Measurement of the jet fragmentation function and transverse profile in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration
Eur.Phys.J.C 71 (2011) 1795, 2011.

Abstract (data abstract)
CERN-LHC. Measurements of the longitudinal relative momentum distributions of charged particles and their transverse profiles in jets of PT in the range 25-500 GeV produced in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. The data sample used has a total integrated luminosity of 36 pb-1. Jets are reconstructed using an anti-KT algorithm with the cone radius, R, in eta-phi space equal to 0.6. The measurements of the transverse profile are as a function of r, the separation of the charged particle from the jet axis in azimuth-rapidity space and PTrel, the PT of the charged particle relative to the jet axis.

  • Table 1

    Data from F 5


    Charged particle fragmentation function in the jet-Pt range 25 TO 40 GeV.

  • Table 2

    Data from F 5


    Charged particle fragmentation function in the jet-Pt range 40 TO 60 GeV.

  • Table 3

    Data from F 5


    Charged particle fragmentation function in the jet-Pt range 60 TO 80 GeV.

  • Table 4

    Data from F 5


    Charged particle fragmentation function in the jet-Pt range 80 TO 110 GeV.

  • Table 5

    Data from F 5


    Charged particle fragmentation function in the jet-Pt range 110 TO 160 GeV.

  • Table 6

    Data from F 5


    Charged particle fragmentation function in the jet-Pt range 160 TO 210 GeV.

  • Table 7

    Data from F 5


    Charged particle fragmentation function in the jet-Pt range 210 TO 260 GeV.

  • Table 8

    Data from F 5


    Charged particle fragmentation function in the jet-Pt range 260 TO 310 GeV.

  • Table 9

    Data from F 5


    Charged particle fragmentation function in the jet-Pt range 310 TO 400 GeV.

  • Table 10

    Data from F 5


    Charged particle fragmentation function in the jet-Pt range 400 TO 500 GeV.

  • Table 11

    Data from F 10


    Charged particle Rho distribution in the jet-Pt range 25 TO 40 GeV.

  • Table 12

    Data from F 10


    Charged particle Rho distribution in the jet-Pt range 40 TO 60 GeV.

  • Table 13

    Data from F 10


    Charged particle Rho distribution in the jet-Pt range 60 TO 80 GeV.

  • Table 14

    Data from F 10


    Charged particle Rho distribution in the jet-Pt range 80 TO 110 GeV.

  • Table 15

    Data from F 10


    Charged particle Rho distribution in the jet-Pt range 110 TO 160 GeV.

  • Table 16

    Data from F 10


    Charged particle Rho distribution in the jet-Pt range 160 TO 210 GeV.

  • Table 17

    Data from F 10


    Charged particle Rho distribution in the jet-Pt range 210 TO 260 GeV.

  • Table 18

    Data from F 10


    Charged particle Rho distribution in the jet-Pt range 260 TO 310 GeV.

  • Table 19

    Data from F 10


    Charged particle Rho distribution in the jet-Pt range 310 TO 400 GeV.

  • Table 20

    Data from F 10


    Charged particle Rho distribution in the jet-Pt range 400 TO 500 GeV.

  • Table 21

    Data from F 11


    Charged particle ptRel distribution in the jet-Pt range 25 TO 40 GeV.

  • Table 22

    Data from F 11


    Charged particle ptRel distribution in the jet-Pt range 40 TO 60 GeV.

  • Table 23

    Data from F 11


    Charged particle ptRel distribution in the jet-Pt range 60 TO 80 GeV.

  • Table 24

    Data from F 11


    Charged particle ptRel distribution in the jet-Pt range 80 TO 110 GeV.

  • Table 25

    Data from F 11


    Charged particle ptRel distribution in the jet-Pt range 110 TO 160 GeV.

  • Table 26

    Data from F 11


    Charged particle ptRel distribution in the jet-Pt range 160 TO 210 GeV.

  • Table 27

    Data from F 11


    Charged particle ptRel distribution in the jet-Pt range 210 TO 260 GeV.

  • Table 28

    Data from F 11


    Charged particle ptRel distribution in the jet-Pt range 260 TO 310 GeV.

  • Table 29

    Data from F 11


    Charged particle ptRel distribution in the jet-Pt range 310 TO 400 GeV.

  • Table 30

    Data from F 11


    Charged particle ptRel distribution in the jet-Pt range 400 TO 500 GeV.

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