Probing Parton Dynamics of QCD Matter with $\Omega$ and $\phi$ Production

The STAR collaboration Adamczyk, L. ; Adkins, J.K. ; Agakishiev, G. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 93 (2016) 021903, 2016.
Inspire Record 1378002 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.72068

We present measurements of $\Omega$ and $\phi$ production at mid-rapidity from Au+Au collisions at nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energies $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27 and 39 GeV by the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Motivated by the coalescence formation mechanism for these strange hadrons, we study the ratios of $N(\Omega^{-}+\Omega^{+})/(2N(\phi))$. These ratios as a function of transverse momentum ($p_T$) fall on a consistent trend at high collision energies, but start to show deviations in peripheral collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 19.6, 27 and 39 GeV, and in central collisions at 11.5 GeV in the intermediate $p_T$ region of 2.4-3.6 GeV/c. We further evaluate empirically the strange quark $p_T$ distributions at hadronization by studying the $\Omega/\phi$ ratios scaled by the number of constituent quarks. The NCQ-scaled $\Omega/\phi$ ratios show a suppression of strange quark production in central collisions at 11.5 GeV compared to $\sqrt{s_{NN}} >= 19.6$ GeV. The shapes of the presumably thermal strange quark distributions in 0-60% most central collisions at 7.7 GeV show significant deviations from those in 0-10% most central collisions at higher energies. These features suggest that there is likely a change of the underlying strange quark dynamics in the transition from quark-matter to hadronic matter at collision energies below 19.6 GeV.

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Phi Meson Spectra.

Long-range pseudorapidity dihadron correlations in $d$+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=200$ GeV

The STAR collaboration Adamczyk, L. ; Adkins, J.K. ; Agakishiev, G. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 747 (2015) 265-271, 2015.
Inspire Record 1346551 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.72303

Dihadron angular correlations in $d$+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=200$ GeV are reported as a function of the measured zero-degree calorimeter neutral energy and the forward charged hadron multiplicity in the Au-beam direction. A finite correlated yield is observed at large relative pseudorapidity ($\Delta\eta$) on the near side (i.e. relative azimuth $\Delta\phi\sim0$). This correlated yield as a function of $\Delta\eta$ appears to scale with the dominant, primarily jet-related, away-side ($\Delta\phi\sim\pi$) yield. The Fourier coefficients of the $\Delta\phi$ correlation, $V_{n}=\langle\cos n\Delta\phi\rangle$, have a strong $\Delta\eta$ dependence. In addition, it is found that $V_{1}$ is approximately inversely proportional to the mid-rapidity event multiplicity, while $V_{2}$ is independent of it with similar magnitude in the forward ($d$-going) and backward (Au-going) directions.

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Fourier coefficient V3 versus the measured mid-rapidity charged particle $dN_{ch}/d\eta$. Event activity selection is by ZDC-Au. Trigger particles are from TPC, and associated particles from FTPC-d. Systematic uncertainties are estimated to be smaller than statistical errors for V3. Errors shown are the quadratic sum of statistical and systematic errors.

System size and energy dependence of near-side di-hadron correlations

The STAR collaboration Agakishiev, G. ; Aggarwal, M.M. ; Ahammed, Z. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 85 (2012) 014903, 2012.
Inspire Record 943192 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.77720

Two-particle azimuthal ($\Delta\phi$) and pseudorapidity ($\Delta\eta$) correlations using a trigger particle with large transverse momentum ($p_T$) in $d$+Au, Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{{NN}}}$ =\xspace 62.4 GeV and 200~GeV from the STAR experiment at RHIC are presented. The \ns correlation is separated into a jet-like component, narrow in both $\Delta\phi$ and $\Delta\eta$, and the ridge, narrow in $\Delta\phi$ but broad in $\Delta\eta$. Both components are studied as a function of collision centrality, and the jet-like correlation is studied as a function of the trigger and associated $p_T$. The behavior of the jet-like component is remarkably consistent for different collision systems, suggesting it is produced by fragmentation. The width of the jet-like correlation is found to increase with the system size. The ridge, previously observed in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{{NN}}}$ = 200 GeV, is also found in Cu+Cu collisions and in collisions at $\sqrt{s_{{NN}}}$ =\xspace 62.4 GeV, but is found to be substantially smaller at $\sqrt{s_{{NN}}}$ =\xspace 62.4 GeV than at $\sqrt{s_{{NN}}}$ = 200 GeV for the same average number of participants ($ \langle N_{\mathrm{part}}\rangle$). Measurements of the ridge are compared to models.

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Dependence of the widths in $\Delta\eta$ on $p_T^{\mathrm{associated}}$ for 3 $<$ $p_T^{trigger}$ $<$ 6 GeV/$c$ for 0-95% $d$+Au, 0-60% Cu+Cu at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 62.4 GeV and $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV, 0-80% Au+Au at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 62.4 GeV, and 0-12% and 40-80% Au+Au at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV.

Measurements of Proton High Order Cumulants in 3 GeV Au+Au Collisions and Implications for the QCD Critical Point

The STAR collaboration Abdallah, M.S. ; Aboona, B.E. ; Adam, J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 128 (2022) 202303, 2022.
Inspire Record 1981670 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.115559

We report cumulants of the proton multiplicity distribution from dedicated fixed-target Au+Au collisions at 3.0 GeV, measured by the STAR experiment in the kinematic acceptance of rapidity ($y$) and transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$) within $-0.5 < y<0$ and $0.4 < p_{\rm T} <2.0 $ GeV/$c$. In the most central 0--5% collisions, a proton cumulant ratio is measured to be $C_4/C_2=-0.85 \pm 0.09 ~(\rm stat.) \pm 0.82 ~(\rm syst.)$, which is less than unity, the Poisson baseline. The hadronic transport UrQMD model reproduces our $C_4/C_2$ in the measured acceptance. Compared to higher energy results and the transport model calculations, the suppression in $C_4/C_2$ is consistent with fluctuations driven by baryon number conservation and indicates an energy regime dominated by hadronic interactions. These data imply that the QCD critical region, if created in heavy-ion collisions, could only exist at energies higher than 3 GeV.

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Collision energy dependence of the ratios of cumulants, $C_4/C_2$, for proton (squares) and net-proton (red circles) from top 0-5% Au+Au collisions at RHIC. The points for protons are shifted horizontally for clarity. The new result for proton from $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 3.0 GeV collisions is shown as a filled square. HADES data of $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.4 GeV 0-10% collisions is also shown. The vertical black and gray bars are the statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively. In addition, results from the HRG model, based on both Canonical Ensemble (CE) and Grand-Canonical Ensemble (GCE), and transport model UrQMD are presented.

Light Nuclei Collectivity from $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 3 GeV Au+Au Collisions at RHIC

The STAR collaboration Abdallah, M.S. ; Aboona, B.E. ; Adam, J. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 827 (2022) 136941, 2022.
Inspire Record 1986611 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.115569

In high-energy heavy-ion collisions, partonic collectivity is evidenced by the constituent quark number scaling of elliptic flow anisotropy for identified hadrons. A breaking of this scaling and dominance of baryonic interactions is found for identified hadron collective flow measurements in $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 3 GeV Au+Au collisions. In this paper, we report measurements of the first- and second-order azimuthal anisotropic parameters, $v_1$ and $v_2$, of light nuclei ($d$, $t$, $^{3}$He, $^{4}$He) produced in $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 3 GeV Au+Au collisions at the STAR experiment. An atomic mass number scaling is found in the measured $v_1$ slopes of light nuclei at mid-rapidity. For the measured $v_2$ magnitude, a strong rapidity dependence is observed. Unlike $v_2$ at higher collision energies, the $v_2$ values at mid-rapidity for all light nuclei are negative and no scaling is observed with the atomic mass number. Calculations by the Jet AA Microscopic Transport Model (JAM), with baryonic mean-field plus nucleon coalescence, are in good agreement with our observations, implying baryonic interactions dominate the collective dynamics in 3 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC.

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Light nucleus scaled $v_{1}$ slopes as a function os collision energy in 10-40 mid-cantral Au+Au collisions.

Identified hadron spectra at large transverse momentum in p + p and d + Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 200-GeV.

The STAR collaboration Adams, J. ; Aggarwal, M.M. ; Ahammed, Z. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 637 (2006) 161-169, 2006.
Inspire Record 709170 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.85695

We present the transverse momentum (pT) spectra for identified charged pions, protons and anti-protons from p+p and d+Au collisions at \sqrts_NN = 200 GeV. The spectra are measured around midrapidity (|y| &lt; 0.5) over the range of 0.3 &lt; pT &lt; 10 GeV/c with particle identification from the ionization energy loss and its relativistic rise in the Time Projection Chamber and Time-of-Flight in STAR. The charged pion and proton+anti-proton spectra at high pT in p+p and d+Au collisions are in good agreement with a phenomenological model (EPOS) and with the next-to-leading order perturbative quantum chromodynamic (NLO pQCD) calculations with a specific fragmentation scheme and factorization scale. We found that all proton, anti-proton and charged pion spectra in p+p collisions follow xT-scalings for the momentum range where particle production is dominated by hard processes (pT > 2 GeV/c). The nuclear modification factor around midrapidity are found to be greater than unity for charged pions and to be even larger for protons at 2 &lt; pT &lt; 5 GeV/c.

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Nuclear modification factors $R_{dAu}$ for $p + \bar{p}$ production in the mid rapidity region, $|y|<0.5$. There is an overall additional normalization uncertainty of the order of 17%. For the measurement of $R_{dAu}$ there is an additional uncertainty of 5% due to uncertainty on $N_{bin}$ for minbias collisions.

Flow and interferometry results from Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{\textit{s}_{NN}}$ = 4.5 GeV

The STAR collaboration Adam, J. ; Adamczyk, L. ; Adams, J.R. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 103 (2021) 034908, 2021.
Inspire Record 1809043 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.95903

The Beam Energy Scan (BES) program at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) was extended to energies below $\sqrt{\textit{s}_{NN}}$ = 7.7 GeV in 2015 by successful implementation of the fixed-target mode of operation in the STAR (Solenoidal Track At RHIC) experiment. In the fixed-target mode, ions circulate in one ring of the collider and interact with a stationary target at the entrance of the STAR Time Projection Chamber. The first results for Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{\textit{s}_{NN}}$ = 4.5 GeV are presented, including directed and elliptic flow of identified hadrons, and radii from pion femtoscopy. The proton flow and pion femtoscopy results agree quantitatively with earlier measurements by Alternating Gradient Synchrotron experiments at similar energies. This validates running the STAR experiment in the fixed-target configuration. Pion directed and elliptic flow are presented for the first time at this beam energy. Pion and proton elliptic flow show behavior which hints at constituent quark scaling, but large error bars preclude reliable conclusions. The ongoing second phase of BES (BES-II) will provide fixed-target data sets with 100 times more events at each of several energies down to $\sqrt{\textit{s}_{NN}}$ = 3.0 GeV.

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Beam energy dependence of the directed flow slope dv1=dy at midrapidity for baryons and mesons measured by STAR.

Pion interferometry in Au + Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 200-GeV.

The STAR collaboration Adams, J. ; Aggarwal, M.M. ; Ahammed, Z. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 71 (2005) 044906, 2005.
Inspire Record 664843 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.93263

We present a systematic analysis of two-pion interferometry in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV using the STAR detector at RHIC. We extract the HBT radii and study their multiplicity, transverse momentum, and azimuthal angle dependence. The Gaussianess of the correlation function is studied. Estimates of the geometrical and dynamical structure of the freeze-out source are extracted by fits with blast wave parameterizations. The expansion of the source and its relation with the initial energy density distribution is studied.

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HBT parameters from STAR and PHENIX at the same beam energy for the 0-30% most central events.

Energy dependence of the pi- HBT parameters for central Au+Au, Pb+Pb, and Pb+Au collisions at midrapidity and k_T ~ 0.2 GeV/c.

Extracted freeze-out source radius extracted from a blast wave fit; source radius Rgeom from fits to Rside; and 2*Rside for the lowest k_T bin as a function of the number of participants.

Identified particle elliptic flow in Au + Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 130-GeV.

The STAR collaboration Adler, C. ; Ahammed, Z. ; Allgower, C. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 87 (2001) 182301, 2001.
Inspire Record 559609 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.93261

We report first results on elliptic flow of identified particles at mid-rapidity in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=130$ GeV using the STAR TPC at RHIC. The elliptic flow as a function of transverse momentum and centrality differs significantly for particles of different masses. This dependence can be accounted for in hydrodynamic models, indicating that the system created shows a behavior consistent with collective hydrodynamical flow. The fit to the data with a simple model gives information on the temperature and flow velocities at freeze-out.

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Differential elliptic flow of pions for different centrality bins. The systematic uncertainty is smallest for the centrality region with the best reaction plane resolution and is estimated to be 20% for the most central bin, 8% for the mid-central bin, and 22% for the most peripheral bin.

Differential elliptic flow of protons + antiprotons for different centrality bins. The systematic uncertainty is smallest for the centrality region with the best reaction plane resolution and is estimated to be 20% for the most central bin, 8% for the mid-central bin, and 22% for the most peripheral bin.

rho0 production and possible modification in Au + Au and p + p collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 200-GeV.

The STAR collaboration Adams, J. ; Adler, C. ; Aggarwal, M.M. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 92 (2004) 092301, 2004.
Inspire Record 624475 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.99052

We report results on rho(770)^0 -> pi+pi- production at midrapidity in p+p and peripheral Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV. This is the first direct measurement of rho(770)^0 -> pi+pi- in heavy-ion collisions. The measured rho^0 peak in the invariant mass distribution is shifted by ~40 MeV/c^2 in minimum bias p+p interactions and ~70 MeV/c^2 in peripheral Au+Au collisions. The rho^0 mass shift is dependent on transverse momentum and multiplicity. The modification of the rho^0 meson mass, width, and shape due to phase space and dynamical effects are discussed.

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$\rho^{0}/\pi$ ratios as a function of c.m. system energy. The ratios are from measurements in $e^{+} e^{−}$ collisions at $10.45$ GeV, $29$ GeV and $91$ GeV c.m. system energy, $p$+$p$ at $6.8$ GeV, $19.7$ GeV, $27.5$ GeV, and $52.5$ GeV, Kp at $7.82$ GeV and $\pi^{-}$p at $19.6$ GeV. The errors on the ratios at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200$ GeV are the quadratic sum of the statistical and systematic errors. The ratios at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200$ GeV are offset from one another for clarity.