
Elastic Scattering and Cross Sections in Antiproton-Proton Interactions at 3.3 and 3.7 BeV/c

Ferbel, T. ; Firestone, A. ; Sandweiss, J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev. 137 (1965) B1250-B1255, 1965.
Inspire Record 944963 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.466

The elastic, the pion-production, and the multipion-annihilation cross sections for antiproton-proton interactions at 3.28 and 3.66 BeV/c incident antiproton momenta have been measured. A comparison of the elastic interactions at 3.28 BeV/c with a purely-absorbing disc optical model gave a best value for the radius of interaction of 1.3 F. The real part of the forward scattering amplitude has been found to be less than 20% of the imaginary part. A study of the asymmetries in double elastic scatters yielded a value for a polarizing power of the hydrogen consistent with zero when averaged over production angles.

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Measurement of the polarization parameter in pi+- p, k+- p, p p, and anti-p p elastic scattering at 6 gev/c

Borghini, M. ; Dick, L. ; Di Lella, L. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 31 (1970) 405-409, 1970.
Inspire Record 63191 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.6078

Experimental results are presented for the polarization parameter P 0 in π ± p , K ± p , pp, and p ̄ p elastic scattering at 6 GeV/ c , and in the range of the invariant four-momentum transfer squared − t from 0.05 to ∼ 2.0 (GeV/ c ) 2 .

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'1'. '2'. '3'. '4'.

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Polarization parameter in k+- p and anti-p p elastic scattering at 10 and 14 gev/c

Borghini, M. ; Dick, L. ; Olivier, J.C. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 36 (1971) 497-500, 1971.
Inspire Record 69141 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.37261

Results on polarization in K − p, K + p and p̄p forward elastic scattering at 10 and 14 GeV/ c are presented.

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Anti-p p elastic and charge exchange scattering at 230 mev

Kohno, H. ; Kaneko, S. ; Murata, Y. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 41 (1972) 485-492, 1972.
Inspire Record 75157 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.6879

Reactions p p → p p and p p → n n were studied at the kinetic energy 230 MeV of incident p by using bubble chamber films. Total cross sections for both of the reactions were found to be 51.2 ± 1.6 mb and 9.1 ± 0.6 mb, respectively. Differential cross sections are well explained by the phenomenological theory given by Bryan and Phillips.

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Elastic scattering of anti-protons on protons at 5 gev/c evidence for a backward peak

Chabaud, V. ; Eide, A. ; Lehmann, P. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 38 (1972) 449-451, 1972.
Inspire Record 75820 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.5678

Antiproton-proton elastic scattering has been measured at 5 GeV/c. A total of 30 000 events were observed in the angular range 17° < θ cm < 136°, corresponding to 0.3 < − t < 7.7 (GeV/ c 2 ). In addition to the known dip at − t = 0.5 ( GeV / c ) 2 , we observe a structure at about − t = 2 (GeV/ c ) 2 and a backward peak with a slope4.1 ± 0.6 (GeV/ c ) 2 . The extrapolated differential cross-section at u = 0 is 1.3 ± 0.8 μ b/(GeV/ c ) 2 .

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Elastic scattering and two-body annihilations at 5 gev/c

Eide, A. ; Lehmann, P. ; Lundby, A. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 60 (1973) 173-220, 1973.
Inspire Record 83926 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.7885

We present results of measurements of K ± p and p p elastic scattering and of the annihilation reactions p p →π + π − and p p → K + K − at an incident laboratory momentum of 5 GeV/ c . Nearly complete angular distributions were obtained. Results are also presented for π -meson proton elastic scattering in the momentum transfer ranges 2 < − t < 8 (GeV/ c ) 2 (for π + ) and 0.16 < − t < 7 (GeV/ c ) 2 (for π − ). All measurements were done in one experimental geometry. The measured differential cross sections range from 10 to 10 −5 mb/(GeV/ c ) 2 .

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-U = T + 8.486 GEV**2.


-U = T + 8.304 GEV**2.


Polarization measurement of antiproton scattered elastically from proton at 220 mev

Ohsugi, T. ; Fujisaki, M. ; Kaneko, S. ; et al.
Nuovo Cim.A 17 (1973) 456-463, 1973.
Inspire Record 87646 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.37771

The polarization of scattered antiproton in\(\bar pp\) elastic scattering has been measured at the kinetic energy of 220MeV by means of double scattering in a bubble chamber. The polarizations obtained are 0.28±0.11, 0.46±0.12, 0.51±0.19 and 0.38±0.31 at the scattering angles 28°, 42°, 56° and 73° in the c.m. system, respectively. These results do not seem to be in good agreement with a prediction given by Bryan and Phillips. We have also compared these data with a modified diffraction model.

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Elastic pi- p, k- p and anti-p p scattering at momenta of 25 and 40 gev/c

Antipov, Yu.M. ; Ascoli, G. ; Busnello, R. ; et al.
Yad.Fiz. 18 (1973) 353-363, 1973.
Inspire Record 84824 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.19259


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Elastic scattering of pi- p, K- p and anti-p p at 25-GeV/c and 40-GeV/c

Antipov, Yu.M. ; Ascoli, G. ; Busnello, R. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 57 (1973) 333-347, 1973.
Inspire Record 80976 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.32554

Elastic diffraction scattering of π − , K − and p on protons has been measured at 25 and 40 GeV/c at the Serpukhov Proton Accelerator. Differential elastic cross sections and diffraction slopes are presented in the momentum-transfer interval 0.07–0.80 (GeV/ c ) 2 and compared with existing data at lower energies.

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Evidence for J(PC) = 4++ for the S (1930) Meson from anti-p p Backward Elastic Scattering

D'Andlau, C. ; Cohen-Ganouna, J. ; Laloum, M. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 58 (1975) 223-227, 1975.
Inspire Record 103552 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.27801

We report on partial results of the analysis of a p̄p backward elastic scattering experiment, between 175 and 750 MeV/ c . Various evidences are given of the resonant nature of a backward peak at the S-meson mass. Analysis leads to J PC =4 ++ , firmly connected to other experimental data with I G =1 − . All results agree for an assignment to the A 2 trajectory.

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