
Inelastic scattering of 390 MeV $\pi^+$ mesons from protons

Grigor'ev, E.L. ; Mitin, N.A. ;
Sov.Phys.JETP 10 (1960) 1123-1124, 1960.
Inspire Record 1498642 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.75443


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Measurement of the polarization parameter P in elastic π+p scattering at 335, 370, and 410 MeV

Bekrenev, V.S. ; Beloglazov, Yu.A. ; Gaditskii, V.G. ; et al.
JETP Lett. 35 (1982) 148, 1982.
Inspire Record 1408359 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.70446


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Recoil proton polarization in elastic $\pi^−$ p scattering at 300 MeV and the phase shift analysis of pion-nucleon scattering

Vasilevsky, I.M. ; Vishnyakov, V.V. ; Ivanchenko, I.M. ; et al.
Phys.Lett. 23 (1966) 174-176, 1966.
Inspire Record 1408342 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.70432

The results of a measurement of recoil proton polarization for π−p → π−p at 300 MeV are given, and a phase shift analysis is made with the help of other data.

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Elastic Scattering of 240-330 MeV π- Mesons by Hydrogen

Zinov, V.G. ; Korenchenko, S.M. ;
Sov.Phys.JETP 11 (1960) 794, 1960.
Inspire Record 1407580 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.70214

Results of measurements of differential cross sections for the elastic scattering of 11'- mesons of energies 240, 270, 307 and 333 Mev by hydrogen are given.

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No description provided.

Charge-Exchange Scattering of 240-300 MeV π- Mesons on Hydrogen

Zinov, V.G. ; Korenchenko, S.M. ;
Sov.Phys.JETP 11 (1960) 1010-1015, 1960.
Inspire Record 1407581 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.70216

The results are given of the measurement of the differential cross sections of charge-exchange scattering of 240, 270, 307, and 333-Mev 1r- mesons on hydrogen.

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No description provided.

A Search For the $\rho^0$ Meson and a Check of the Dispersion Relations in π-N Scattering

Zinov, V.G. ; Konin, A.D. ; Korenchenko, S.M. ; et al.
Sov.Phys.JETP 11 (1960) 1233-1238, 1960.
Inspire Record 1407582 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.70224

The total 1r- -p interaction cross sections (of) were measured with an accuracy of 1.5-2% for about 50 pion energies between 140 and 360 Mev. The pion energy was known to within ± 1%. No anomalies in the energy dependence of Of were found which could indicate the existence of a p0meson with a mass in the range of 270 to 410 Mev/c2• The data are inconsistent with the energy value E2 = 650 Mev for the second maximum of Of found by Frisch et al. 7 but agree with the conclusion drawn by Brisson et al. 8 that it should be located at a lower energy ( E2 :::::: 610 Mev). The data are in agreement with the dispersion relations for 1r- -p scattering. It is thus demonstrated that the PuppiStanghellini problem as such no longer exists and that it arose only as a result of an inaccurate knowledge of the total 1r--p interaction cross section.

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Elastic Scattering of 300-MeV Negative Pions by Hydrogen

Vasilevskii, I.M. ; Vishnyakov, V.V. ;
Sov.Phys.JETP 11 (1960) 323-326, 1960.
Inspire Record 1407579 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.70213

The elastic scattering of 300-Mev negative pions from hydrogen was studied with the aid of a hodoscopic system with pulse-fed counters. Equation (1) gives the angular distribution for the elastic scattering under the hypothesis that the fundamental contribution to the scattering comes from the S and P waves.

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Polarization of recoil protons from neutral pion photoproduction

Hayakawa, Satio ; Horikawa, Naoaki ; Kajikawa, Ryoichi ; et al.
J.Phys.Soc.Jap. 25 (1968) 307-318, 1968.
Inspire Record 1393542 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.38539


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Total cross-section measurement of $\pi^{-}$ photoproduction on deuteron in the first-resonance region.

Chiefari, G. ; Drago, E. ; Napolitano, M. ; et al.
Lett.Nuovo Cim. 13 (1975) 129-133, 1975.
Inspire Record 1393351 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.37447


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Asymmetry ratios in the photoproduction of π + by linearly polarized γ-rays in the energy range 200–400 MeV

Gorenstein, P. ; Grilli, M. ; Soso, F. ; et al.
Phys.Lett. 23 (1966) 394-396, 1966.
Inspire Record 1392866 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.30179

The asymmetry ratio for the process γ + p → n + π + by linearly polarized γ rays are reported for E γ = 200 − 400 MeV and for θ (production angle of π in the c.m. system) = 90°. The experimental results are compared with some recent theoretical predictions.

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