
Dark Matter Search Results from 4.2 Tonne-Years of Exposure of the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Experiment

The LZ collaboration Aalbers, J. ; Akerib, D.S. ; Al Musalhi, A.K. ; et al.
FERMILAB-PUB-24-0796-V, 2024.
Inspire Record 2841863 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.155182

We report results of a search for nuclear recoils induced by weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter using the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) two-phase xenon time projection chamber. This analysis uses a total exposure of $4.2\pm0.1$ tonne-years from 280 live days of LZ operation, of which $3.3\pm0.1$ tonne-years and 220 live days are new. A technique to actively tag background electronic recoils from $^{214}$Pb $\beta$ decays is featured for the first time. Enhanced electron-ion recombination is observed in two-neutrino double electron capture decays of $^{124}$Xe, representing a noteworthy new background. After removal of artificial signal-like events injected into the data set to mitigate analyzer bias, we find no evidence for an excess over expected backgrounds. World-leading constraints are placed on spin-independent (SI) and spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon cross sections for masses $\geq$9 GeV/$c^2$. The strongest SI exclusion set is $2.1\times10^{-48}$ cm$^{2}$ at the 90% confidence level at a mass of 36 GeV/$c^2$, and the best SI median sensitivity achieved is $5.0\times10^{-48}$ cm$^{2}$ for a mass of 40 GeV/$c^2$.

5 data tables

90% CL WIMP SI cross sections, including sensitivities

90% CL WIMP SDn cross sections, including sensitivities and nuclear structure uncertainties

90% CL WIMP SDp cross sections, including sensitivities and nuclear structure uncertainties


Probing the Scalar WIMP-Pion Coupling with the first LUX-ZEPLIN data

The LZ collaboration Aalbers, J. ; Akerib, D.S. ; Al Musalhi, A.K. ; et al.
Commun.Phys. 7 (2024) 292, 2024.
Inspire Record 2794384 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.152755

Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) may interact with a virtual pion that is exchanged between nucleons. This interaction channel is important to consider in models where the spin-independent isoscalar channel is suppressed. Using data from the first science run of the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter experiment, containing 60 live days of data in a 5.5~tonne fiducial mass of liquid xenon, we report the results on a search for WIMP-pion interactions. We observe no significant excess and set an upper limit of $1.5\times10^{-46}$~cm$^2$ at a 90% confidence level for a WIMP mass of 33~GeV/c$^2$ for this interaction.

1 data table

WIMP-Pion interaction cross section at the 90% CL

Constraints On Covariant WIMP-Nucleon Effective Field Theory Interactions from the First Science Run of the LUX-ZEPLIN Experiment

The LZ collaboration Aalbers, J. ; Akerib, D.S. ; Al Musalhi, A.K. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 133 (2024) 221801, 2024.
Inspire Record 2781562 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.151391

The first science run of the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment, a dual-phase xenon time project chamber operating in the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota, USA, has reported leading limits on spin-independent WIMP-nucleon interactions and interactions described from a non-relativistic effective field theory (NREFT). Using the same 5.5~t fiducial mass and 60 live days of exposure we report on the results of a relativistic extension to the NREFT. We present constraints on couplings from covariant interactions arising from the coupling of vector, axial currents, and electric dipole moments of the nucleon to the magnetic and electric dipole moments of the WIMP which cannot be described by recasting previous results described by an NREFT. Using a profile-likelihood ratio analysis, in an energy region between 0~keV$_\text{nr}$ to 270~keV$_\text{nr}$, we report 90% confidence level exclusion limits on the coupling strength of five interactions in both the isoscalar and isovector bases.

40 data tables

Isoscalar interaction coupling limit for Lagrangian 1

Isovector interaction coupling limit for Lagrangian 19

Isoscalar interaction coupling limit for Lagrangian 19


Measurement of the $e^+e^- \to \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ cross section in the energy range 0.62-3.50 GeV at Belle II

The Belle-II collaboration Adachi, I. ; Aggarwal, L. ; Aihara, H. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 110 (2024) 112005, 2024.
Inspire Record 2775022 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.155340

We report a measurement of the $e^+e^- \to \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ cross section in the energy range from 0.62 to 3.50 GeV using an initial-state radiation technique. We use an $e^+e^-$ data sample corresponding to 191 $\text{fb}^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity, collected at a center-of-mass energy at or near the $\Upsilon{(4S)}$ resonance with the Belle II detector at the SuperKEKB collider. Signal yields are extracted by fitting the two-photon mass distribution in $e^+e^- \to \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\gamma$ events, which involve a $\pi^0 \to \gamma\gamma$ decay and an energetic photon radiated from the initial state. Signal efficiency corrections with an accuracy of 1.6% are obtained from several control data samples. The uncertainty on the cross section at the $\omega$ and $\phi$ resonances is dominated by the systematic uncertainty of 2.2%. The resulting cross sections in the 0.62-1.80 GeV energy range yield $ a_\mu^{3\pi} = [48.91 \pm 0.23~(\mathrm{stat}) \pm 1.07~(\mathrm{syst})] \times 10^{-10} $ for the leading-order hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. This result differs by $2.5$ standard deviations from the most precise current determination.

5 data tables

Energy bin range ($\sqrt{s'}$), number of events after unfolding ($N_{\mathrm{unf}}$), corrected efficiency ($\varepsilon$), and cross section ($\sigma_{3\pi}$) for $e^{+}e^{-} \to \pi^{+} \pi^{-} \pi^{0}$ in energy range 0.62--1.05~GeV. The two uncertainties in the cross section are the statistical and systematic contributions. The statistical uncertainties for the unfolding and cross section are square roots of the diagonal components of the unfolding covariance matrix. The image shows Figure 23 in the PRD paper, and the points with error bars indicate the cross section in the table.

Energy bin range ($\sqrt{s'}$), number of events after unfolding ($N_{\mathrm{unf}}$), corrected efficiency ($\varepsilon$), and cross section ($\sigma_{3\pi}$) for $e^{+}e^{-} \to \pi^{+} \pi^{-} \pi^{0}$ in energy range 1.05--3.50~GeV. The two uncertainties in the cross section are the statistical and systematic contributions. The statistical uncertainties for the unfolding and cross section are square roots of the diagonal components of the unfolding covariance matrix. The image shows Figure 23 in the PRD paper, and the points with error bars indicate the cross section in the table.

The statistic covariance matrix for the $e^+e^- \to \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^0$ cross section measurement at the Belle II. The 212 x 212 matrix of the energy ranges from 0.62 to 3.50 GeV. This covariance matrix, obtained by propagating the covariance matrix in the unfolding procedure, shows the total statistical uncertainties for the cross section results.


Combination of measurements of the top quark mass from data collected by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at $\sqrt{s}=7$ and 8 TeV

The ATLAS & CMS collaborations Hayrapetyan, Aram ; Tumasyan, Armen ; Adam, Wolfgang ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 132 (2024) 261902, 2024.
Inspire Record 2789110 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.143309

A combination of fifteen top quark mass measurements performed by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC is presented. The data sets used correspond to an integrated luminosity of up to 5 and 20$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV, respectively. The combination includes measurements in top quark pair events that exploit both the semileptonic and hadronic decays of the top quark, and a measurement using events enriched in single top quark production via the electroweak $t$-channel. The combination accounts for the correlations between measurements and achieves an improvement in the total uncertainty of 31% relative to the most precise input measurement. The result is $m_\mathrm{t}$ = 172.52 $\pm$ 0.14 (stat) $\pm$ 0.30 (syst) GeV, with a total uncertainty of 0.33 GeV.

1 data table

Uncertainties on the $m_{t}$ values extracted in the LHC, ATLAS, and CMS combinations arising from the categories described in the text, sorted in order of decreasing value of the combined LHC uncertainty.

New constraints on ultraheavy dark matter from the LZ experiment

The LZ collaboration Aalbers, J. ; Akerib, D.S. ; Al Musalhi, A.K. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 112010, 2024.
Inspire Record 2758452 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.151392

Searches for dark matter with liquid xenon time projection chamber experiments have traditionally focused on the region of the parameter space that is characteristic of weakly interacting massive particles, ranging from a few GeV/$c^2$ to a few TeV/$c^2$. Models of dark matter with a mass much heavier than this are well motivated by early production mechanisms different from the standard thermal freeze-out, but they have generally been less explored experimentally. In this work, we present a re-analysis of the first science run (SR1) of the LZ experiment, with an exposure of $0.9$ tonne$\times$year, to search for ultraheavy particle dark matter. The signal topology consists of multiple energy deposits in the active region of the detector forming a straight line, from which the velocity of the incoming particle can be reconstructed on an event-by-event basis. Zero events with this topology were observed after applying the data selection calibrated on a simulated sample of signal-like events. New experimental constraints are derived, which rule out previously unexplored regions of the dark matter parameter space of spin-independent interactions beyond a mass of 10$^{17}$ GeV/$c^2$.

5 data tables

Upper limit on the WIMP-nucleon scattering cross section from the multiple-scatter analysis.

Upper limit on the WIMP-nucleus scattering cross section from the multiple-scatter analysis.

Upper limit on the WIMP-nucleon scattering cross section from the single-scatter analysis.


First Constraints on WIMP-Nucleon Effective Field Theory Couplings in an Extended Energy Region From LUX-ZEPLIN

The LZ collaboration Aalbers, J. ; Akerib, D.S. ; Musalhi, A.K. Al ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 092003, 2024.
Inspire Record 2729878 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.145873

Following the first science results of the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment, a dual-phase xenon time projection chamber operating from the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota, USA, we report the initial limits on a model-independent non-relativistic effective field theory describing the complete set of possible interactions of a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) with a nucleon. These results utilize the same 5.5 t fiducial mass and 60 live days of exposure collected for the LZ spin-independent and spin-dependent analyses while extending the upper limit of the energy region of interest by a factor of 7.5 to 270 keVnr. No significant excess in this high energy region is observed. Using a profile-likelihood ratio analysis, we report 90% confidence level exclusion limits on the coupling of each individual non-relativistic WIMP-nucleon operator for both elastic and inelastic interactions in the isoscalar and isovector bases.

58 data tables

Data points used in analysis in log_10(S2)-S1 space.

Data selection efficiency as a function of nuclear recoil energy

Isoscalar WIMP-nucleon elastic coupling limit for Operator 8


Determination of $|V_{cb}|$ using $\overline{B}^0\to D^{*+}\ell^-\bar\nu_\ell$ decays with Belle II

The Belle-II collaboration Adachi, I. ; Adamczyk, K. ; Aggarwal, L. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 092013, 2023.
Inspire Record 2705370 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.145129

We determine the CKM matrix-element magnitude $|V_{cb}|$ using $\overline{B}^0\to D^{*+}\ell^-\bar\nu_\ell$ decays reconstructed in $189 \, \mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of collision data collected by the Belle II experiment, located at the SuperKEKB $e^+e^-$ collider. Partial decay rates are reported as functions of the recoil parameter $w$ and three decay angles separately for electron and muon final states. We obtain $|V_{cb}|$ using the Boyd-Grinstein-Lebed and Caprini-Lellouch-Neubert parametrizations, and find $|V_{cb}|_\mathrm{BGL}=(40.57\pm 0.31 \pm 0.95\pm 0.58)\times 10^{-3}$ and $|V_{cb}|_\mathrm{CLN}=(40.13 \pm 0.27 \pm 0.93\pm 0.58 )\times 10^{-3}$ with the uncertainties denoting statistical components, systematic components, and components from the lattice QCD input, respectively. The branching fraction is measured to be ${\cal B}(\overline{B}^0\to D^{*+}\ell^-\bar\nu_\ell)=(4.922 \pm 0.023 \pm 0.220)\%$. The ratio of branching fractions for electron and muon final states is found to be $0.998 \pm 0.009 \pm 0.020$. In addition, we determine the forward-backward angular asymmetry and the $D^{*+}$ longitudinal polarization fractions. All results are compatible with lepton-flavor universality in the Standard Model.

8 data tables

Measured partial decay rates $\Delta\Gamma$ (in units of $10^{-15}$ GeV)

Average of normalized decay rates over $\overline{B}^0\to D^{*+} e^- \bar\nu_e$ and $\overline{B}^0\to D^{*+} \mu^- \bar\nu_\mu$ decays

Full experimental (statistical and systematic) correlations (in \%) of the partial decay rates for the $\overline{B}^0\to D^{*+} e^- \bar\nu_e$ and $\overline{B}^0\to D^{*+} \mu^- \bar\nu_\mu$ decays.


Tests of light-lepton universality in angular asymmetries of $B^0 \to D^{*-} \ell \nu$ decays

The Belle-II collaboration Adachi, I. ; Adamczyk, K. ; Aggarwal, L. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 131 (2023) 181801, 2023.
Inspire Record 2685572 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.144759

We present the first comprehensive tests of light-lepton universality in the angular distributions of semileptonic $B^0$-meson decays to charged spin-1 charmed mesons. We measure five angular-asymmetry observables as functions of the decay recoil that are sensitive to lepton-universality-violating contributions. We use events where one neutral $B$ is fully reconstructed in $\Upsilon\left(4S\right)\to{}B \overline{B}$ decays in data corresponding to $189~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ integrated luminosity from electron-positron collisions collected with the Belle II detector. We find no significant deviation from the standard model expectations.

2 data tables

Observed values of all angular asymmetry variables.

Full experimental covariance matrix of all angular asymmetry variables.

A search for new physics in low-energy electron recoils from the first LZ exposure

The LZ collaboration Aalbers, J. ; Akerib, D.S. ; Musalhi, A.K. Al ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 072006, 2023.
Inspire Record 2683605 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.144761

The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment is a dark matter detector centered on a dual-phase xenon time projection chamber. We report searches for new physics appearing through few-keV-scale electron recoils, using the experiment's first exposure of 60 live days and a fiducial mass of 5.5t. The data are found to be consistent with a background-only hypothesis, and limits are set on models for new physics including solar axion electron coupling, solar neutrino magnetic moment and millicharge, and electron couplings to galactic axion-like particles and hidden photons. Similar limits are set on weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter producing signals through ionized atomic states from the Migdal effect.

10 data tables

The SR1 data in the {S1c, log10S2c} space with respect to observed time. Top plot is first half of SR1 containing 178 of the final data set. Bottom plot is second half of SR1 containing 157 events.

Electronic Recoil (ER) detection efficiency evaluated as a function of simulated true ER energy [keVee]. The data contains ER detection efficiency for ROI of study.

The observed 90% C.L upper limit on effective neutrino magnetic moment (\mu_{\nu}[\mu_{B}]) in SR1. The data contains observed upper limit, median sensitivity and 1\sigma and 2\sigma sensitivity range.
