Table 3a: Number of binary collisions and participants
Data from Figure 3a
Ratio of the number of participants Npart or the number of binary collisions Nbin determined from different models to that...
Data from Figure 3a
Ratio of the number of participants Npart or the number of binary collisions Nbin determined from different models to that...
Data from Figure 3b
Ratio of the number of participants Npart or the number of binary collisions Nbin determined from different models to that...
Data from Figure 4
Inclusive $p_{T}$ distributions of ($h^{+}$ + $h^{-}$)/2 within 0.5 $<|\eta|< 1$. The combined statistical and systematic errors are shown.
Data from Figure 5 and 6
Ratios of $p_{T}$ distributions within 0.5 $<$ $|\eta|$ $<$ 1 to those within $|\eta|$$<$ 0.5 in various centrality bins. Errors...
Data from Figure 7
dN/d$\eta$ distributions for $p_{T}$ $>$ 2 GeV/c and -1 $<$ $\eta$ $<$ 1 scaled by $N_{bin}$ and divided by the...
Data from Figure 8a
Ratio of charged hadron yields within $|\eta|$ $<$ 1 for Au+Au relative to the NN reference, scaled by $N_{part}$/2 as...
Data from Figure 8b
Participant scaling exponent v of charged hadron yields as a function of $p_{T}$ within $|\eta|$ $<$ 1
Data from Figure 9
Ratio of truncated mean $p_{T}$ in $p_{T}$ $>$ $p_{T}^{cut}$ within $|\eta|$$<$1 as a function of $p_{T}^{cut}$ for central and peripheral...
Data from Figure 10
Binary scaling fraction in $p_{T}$ $>$ $p_{T}^{cut}$ within $|\eta|$ $<$ 1 as a function of centrality for selected $p_{T}^{cut}$. For...
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