Table 1
Data from T 2,F 15
Cross section for Inclusive Jet Multiplicity corrected to the lepton common fiducial region and for QED radiation effects.
Data from T 2,F 15
Cross section for Inclusive Jet Multiplicity corrected to the lepton common fiducial region and for QED radiation effects.
Data from T 3,F 16
Ratio of cross sections for N/N-1 inclusive jet multiplicities corrected to the lepton common fiducial region and for QED radiation...
Data from T 4,F 17
Inclusive jet differential cross section dsigma/dpt corrected to the lepton common fiducial region and for QED radiation effects.
Data from T 5,F 18
Cross section dsigma/dpt as a function of the leading jet pt corrected to the lepton common fiducial region and for...
Data from T 6,F 19
Cross section dsigma/dpt as a function of the second-leading jet pt corrected to the lepton common fiducial region and for...
Data from T 7,F 20
Inclusive jet differential cross section dsigma/dy corrected to the lepton common fiducial region and for QED radiation effects.
Data from T 8,F 21
Jet differential cross section dsigma/dy as a function of the leading jet y corrected to the lepton common fiducial region...
Data from T 9,F 22
Jet differential cross section dsigma/dy as a function of the second-leading jet y corrected to the lepton common fiducial region...
Data from T 10,F 23
Differential cross section dsigma/dmjj as a function of the dijet invariant mass mjj corrected to the lepton common fiducial region...
Data from T 11,F 24
Differential cross section dsigma/d DeltaYjj as a function of the dijet rapidity separation DeltaYjj corrected to the lepton common fiducial...
Data from T 12,F 25
Differential cross section dsigma/d DeltaPhijj as a function of the dijet azimuthal separation DeltaPhijj corrected to the lepton common fiducial...
Data from T 13,F 26
Differential cross section dsigma/d DeltaRjj as a function of the dijet angular separation DeltaRjj corrected to the lepton common fiducial...
Data from F 3
Cross section for Inclusive Jet Multiplicity for the electron channel and the muon channel in the individual lepton fiducial regions...
Data from F 4
Ratio of cross sections for N/N-1 inclusive jet multiplicities for the electron channel and the muon channel in the individual...
Data from F 5
Measured normalized inclusive jet differential cross section 1/sigma_DY dsigma/dpt for the electron channel and the muon channel in the individual...
Data from F 6
Measured normalized leading jet differential cross section 1/sigma_DY dsigma/dpt for the electron channel and the muon channel in the individual...
Data from F 7
Measured normalized second-leading jet differential cross section 1/sigma_DY dsigma/dpt for the electron channel and the muon channel in the individual...
Data from F 8
Measured normalized inclusive jet differential cross section 1/sigma_DY dsigma/dy for the electron channel and the muon channel in the individual...
Data from F 9
Measured normalized leading jet differential cross section 1/sigma_DY dsigma/dy for the electron channel and the muon channel in the individual...
Data from F 10
Measured normalized second leading jet differential cross section 1/sigma_DY dsigma/dy for the electron channel and the muon channel in the...
Data from F 11
Measured normalized differential cross section as a function of dijet invariant mass 1/sigma_DY dsigma/dmjj for the electron channel and the...
Data from F 12
Measured normalized differential cross section as a function of dijet rapidity separation 1/sigma_DY dsigma/dDeltaYjj for the electron channel and the...
Data from F 13
Measured normalized differential cross section as a function of dijet azimuthal separation 1/sigma_DY dsigma/dDeltaPhijj (1/rad.) for the electron channel and...
Data from F 14
Measured normalized differential cross section as a function of dijet angular separation 1/sigma_DY dsigma/dDeltaRjj for the electron channel and the...
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