Inclusive jet production in two-photon collisions at LEP.

The L3 collaboration
Phys.Lett.B 602 (2004) 157-166, 2004.

Abstract (data abstract)
CERN-LEP. Measurement of the inclusive differential jet production cross section as a function of transverse momentum using a Kt jet alogorithm for the two photon reaction E+ E- --& gt; E+ E- JET X for centre-of-mass energies 189 to 209 GeV with a mean of 198 GeV. The data are for photon-photon collision energy W & gt; 5 Gev with a mean of around 30 GeV and cover the JET transverse momentum range 3 to 50 GeV and pseudorapidity -1 to +1. The data sample has an integrated luminosity of 560 pb-1.

  • Table 1

    Data from T 2, F 5


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