The e+ e- ---> pi+ pi- pi+ pi-, K+ K- pi+ pi-, and K+ K- K+ K- cross sections at center-of-mass energies 0.5-GeV to 4.5-GeV measured with initial-state radiation

The BaBar collaboration
Phys.Rev.D 71 (2005) 052001, 2005.

Abstract (data abstract)
SLAC-PEP2. Measurement of the cross sections for 2PI+ 2PI-, K+ K- PI+ PI- and 2K+ 2K- in E+ E- interactions at centre of mass energies from production threshold to 4.5 GeV from data with a photon from the initial state radiation. The data has around 60000 reconstructed events selected from 89 fb-1 data.

  • Table 1

    Data from T 3,F 9


    Measured PI+ PI- PI+ PI- cross sections. The errors are statistical only.

  • Table 2

    Data from T 4,F 16


    Measured K+ K- PI+ PI- cross sections. The errors are statistical only.

  • Table 3

    Data from T 5,F 24


    Measured K+ K- K+ K- cross sections. The errors are statistical only.

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