Cross Sections for the Reactions e+e- --> K+ K- pi+pi-, K+ K- pi0pi0, and K+ K- K+ K- Measured Using Initial-State Radiation Events

The BaBar collaboration
Phys.Rev.D 86 (2012) 012008, 2012.

Abstract (data abstract)
SLAC-PEP2. Study of the cross sections for the final states K+ K- PI+ PI- (GAMMA), K+ K- PI0 PI0 (GAMMA)and K+ K- K+ K- (GAMMA) in E+ E- interactions where the photon is radiated from the initial state. The data sample used has a total integrated luminosity of 454 fb-1 with 84000, 8000 and 4200 fully reconstructed events being obtained respectively, the centre of mass energy of the interaction being determined by the final state The tables show atatistical errors only with the systematic errors as follows: E+ E- --> K+ K- PI+ PI- : 4 % for ECM < 3.3 GeV E+ E- --> K+ K- PI+ PI- : 4-11 % for ECM > 3.3 GeV E+ E- --> K+ K- PI0 PI0 : 7 % for ECM < 3.3 GeV E+ E- --> K+ K- PI0 PI0 : 7-16 % for ECM > 3.3 GeV E+ E- --> K+ K- K+ K- : 9 % for ECM < 3.3 GeV E+ E- --> K+ K- K+ K- : 9-13 % for ECM > 3.3 GeV.

  • Table 1

    Data from T 1,F 4


    The cross section for the reaction E+ E- --> K+ K- PI+ PI- measured with ISR data. Statistical errors only.

  • Table 2

    Data from T 3,F 9


    Cross section measurements for the reaction E+ E- --> K*(892)0 K- PI+. Statistical errors only.

  • Table 3

    Data from T 4,F 13


    Cross section measurements for the reaction E+ E- --> PHI PI+ PI-. Statistical errors only.

  • Table 4

    Data from T 5,F 15


    Cross section measurements for the reaction E+ E- --> PHI F0(980). Statistical errors only.

  • Table 5

    Data from T 6,F 15


    Cross section measurements for the reaction E+ E- --> PHI F0(600). Statistical errors only.

  • Table 6

    Data from T 7,F 19


    Cross section measurements for the reaction E+ E- --> K+ K- PI0 PI0. Statistical errors only.

  • Table 7

    Data from T 9,F 24


    Cross section measurements for the reaction E+ E- --> PHI F0(980). Statistical errors only.

  • Table 8

    Data from T 10,F 28


    Cross section measurements for the reaction E+ E- --> K+ K- K+ K-. Statistical errors only.

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