Multiplicity and pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles and photons at forward pseudorapidity in Au + Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 62.4-GeV.

The STAR collaboration
Phys.Rev.C 73 (2006) 034906, 2006.

Abstract (data abstract)
We present the centrality dependent measurement of multiplicity and pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles and photons in Au + Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 62.4 GeV. The charged particles and photons are measured in the pseudorapidity region $2.9 \leq \eta \leq 3.9$ and $2.3 \leq \eta \leq 3.7$, respectively. We have studied the scaling of particle production with the number of participating nucleons and the number of binary collisions. The photon and charged particle production in the measured pseudorapidity range has been shown to be consistent with energy independent limiting fragmentation behavior. The photons are observed to follow a centrality independent limiting fragmentation behavior while for the charged particles it is centrality dependent. We have carried out a comparative study of the pseudorapidity distributions of positively charged hadrons, negatively charged hadrons, photons, pions, net protons in nucleus-nucleus collisions and pseudorapidity distributions from p+p collisions. From these comparisons we conclude that baryons in the inclusive charged particle distribution are responsible for the observed centrality dependence of limiting fragmentation. The mesons are found to follow an energy independent behavior of limiting fragmentation while the behavior of baryons seems to be energy dependent.

  • Figure 5 up

    Data from Figure 5 up


    (Color Online) Variation of $N_{ch}$ normalized to the number of participating nucleon pair in the FTPC coverage $(2.9 \leq \eta...

  • Figure 5 down

    Data from Figure 5 down


    (Color Online) Variation of $N_{ch}$ normalized to the number of participating nucleon pair in the FTPC coverage $(2.9 \leq \eta...

  • Figure 6 up

    Data from Figure 6 up


    (Color Online) Variation of $N_{ch}$ normalized to the number of collisions in the FTPC coverage $(2.9 \leq \eta \leq 3.9)$...

  • Figure 6 down

    Data from Figure 6 down


    (Color Online) Variation of $N_{ch}$ normalized to the number of collisions in the FTPC coverage $(2.9 \leq \eta \leq 3.9)$...

  • Figure 7 up

    Data from Figure 7 up


    (Color Online) $dN/d\eta$ for charged particles and photons for Au + Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 62.4 GeV for various...

  • Figure 7 down

    Data from Figure 7 down


    (Color Online) $dN/d\eta$ for charged particles and photons for Au + Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 62.4 GeV for various...

  • Figure 10 up

    Data from Figure 10 up


    (Color Online) Half width at half maximum of the pseudorapidity distributions ($\eta_{h}$) of charged particles as a function of total...

  • Figure 10 down

    Data from Figure 10 down


    (Color Online) Half width at half maximum of the pseudorapidity distributions ($\eta_{h}$) of charged particles as a function of total...

  • Figure 15

    Data from Figure 15


    (Color Online) Variation of $dN_{ch}/d\eta$ normalized to $N_{part}$ with $\eta – y_{beam}$ for central and peripheral collisions for positively charged...

  • Figure 17 up

    Data from Figure 17 up


    (Color Online) The top panel shows the variation of pion rapidity density normalized to $N_{part}$ with $y – y_{beam}$ for...

  • Figure 17 down

    Data from Figure 17 down


    (Color Online) The top panel shows the variation of pion rapidity density normalized to $N_{part}$ with $y – y_{beam}$ for...

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