Charmonium production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

The H1 collaboration
Eur.Phys.J.C 10 (1999) 373-393, 1999.

Abstract (data abstract)
DESY-HERA. Measurement of charmonium production (J/PSI and PSI(2s)) in elastic, quasi-elastic and inclusive reactions at Q**2 for 2 to 80 GeV**2 and photon-proton CM energy (W) 25 to 180 GeV. The data come from the 1995 to 1997 runningperiods with a total integrated luminosity of 27.3 +- 0.4 PB-1, with 27.5 GeV p ositrons interacting with 820 GeV protons.

  • Table 1

    Data from T 4,F 6


    Cross section for elastic J/PSI photoproduction in W bins.

  • Table 2

    Data from T 4,F 6


    Cross section for elastic J/PSI photoproduction in W bins.

  • Table 3

    Data from T 4,F 6


    Cross section for elastic J/PSI photoproduction in W bins.

  • Table 4

    Data from T 5,F 7


    Q**2 dependence of the elastic J/PSI photoproduction cross section.

  • Table 5

    Data from T 2


    Slope of the elastic J/PSI photoproduction T distribution.

  • Table 6

    Data from T 2


    Slope of the elastic J/PSI photoproduction T distribution.

  • Table 7

    Data from P 22,F 9


    Spin density matrices of the angular distribution in J/PSI electroproduction.

  • Table 8

    Data from P 22


    Ratio of longitudinal to transverse J/PSI electroproduction cross section determined under the assumption of SCHC.

  • Table 9

    Data from T 6,F 15


    Inclusive and inelastic (MX>10) J/PSI electroproduction cross sections.

  • Table 10

    Data from T 6,F 15


    Inclusive and inelastic (MX>10) J/PSI electroproduction cross sections.

  • Table 11

    Data from T 6,F 15


    Inclusive and inelastic (MX>10) J/PSI electroproduction cross sections.

  • Table 12

    Data from T 6,F 15


    Inclusive and inelastic (MX>10) J/PSI electroproduction cross sections.

  • Table 13

    Data from T 6,F 15


    Inclusive and inelastic (MX>10) J/PSI electroproduction cross sections.

  • Table 14

    Data from T 7


    Inclusive and inelastic (MX>10GEV) differential cross section for J/PSI electroproduction.

  • Table 15

    Data from T 7


    Inclusive and inelastic (MX>10GEV) differential cross section for J/PSI electroproduction.

  • Table 16

    Data from T 7


    Inclusive and inelastic (MX>10GEV) differential cross section for J/PSI electroproduction.

  • Table 17

    Data from T 8


    W dependence of the inclusive and inelastic (Z<0.9) J/PSI photoproduction cross section.

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