Study of the Process e+ e- ---> eta gamma in c.m. Energy Range 600-1380 MeV at CMD-2

The CMD-2 collaboration
Phys.Lett.B 509 (2001) 217-226, 2001.

Abstract (data abstract)
Novosibirsk-VEPP-2M. Measurement of the cross sections for the process E+ E- --& gt; ETA GAMMA in the energy range 0.6 to 1.380 GeV. The data were taken during the runs of 1997-2000 of the VEPP-2M collider and amount to an integrated luminsoity of 26.3 PB-1.

  • Table 1

    Data from T 1, 2


    The measured Born cross section for the ETA GAMMA final state.

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