Study of charm hadronization with prompt $\Lambda^+_\mathrm{c}$ baryons in proton-proton and lead-lead collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV

The CMS collaboration
JHEP 01 (2024) 128, 2024.

Abstract (data abstract)
The production of prompt $\Lambda_c^+$ baryons is measured via the exclusive decay channel $\Lambda_c^+ \to \mathrm{p} \mathrm{K}^- \pi^+$ at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of $5.02~\mathrm{TeV}$ using $252~\mathrm{nb}^{-1}$ proton-proton (pp) and $0.607~\mathrm{nb}^{-1}$ lead-lead (PbPb) collisions collected at the CERN LHC in 2017 and 2018, respectively. The measurements are performed within the $\Lambda_c^+$ rapidity interval $|y|<1.0$ with transverse momentum ($p_\mathrm{T}$) ranges of 3--30 and 6--40 $\mathrm{GeV}/c$ for pp and PbPb collisions, respectively. Compared to pp collisions scaled by the number of nucleon-nucleon interactions, the observed yields of $\Lambda_c^+$ with $p_\mathrm{T}>10~\mathrm{GeV}/c$ are strongly suppressed in PbPb collisions. The level of suppression depends significantly on both the collision centrality and the $p_\mathrm{T}$ of the $\Lambda_c^+$ baryon. The $\Lambda_c^+/\mathrm{D}^0$ production ratio in PbPb collisions is consistent with the result in pp collisions for $p_\mathrm{T}>10~\mathrm{GeV}/c$, suggesting that the coalescence process of hadronization is not significant for PbPb collisions in the higher $p_\mathrm{T}$ region.

  • Figure 3


    The product of acceptance and efficiency ($A \epsilon$) as a function of $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ for prompt $\Lambda^+_c$ in pp collisions and...

  • Figure 4


    The $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ differential cross sections for prompt $\Lambda^+_c$ production in pp collisions. The global fit uncertainty is 8.6%.

  • Figure 5


    The $\mathrm{T_{AA}}$-scaled $\Lambda^+_c$ yields as a function of $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ for PbPb collisions within centrality regions of 0-90, 0-10, 10-30, 30-50...

  • Figure 6


    The nuclear modification factor $\mathrm{R_{AA}}$ versus $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ for prompt $\Lambda^+_c$ production in centrality regions of 0-90, 0-10, 10-30, 30-50 and...

  • Figure 7 (left)


    The ratio of the production cross sections of prompt $\Lambda^+_c$ to prompt $\mathrm{D_0}$ versus $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ from pp collisions. The global...

  • Figure 7 (right)


    The ratio of the $\mathrm{T_{AA}}$-scaled prompt $\Lambda^+_c$ yields to prompt $\mathrm{D_0}$ versus $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ from PbPb collisions for 0-90 and 0-10%...

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