalization of the...
Data from Figure 11.
Observed and predicted $N_\mathrm{tracks}$ distributions for events passing the SR selection but with the relaxed requirement $N_\mathrm{tracks} < 10$ and...
Data from Figure 12a.
Expected and observed negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $a_{\tau}$, for the combination of all SRs in all data-taking...
Data from Figure 12b.
Expected and observed negative log-likelihood scans as a function of $d_{\tau}$, for the combination of all SRs in all data-taking...
Data from Figure 14a.
Expected and observed 95% CL constraints on the real part of the Wilson coefficients $C_{\tau B}$ and $C_{\tau W}$ divided...
Data from Figure 14b.
Expected and observed 95% CL constraints on the imaginary part of the Wilson coefficients $C_{\tau B}$ and $C_{\tau W}$ divided...
Data from Supplementary Figure 1.
Event weights applied to simulations in the 2016 (pre-VFP) data-taking period as a function of the dilepton vertex position along...
Data from Supplementary Figure 2.
Event weights applied to simulations in the 2016 (post-VFP) data-taking period as a function of the dilepton vertex position along...
Data from Supplementary Figure 3.
Event weights applied to simulations in the 2017 data-taking period as a function of the dilepton vertex position along the...
Data from Supplementary Figure 4.
Event weights applied to simulations in the 2018 data-taking period as a function of the dilepton vertex position along the...
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