Study of the e+ e- --> eta gamma process with SND detector at the VEPP-2M e+ e- collider.

Phys.Rev.D 74 (2006) 014016, 2006.

Abstract (data abstract)
NOVOSIBIRSK VEPP-2M collider. Measurement of the cross section for the process E+ E- --& gt; ETA GAMMA at centre of mass energies from 0.6 to 1.38 GeV.. The data set has an integrated luminosity of 27.8 pb-1. The cross section is given from measurements using the (3PI0) and (PI+ PI- PI0) decay modes of the ETA separately.

  • Table 1

    Data from T 3_4,F 5


    Cross section from the ETA --> 3PI0 decay mode.

  • Table 2

    Data from T 5,F 5


    Cross section from the ETA --> PI+ PI- PI0 decay mode.

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