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Measurement of the inclusive differential cross-section for Z bosons as a function of transverse momentum in anti-p p collisions at S**(1/2) = 1.8-TeV

The D0 collaboration Abbott, B. ; Abolins, M. ; Abramov, V. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 61 (2000) 032004, 2000.
Inspire Record 503361 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.42104

We present a measurement of the differential cross section as a function of transverse momentum of the Z boson in ppbar collisions at sqrt{s}=1.8 TeV using data collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider during 1994--1996. We find good agreement between our data and the NNLO resummation prediction and extract values of the non-perturbative parameters for the resummed prediction from a fit to the differential cross section.

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Measurement of the ratio of differential cross-sections for W and Z boson production as a function of transverse momentum in p anti-p collisions at s**(1/2) = 1.8-TeV

The D0 collaboration Abazov, V.M. ; Abbott, B. ; Abdesselam, A. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 517 (2001) 299-308, 2001.
Inspire Record 559624 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.42897

We report on a measurement of the ratio of the differential cross sections for W and Z boson production as a function of transverse momentum in proton-antiproton collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.8 TeV. This measurement uses data recorded by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron in 1994-1995. It represents the first investigation of a proposal that ratios between W and Z observables can be calculated reliably using perturbative QCD, even when the individual observables are not. Using the ratio of differential cross sections reduces both experimental and theoretical uncertainties, and can therefore provide smaller overall uncertainties in the measured mass and width of the W boson than current methods used at hadron colliders.

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The b anti-b production cross-section and angular correlations in p anti-p collisions at S**(1/2) = 1.8-TeV

The D0 collaboration Abbott, B. ; Abolins, M. ; Abramov, V. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 487 (2000) 264-272, 2000.
Inspire Record 499943 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.42088

We present measurements of the b-bbar production cross section and angular correlations using the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron p-pbar Collider operating at sqrt(s) = 1.8 TeV. The b quark production cross section for |y(b)|<1.0 and p_T(b)>6 GeV/c is extracted from single muon and dimuon data samples. The results agree in shape with the next-to-leading order QCD calculation of heavy flavor production but are greater than the central values of these predictions. The angular correlations between b and bbar quarks, measured from the azimuthal opening angle between their decay muons, also agree in shape with the next-to-leading order QCD prediction.

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The Azimuthal decorrelation of jets widely separated in rapidity

The D0 collaboration Abachi, S. ; Abbott, B. ; Abolins, M. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 77 (1996) 595-600, 1996.
Inspire Record 416886 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.42315

This study reports the first measurement of the azimuthal decorrelation between jets with pseudorapidity separation up to five units. The data were accumulated using the D\O\ detector during the 1992--1993 collider run of the Fermilab Tevatron at $\sqrt{s}=$ 1.8 TeV. These results are compared to next--to--leading order (NLO) QCD predictions and to two leading--log approximations (LLA) where the leading--log terms are resummed to all orders in $\alpha_{\scriptscriptstyle S}$. The final state jets as predicted by NLO QCD show less azimuthal decorrelation than the data. The parton showering LLA Monte Carlo {\small HERWIG} describes the data well; an analytical LLA prediction based on BFKL resummation shows more decorrelation than the data.

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Transverse energy distributions within jets in p anti-p collisions at S**(1/2) = 1.8-Tev

The D0 collaboration Abachi, S. ; Abbott, B. ; Abolins, M. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 357 (1995) 500-508, 1995.
Inspire Record 398175 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.42372

The distribution of the transverse energy in jets has been measured in p p collisions at s =1.8 TeV TeV using the DØ detector at Fermilab. This measurement of the jet shape is made as a function of jet transverse energy in both the central and forward rapidity regions. Jets are shown to narrow both with increasing transverse energy and with increasing rapidity. Next-to-leading order partonic QCD calculations are compared to the data. Although the calculations qualitatively describe the data, they are shown to be very dependent on renormalization scale, parton clustering algorithm, and jet direction definition and they fail to describe the data in all regions consistently.

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Measurement of the ratios of the Z/G* + >= n jet production cross sections to the total inclusive Z/G* cross section in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV

The D0 collaboration Abazov, V.M. ; Abbott, B. ; Abolins, M. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 658 (2008) 112-119, 2008.
Inspire Record 724239 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.42763

We present a study of events with Z bosons and jets produced at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in ppbar collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV. The data sample consists of nearly 14,000 Z/G* -> e+e- candidates corresponding to the integrated luminosity of 0.4 fb-1 collected using the D0 detector. Ratios of the Z/G* + >= n jet cross sections to the total inclusive Z/G* cross section have been measured for n = 1 to 4 jet events. Our measurements are found to be in good agreement with a next-to-leading order QCD calculation and with a tree-level QCD prediction with parton shower simulation and hadronization.

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Measurement of the shape of the boson transverse momentum distribution in p anti-p ---> Z / gamma* ---> e+ e- + X events produced at s**(1/2) = 1.96-TeV

The D0 collaboration Abazov, V.M. ; Abbott, B. ; Abolins, M. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 100 (2008) 102002, 2008.
Inspire Record 769689 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.50920

We present a measurement of the shape of the Z/gamma* boson transverse momentum (qT) distribution in ppbar -> Z/gamma* -> ee+X events at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV using 0.98 fb-1 of data collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. The data are found to be consistent with the resummation prediction at low qT, but above the perturbative QCD calculation in the region of qT>30 GeV/c. Using events with qT<30 GeV/c, we extract the value of g2, one of the non-perturbative parameters for the resummation calculation. Data at large boson rapidity y are compared with the prediction of resummation and with alternative models that employ a resummed form factor with modifications in the small Bjorken x region of the proton wave function.

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Measurement of the electron charge asymmetry in p anti-p ---> W + X ---> e nu + X events at s**(1/2) = 1.96-TeV

The D0 collaboration Abazov, V.M. ; Abbott, B. ; Abolins, M. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 101 (2008) 211801, 2008.
Inspire Record 791230 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.42683

We present a measurement of the electron charge asymmetry in ppbar->W+X->enu+X events at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV using 0.75 fb-1 of data collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The asymmetry is measured as a function of the electron transverse momentum and pseudorapidity in the interval (-3.2, 3.2) and is compared with expectations from next-to-leading order calculations in perturbative quantum chromodynamics. These measurements will allow more accurate determinations of the proton parton distribution functions.

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Measurement of differential Z / gamma* + jet + X cross sections in p anti-p collisions at s**(1/2) = 1.96-TeV

The D0 collaboration Abazov, V.M. ; Abbott, B. ; Abolins, M. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 669 (2008) 278-286, 2008.
Inspire Record 792812 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.49090

We present new measurements of differential cross sections for Z/gamma*(->mumu)+jet+X production in a 1 fb-1 data sample collected with the D0 detector in proton anti-proton collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV. Results include the first measurements differential in the Z/gamma* transverse momentum and rapidity, as well as new measurements differential in the leading jet transverse momentum and rapidity. Next-to-leading order perturbative QCD predictions are compared to the measurements, and reasonable agreement is observed, except in the region of low Z/gamma* transverse momentum. Predictions from two event generators based on matrix elements and parton showers, and one pure parton shower event generator are also compared to the measurements. These show significant overall normalization differences to the data and have varied success in describing the shape of the distributions.

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Measurements of differential cross sections of $Z /\gamma^\ast$+jets+X events in proton anti-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=1.96 TeV

The D0 collaboration Abazov, V.M. ; Abbott, B. ; Abolins, M. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 678 (2009) 45-54, 2009.
Inspire Record 815094 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.51854

We present cross section measurements for Z/gamma*+jets+X production, differential in the transverse momenta of the three leading jets. The data sample was collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron proton anti-proton collider at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1 fb-1. Leading and next-to-leading order perturbative QCD predictions are compared with the measurements, and agreement is found within the theoretical and experimental uncertainties. We also make comparisons with the predictions of four event generators. Two parton-shower-based generators show significant shape and normalization differences with respect to the data. In contrast, two generators combining tree-level matrix elements with a parton shower give a reasonable description of the the shapes observed in data, but the predicted normalizations show significant differences with respect to the data, reflecting large scale uncertainties. For specific choices of scales, the normalizations for either generator can be made to agree with the measurements.

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