Signal cut-flow
Data from AuxTables 1-6.
Cut-flow and number of events in a region with $110 \text{ GeV} <m_{aa}<130 \text{ GeV}$ for selected signal samples
Data from AuxTables 1-6.
Cut-flow and number of events in a region with $110 \text{ GeV} <m_{aa}<130 \text{ GeV}$ for selected signal samples
Data from AuxTable 7.
Overview of relative systematic uncertainties on the signal normalization for selected couplings and mass points in the dominant categories. All...
Data from Figure 6a.
Upper limits on $\mathcal{B}(H\rightarrow aa\rightarrow 4\gamma)$ at 95% CL as a function of the axion mass and for ALP-photon coupling...
Data from Figure 6b.
Upper limits on $\mathcal{B}(H\rightarrow aa\rightarrow 4\gamma)$ at 95% CL as a function of the axion mass and for ALP-photon coupling...
Data from Figure 6c.
Upper limits on $\mathcal{B}(H\rightarrow aa\rightarrow 4\gamma)$ at 95% CL as a function of the axion mass and for ALP-photon coupling...
Data from Figure 6d.
Upper limits on $\mathcal{B}(H\rightarrow aa\rightarrow 4\gamma)$ at 95% CL as a function of the axion mass and for ALP-photon coupling...
Data from Figure 8.
Upper limits on $B(H\rightarrow 4\gamma)$ at 95% CL as a function of the signal mass hypothesis and for the assumption...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 5a.
Identification efficiency for isolated photons that pass the tight photon ID requirements in dependence of the opening angle in $\Delta...
Data from Auxiliary Figure 5b.
Efficiency for classified merged isolated photons in dependence of the opening angle in $\Delta R$ of both decay photons of...
Data from Figure 9.
Limits on the ALP mass and coupling to photons at 95\%~CL, assuming $\mathcal{B}(a\rightarrow\gamma\gamma) = 1$, $\Lambda = 1\,TeV$ with $|C_{aH}^{\text{eff}}|$...
Data from Figure 5.
The number of data and estimated background events in the signal region of the most sensitive categories..
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