Figure 5 up
Data from Figure 5 up
(Color Online) Variation of $N_{ch}$ normalized to the number of participating nucleon pair in the FTPC coverage $(2.9 \leq \eta...
Data from Figure 5 up
(Color Online) Variation of $N_{ch}$ normalized to the number of participating nucleon pair in the FTPC coverage $(2.9 \leq \eta...
Data from Figure 5 down
(Color Online) Variation of $N_{ch}$ normalized to the number of participating nucleon pair in the FTPC coverage $(2.9 \leq \eta...
Data from Figure 6 up
(Color Online) Variation of $N_{ch}$ normalized to the number of collisions in the FTPC coverage $(2.9 \leq \eta \leq 3.9)$...
Data from Figure 6 down
(Color Online) Variation of $N_{ch}$ normalized to the number of collisions in the FTPC coverage $(2.9 \leq \eta \leq 3.9)$...
Data from Figure 7 up
(Color Online) $dN/d\eta$ for charged particles and photons for Au + Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 62.4 GeV for various...
Data from Figure 7 down
(Color Online) $dN/d\eta$ for charged particles and photons for Au + Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 62.4 GeV for various...
Data from Figure 10 up
(Color Online) Half width at half maximum of the pseudorapidity distributions ($\eta_{h}$) of charged particles as a function of total...
Data from Figure 10 down
(Color Online) Half width at half maximum of the pseudorapidity distributions ($\eta_{h}$) of charged particles as a function of total...
Data from Figure 15
(Color Online) Variation of $dN_{ch}/d\eta$ normalized to $N_{part}$ with $\eta – y_{beam}$ for central and peripheral collisions for positively charged...
Data from Figure 17 up
(Color Online) The top panel shows the variation of pion rapidity density normalized to $N_{part}$ with $y – y_{beam}$ for...
Data from Figure 17 down
(Color Online) The top panel shows the variation of pion rapidity density normalized to $N_{part}$ with $y – y_{beam}$ for...
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