Measurements of the suppression and correlations of dijets in Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_\text{NN}}}$ = 5.02 TeV

The ATLAS collaboration
Phys.Rev.C 107 (2023) 054908, 2023.

Abstract (data abstract)
Studies of the correlations of the two highest transverse momentum (leading)jets in individual Pb+Pb collision events can provide information about themechanism of jet quenching by the hot and dense matter created in suchcollisions. In Pb+Pb and $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_\text{NN}}}$ = 5.02TeV, measurements of the leading dijet transverse momentum ($p_{\mathrm{T}}$)correlations are presented. Additionally, measurements in Pb+Pb collisions ofthe dijet pair nuclear modification factors projected along leading andsubleading jet $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ are made. The measurements are performed usingthe ATLAS detector at the LHC with 260 ${\mathrm {pb}^{-1}}$ of $pp$ datacollected in 2017 and 2.2 ${\mathrm {nb}^{-1}}$ of Pb+Pb data collected in2015 and 2018. An unfolding procedure is applied to the two-dimensionalleading and subleading jet $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ distributions to account forexperimental effects in the measurement of both jets. Results are provided fordijets with leading jet $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ greater than 100 GeV. Measurements ofthe dijet-yield-normalized $x_{\mathrm{J}}$ distributions in Pb+Pb collisionsshow an increased fraction of imbalanced jets compared to $pp$ collisions;these measurements are in agreement with previous measurements of the samequantity at 2.76 TeV in the overlapping kinematic range. Measurements of theabsolutely-normalized dijet rate in Pb+Pb and $pp$ collisions are alsopresented, and show that balanced dijets are significantly more suppressedthan imbalanced dijets in Pb+Pb collisions. It is observed in themeasurements of the pair nuclear modification factors that the subleadingjets are significantly suppressed relative to leading jets with$p_{\mathrm{T}}$ between 100 and 316 GeV for all centralities in Pb+Pbcollisions.

  • pp abs norm

    Figs. 11, 12, Aux. Fig. 3


    absolutely normalized dijet cross sections from pp collisions

  • PbPb abs norm cent0

    Figs. 11, 12, Aux. Fig. 3


    absolutely normalized dijet yields scaled by 1/ in 0-10% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb abs norm cent1

    Figs. 11, 12, Aux. Fig. 3


    absolutely normalized dijet yields scaled by 1/ in 10-20% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb abs norm cent2

    Figs. 11, 12, Aux. Fig. 3


    absolutely normalized dijet yields scaled by 1/ in 20-40% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb abs norm cent3

    Figs. 11, 12, Aux. Fig. 3


    absolutely normalized dijet yields scaled by 1/ in 40-60% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb abs norm cent4

    Figs. 11, 12, Aux. Fig. 3


    absolutely normalized dijet yields scaled by 1/ in 60-80% central PbPb collisions

  • pp self norm

    Figs. 7, 8, Aux Fig. 1


    self normalized dijets from pp collisions

  • PbPb self norm cent0

    Fig. 13


    self normalized dijet distributions in 0-10% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb self norm cent1

    Aux. Fig. 4


    self normalized dijet distributions in 10-20% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb self norm cent2

    Fig. 13


    self normalized dijet distributions in 20-40% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb self norm cent3

    Aux. Fig. 4


    self normalized dijet distributions in 40-60% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb self norm cent4

    Fig. 13


    self normalized dijet distributions in 60-80% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb leading RAA0

    Example location


    leading jet RAA^pair in 0-10% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb subleading RAA0

    Example location


    subleading jet RAA^pair in 0-10% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb leading RAA1

    Example location


    leading jet RAA^pair in 10-20% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb subleading RAA1

    Example location


    subleading jet RAA^pair in 10-20% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb leading RAA2

    Example location


    leading jet RAA^pair in 20-40% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb subleading RAA2

    Example location


    subleading jet RAA^pair in 20-40% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb leading RAA3

    Example location


    leading jet RAA^pair in 40-60% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb subleading RAA3

    Example location


    subleading jet RAA^pair in 40-60% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb leading RAA4

    Example location


    leading jet RAA^pair in 60-80% central PbPb collisions

  • PbPb subleading RAA4

    Example location


    subleading jet RAA^pair in 60-80% central PbPb collisions

  • raa_ratio

    Fig. 14


    ratio of subleading jet RAA^pair to leading jet RAA^pair in PbPb collisions

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