Centrality and pseudorapidity dependence of charged hadron production at intermediate p(T) in Au + Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 130-GeV

The STAR collaboration
Phys.Rev.C 70 (2004) 044901, 2004.

Abstract (data abstract)
'We present STAR measurements of charged hadron production as a function of centrality in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 130 GeV. The measurements cover a phase space region of 0.2 $<$ $p_{T}$ $<$ 6.0 GeV/c in transverse momentum and -1 $<$ $\eta$ $<$ 1 in pseudorapidity. Inclusive transverse momentum distributions of charged hadrons in the pseudorapidity region 0.5 $<$ $|\eta|$ $<$ 1 are reported and compared to our previously published results for $|\eta|$ $<$ 0.5. No significant difference is seen for inclusive $p_{T}$ distributions of charged hadrons in these two pseudorapidity bins. We measured dN/d$\eta$ distributions and truncated mean $p_{T}$ in a region of $p_{T}$ $>$ $p_{T}^{cut}$, and studied the results in the framework of participant and binary scaling. No clear evidence is observed for participant scaling of charged hadron yield in the measured $p_{T}$ region. The relative importance of hard scattering process is investigated through binary scaling fraction of particle production.'

  • Table 3a: Number of binary collisions and participants

    Data from Figure 3a


    Ratio of the number of participants Npart or the number of binary collisions Nbin determined from different models to that...

  • Table 3b: Number of binary collisions and participants

    Data from Figure 3b


    Ratio of the number of participants Npart or the number of binary collisions Nbin determined from different models to that...

  • Table 4: Invariant differential yield, 0.5 < eta < 1

    Data from Figure 4


    Inclusive $p_{T}$ distributions of ($h^{+}$ + $h^{-}$)/2 within 0.5 $<|\eta|< 1$. The combined statistical and systematic errors are shown.

  • Table 5and6: Ratio of invariant differential yield

    Data from Figure 5 and 6


    Ratios of $p_{T}$ distributions within 0.5 $<$ $|\eta|$ $<$ 1 to those within $|\eta|$$<$ 0.5 in various centrality bins. Errors...

  • Table 7: dN/d{eta} distributions for pT>2 and |eta|<1

    Data from Figure 7


    dN/d$\eta$ distributions for $p_{T}$ $>$ 2 GeV/c and -1 $<$ $\eta$ $<$ 1 scaled by $N_{bin}$ and divided by the...

  • Table 8a: Ratio of charged hadron yields

    Data from Figure 8a


    Ratio of charged hadron yields within $|\eta|$ $<$ 1 for Au+Au relative to the NN reference, scaled by $N_{part}$/2 as...

  • Table 8b: Participant scaling exponent v of charged hadrons

    Data from Figure 8b


    Participant scaling exponent v of charged hadron yields as a function of $p_{T}$ within $|\eta|$ $<$ 1

  • Table 9: Ratio of truncated mean

    Data from Figure 9


    Ratio of truncated mean $p_{T}$ in $p_{T}$ $>$ $p_{T}^{cut}$ within $|\eta|$$<$1 as a function of $p_{T}^{cut}$ for central and peripheral...

  • Table 10: Binary scaling fraction

    Data from Figure 10


    Binary scaling fraction in $p_{T}$ $>$ $p_{T}^{cut}$ within $|\eta|$ $<$ 1 as a function of centrality for selected $p_{T}^{cut}$. For...

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