Production of kshort, kstar(892)and phi(1020) in minimum bias events and kshort and lambda in jets in pbar p collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV

The CDF collaboration Aaltonen, T. ; Albrow, M. ; Alvarez Gonzalez, B. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 88 (2013) 092005, 2013.
Inspire Record 1247975 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.64398

We report measurements of the inclusive transverse momentum pT distribution of centrally produced kshort, kstar(892), and phi(1020) mesons up to pT = 10 GeV/c in minimum-bias events, and kshort and lambda particles up to pT = 20 GeV/c in jets with transverse energy between 25 GeV and 160 GeV in pbar p collisions. The data were taken with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV. We find that as pT increases, the pT slopes of the three mesons (kshort, kstar, and phi) are similar, and the ratio of lambda to kshort as a function of pT in minimum-bias events becomes similar to the fairly constant ratio in jets at pT ~ 5 GeV/c. This suggests that the particles with pT >~ 5 GeV/c in minimum-bias events are from soft jets, and that the pT slope of particles in jets is insensitive to light quark flavor (u, d, or s) and to the number of valence quarks. We also find that for pT <~ 4 GeV relatively more lambda baryons are produced in minimum-bias events than in jets.

5 data tables

The inclusive invariant differential cross section for K0S production.

The inclusive invariant differential cross section for PHI production.

The inclusive invariant differential cross section for K*(892)+- production.
