We report the systematic measurement of protons and light nuclei production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ = 3 GeV by the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The transverse momentum ($p_{T}$) spectra of protons ($p$), deuterons ($d$), tritons ($t$), $^{3}\mathrm{He}$, and $^{4}\mathrm{He}$ are measured from mid-rapidity to target rapidity for different collision centralities. We present the rapidity and centrality dependence of particle yields ($dN/dy$), average transverse momentum ($\langle p_{T}\rangle$), yield ratios ($d/p$, $t/p$,$^{3}\mathrm{He}/p$, $^{4}\mathrm{He}/p$), as well as the coalescence parameters ($B_2$, $B_3$). The 4$\pi$ yields for various particles are determined by utilizing the measured rapidity distributions, $dN/dy$. Furthermore, we present the energy, centrality, and rapidity dependence of the compound yield ratios ($N_{p} \times N_{t} / N_{d}^{2}$) and compare them with various model calculations. The physics implications of those results on the production mechanism of light nuclei and on QCD phase structure are discussed.
Weak decay feed-down fraction of protons (%) at different centralities in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 3 GeV. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are shown respectively.
Transverse momentum spectra of inclusive protons in 0-10% Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 3 GeV. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are shown respectively.
Transverse momentum spectra of inclusive protons in 10-20% Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 3 GeV. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are shown respectively.
We report multi-differential measurements of strange hadron production ranging from mid- to target-rapidity in Au+Au collisions at a center-of-momentum energy per nucleon pair of $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=3$ GeV with the STAR experiment at RHIC. $K^0_S$ meson and $\Lambda$ hyperon yields are measured via their weak decay channels. Collision centrality and rapidity dependences of the transverse momentum spectra and particle ratios are presented. Particle mass and centrality dependence of the average transverse momenta of $\Lambda$ and $K^0_S$ are compared with other strange particles, providing evidence of the development of hadronic rescattering in such collisions. The 4$\pi$ yields of each of these strange hadrons show a consistent centrality dependence. Discussions on radial flow, the strange hadron production mechanism, and properties of the medium created in such collisions are presented together with results from hadronic transport and thermal model calculations.
dN/dy of lambda for different centrality bins.
dN/dy of Ks0 for different centrality bins.
Rapidity dependence of Lambda/p for different centrality bins.
We report a measurement of the $e^+e^- \to \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ cross section in the energy range from 0.62 to 3.50 GeV using an initial-state radiation technique. We use an $e^+e^-$ data sample corresponding to 191 $\text{fb}^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity, collected at a center-of-mass energy at or near the $\Upsilon{(4S)}$ resonance with the Belle II detector at the SuperKEKB collider. Signal yields are extracted by fitting the two-photon mass distribution in $e^+e^- \to \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\gamma$ events, which involve a $\pi^0 \to \gamma\gamma$ decay and an energetic photon radiated from the initial state. Signal efficiency corrections with an accuracy of 1.6% are obtained from several control data samples. The uncertainty on the cross section at the $\omega$ and $\phi$ resonances is dominated by the systematic uncertainty of 2.2%. The resulting cross sections in the 0.62-1.80 GeV energy range yield $ a_\mu^{3\pi} = [48.91 \pm 0.23~(\mathrm{stat}) \pm 1.07~(\mathrm{syst})] \times 10^{-10} $ for the leading-order hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. This result differs by $2.5$ standard deviations from the most precise current determination.
Energy bin range ($\sqrt{s'}$), number of events after unfolding ($N_{\mathrm{unf}}$), corrected efficiency ($\varepsilon$), and cross section ($\sigma_{3\pi}$) for $e^{+}e^{-} \to \pi^{+} \pi^{-} \pi^{0}$ in energy range 0.62--1.05~GeV. The two uncertainties in the cross section are the statistical and systematic contributions. The statistical uncertainties for the unfolding and cross section are square roots of the diagonal components of the unfolding covariance matrix. The image shows Figure 23 in the PRD paper, and the points with error bars indicate the cross section in the table.
Energy bin range ($\sqrt{s'}$), number of events after unfolding ($N_{\mathrm{unf}}$), corrected efficiency ($\varepsilon$), and cross section ($\sigma_{3\pi}$) for $e^{+}e^{-} \to \pi^{+} \pi^{-} \pi^{0}$ in energy range 1.05--3.50~GeV. The two uncertainties in the cross section are the statistical and systematic contributions. The statistical uncertainties for the unfolding and cross section are square roots of the diagonal components of the unfolding covariance matrix. The image shows Figure 23 in the PRD paper, and the points with error bars indicate the cross section in the table.
The statistic covariance matrix for the $e^+e^- \to \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^0$ cross section measurement at the Belle II. The 212 x 212 matrix of the energy ranges from 0.62 to 3.50 GeV. This covariance matrix, obtained by propagating the covariance matrix in the unfolding procedure, shows the total statistical uncertainties for the cross section results.
We measure the spin-density matrix elements (SDMEs) of the $\Delta^{++}(1232)$ in the photoproduction reaction $\gamma p \to \pi^-\Delta^{++}(1232)$ with the GlueX experiment in Hall D at Jefferson Lab. The measurement uses a linearly--polarized photon beam with energies from $8.2$ to $8.8$~GeV and the statistical precision of the SDMEs exceeds the previous measurement by three orders of magnitude for the momentum transfer squared region below $1.4$ GeV$^2$. The data are sensitive to the previously undetermined relative sign between couplings in existing Regge-exchange models. Linear combinations of the extracted SDMEs allow for a decomposition into natural and unnatural--exchange amplitudes. We find that the unnatural exchange plays an important role in the low momentum transfer region.
Spin-density matrix elements for the photoproduction of $\Delta(1232)^{++}$ in the Gottfried-Jackson system. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic.
We report on the charged-particle multiplicity dependence of net-proton cumulant ratios up to sixth order from $\sqrt{s}=200$ GeV $p$+$p$ collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The measured ratios $C_{4}/C_{2}$, $C_{5}/C_{1}$, and $C_{6}/C_{2}$ decrease with increased charged-particle multiplicity and rapidity acceptance. Neither the Skellam baselines nor PYTHIA8 calculations account for the observed multiplicity dependence. In addition, the ratios $C_{5}/C_{1}$ and $C_{6}/C_{2}$ approach negative values in the highest-multiplicity events, which implies that thermalized QCD matter may be formed in $p$+$p$ collisions.
(c) Charged-particle multiplicity distribution.
(d) Event-by-event net-proton multiplicity distributions for $|y|<0.5$ and $0.4<p_{\rm{T}}<2.0$ GeV/$c$ at two ranges of charged particle multiplicity as indicated in the legend.
Net-proton cumulant ratios, (a) $C_{2}/C_{1}$, (b) $C_{3}/C_{2}$, (c) $C_{4}/C_{2}$, (d) $C_{5}/C_{1}$, and (e) $C_{6}/C_{2}$ as a function of charged-particle multiplicity from $\sqrt{s}=200$ GeV $p$+$p$ collisions. Black solid lines and red bands represent the statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively. Cyan points represent event averages for $3 < m_{\rm ch}^{\rm TPC} < 30$, and they are plotted at the corresponding value of $m_{\rm ch}^{\rm TPC}$. The uncertainties on the cyan points are smaller than the marker size. The Skellam baselines are shown as dotted lines. The results of the PYTHIA8 calculations are shown by hatched-golden bands. The golden bands at $m_{\rm ch}^{\rm TPC}\approx 6$ are the results from the PYTHIA8 calculations averaged over multiplicities.
High precision measurements of flow coefficients $v_{n}$ ($n = 1 - 4$) for protons, deuterons and tritons relative to the first-order spectator plane have been performed in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.4$ GeV with the High-Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES) at the SIS18/GSI. Flow coefficients are studied as a function of transverse momentum $p_{t}$ and rapidity $y_{cm}$ over a large region of phase space and for several classes of collision centrality. A clear mass hierarchy is found for the slope of $v_{1}$, $d v_{1}/d y^{\prime}|_{y^{\prime} = 0}$ where $y^{\prime}$ is the scaled rapidity, and for $v_{2}$ at mid-rapidity. Scaling with the number of nucleons is observed for the $p_{t}$ dependence of $v_{2}$ and $v_{4}$ at mid-rapidity, which is indicative for nuclear coalescence as the main process responsible for light nuclei formation. $v_{2}$ is found to scale with the initial eccentricity $\langle \epsilon_{2} \rangle$, while $v_{4}$ scales with $\langle \epsilon_{2} \rangle^{2}$ and $\langle \epsilon_{4} \rangle$. The multi-differential high-precision data on $v_{1}$, $v_{2}$, $v_{3}$, and $v_{4}$ provides important constraints on the equation-of-state of compressed baryonic matter.
The resolution $\Re_{n}$ of the first-order spectator event plane for flow coefficients of different orders $n$ as a function of the event centrality (Adamczewski-Musch:2020iio). The circles correspond to centrality intervals of $5 \%$ width and the squares to $10 \%$ width (curves are meant to guide the eye).
The resolution $\Re_{n}$ of the first-order spectator event plane for flow coefficients of different orders $n$ as a function of the event centrality (Adamczewski-Musch:2020iio). The circles correspond to centrality intervals of $5 \%$ width and the squares to $10 \%$ width (curves are meant to guide the eye).
The flow coefficients $v_{1}$, $v_{2}$, $v_{3}$, and $v_{4}$ (from top to bottom panels) of protons, deuterons and tritons (from left to right panels) in semi-central ($20 - 30 \%$) Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.4$ GeV as a function of the centre-of-mass rapidity $y_{cm}$ in transverse momentum intervals of $50$ MeV$/c$ width. Systematic uncertainties are displayed as boxes. Lines are to guide the eye.
A precise measurement of the cross section of the process $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-(\gamma)$ from threshold to an energy of 3GeV is obtained with the initial-state radiation (ISR) method using 232fb$^{-1}$ of data collected with the BaBar detector at $e^+e^-$ center-of-mass energies near 10.6GeV. The ISR luminosity is determined from a study of the leptonic process $e^+e^-\to\mu^+\mu^-(\gamma)\gamma_{\rm ISR}$, which is found to agree with the next-to-leading-order QED prediction to within 1.1%. The cross section for the process $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-(\gamma)$ is obtained with a systematic uncertainty of 0.5% in the dominant $\rho$ resonance region. The leading-order hadronic contribution to the muon magnetic anomaly calculated using the measured $\pi\pi$ cross section from threshold to 1.8GeV is $(514.1 \pm 2.2({\rm stat}) \pm 3.1({\rm syst}))\times 10^{-10}$.
Bare cross-section $e^+e^-\rightarrow\pi^+\pi^-(\gamma)$ The cross section values (nb) for 337 CM energy intervals (GeV) from 0.3 to 3 GeV. The cross section is bare (excluding vacuum polarization) and includes the emission of final state photons. ***WARNING*** The quoted errors are from the diagonal elements of the statistical covariance matrix (reported on the Table titled "Bare cross-section statistical covariance") and added quadratically with the systematic uncertainties (reported in the Table titled "Bare cross-section systematic uncertainties"). These errors can be used when plotting the results as they are representative of the precision achieved. However, any calculation involving the cross section over some energy range MUST use, to be meaningful, the full statistical covariance matrix and the proper correlations of the systematic uncertainties. ***WARNING*** The Bare cross-section statistical covariance is reported as additional resource in YAML, since its size exceeds the maximum size of 10 MB for the library hepdata_lib. It is a statistical covariance matrix, for 337x337 CM energy intervals (GeV), from 0.3 to 3 GeV, matching the ones of this table.
Bare cross-section $e^+e^-\rightarrow\pi^+\pi^-(\gamma)$ systematic uncertainties contributions and total systematic uncertainties, for 337 CM energy intervals (GeV), from 0.3 to 3 GeV. All systematics contributions are each 100% correlated in all energy bins.
Bare cross-section $e^+e^-\rightarrow\pi^+\pi^-(\gamma)$ statistical covariance matrix, for 337x337 CM energy intervals (GeV), from 0.3 to 3 GeV.
We measure triangular flow relative to the reaction plane at 3 GeV center-of-mass energy in Au+Au collisions at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. A significant $v_3$ signal for protons is observed, which increases for higher rapidity, higher transverse momentum, and more peripheral collisions. The triangular flow is essentially rapidity-odd with a slope at mid-rapidity, $dv_3/dy|_{(y=0)}$, opposite in sign compared to the slope for directed flow. No significant $v_3$ signal is observed for charged pions and kaons. Comparisons with models suggest that a mean field potential is required to describe these results, and that the triangular shape of the participant nucleons is the result of stopping and nuclear geometry.
Event plane resolutions for calculating $v_3\{\Psi_1\}$ as a function of centrality from $\sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}}=3$ GeV Au+Au collisions at STAR.
$v_3\{\Psi_1\}$ vs. centrality for $\pi^+$, $\pi^-$, and protons using the event plane method in $\sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}}=3$ GeV Au+Au collisions at STAR.
$v_3\{\Psi_1\}$ vs. centrality for $K^+$, and $K^-$ using the event plane method in $\sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}}=3$ GeV Au+Au collisions at STAR.
The GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab studies photoproduction of mesons using linearly polarized $8.5\,\text{GeV}$ photons impinging on a hydrogen target which is contained within a detector with near-complete coverage for charged and neutral particles. We present measurements of spin-density matrix elements for the photoproduction of the vector meson $\rho$(770). The statistical precision achieved exceeds that of previous experiments for polarized photoproduction in this energy range by orders of magnitude. We confirm a high degree of $s$-channel helicity conservation at small squared four-momentum transfer $t$ and are able to extract the $t$-dependence of natural and unnatural-parity exchange contributions to the production process in detail. We confirm the dominance of natural-parity exchange over the full $t$ range. We also find that helicity amplitudes in which the helicity of the incident photon and the photoproduced $\rho(770)$ differ by two units are negligible for $-t<0.5\,\text{GeV}^{2}/c^{2}$.
Spin-density matrix elements for the photoproduction of $\rho(770)$ in the helicity system. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic. The systematic uncertainties for the polarized SDMEs $\rho^1_{ij}$ and $\rho^2_{ij}$ contain an overall relative normalization uncertainty of 2.1% which is fully correlated for all values of $-t$.
The analysis of 1466 events of the type e + e − → μ ± μ ± , in the time-lifke range from 1.44 to 9.00 GeV 2 , sh that the absolute value of the cross-section and its energy dependence follow QED expectations within (± 3.2%) and (± 1.2%), respectively.
The cross section of the reaction $e^+ e^- \to \mu^\pm \mu^\mp$ integrated over the experimental apparatus at 14 values of the colliding beam energy $E$ corresponding to total centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}=2E$ from 1.2 to 3.0 GeV.