Total inclusive production cross sections for the SIGMA- beam on the Coppertarget.
Total inclusive production cross sections for the SIGMA- beam on the Carbontarget.
Total inclusive production cross sections per nucleon for the SIGMA- beam, and the exponent in the cross section parametrization of the form A**POWER.
We report on a measurement of the differential cross sections of inclusive$K^{\pm}_{890}$production in$\sigma^-, pi^-$and ne
The production cross sections for K*+- per nucleus and per nucleon for the SIGMA- beam.
The production cross sections for K*+- per nucleus and per nucleon for the PI- beam.
The production cross sections for K*+- per nucleus and per nucleon for the NEUTRON- beam.
We report on a measurement of the inclusive cross sections of $\Lambda$ , $\overline\Lambda$ , K 0
Differential cross sections as a function of PT**2 for LAMBDA, LAMBDABAR and K0 production in CU and C with the SIGMA- beam.
We present a comprehensive study of the inclusive production of V 0 V 0 pairs (V 0 =Lambda, Lambda-bar or K S ) by Sigma - and pi - of 340 GeV/ c momentum and neutrons of 260 GeV/ c mean momentum in copper and carbon targets. In particular, the de pendence of the x F spectra on the combination of beam-particle and produced V 0 V 0 pair is investigated and compared to predictions obtained from PYTHIA and QSGM calculations. The data and these predictions differ in many details, the agreement can at b est be termed as qualitative. A signal from decays of the tensor meson f? 2 (1525) was observed in the K S K S mass distribution and inclusive production cross sections were measured. No signal was found from the double-strange H-dibaryon decaying to Lamb daLambda.
Feynman X distributions of the LAMBDABAR in LAMBDA LAMBDABAR production from PI- on C and CU targets.
Distributions are presented of event shape variables, jet roduction rates and charged particle momenta obtained from 53 000 hadronicZ decays. They are compared to the predictions of the QCD+hadronization models JETSET, ARIADNE and HERWIG, and are used to optimize several model parameters. The JETSET and ARIADNE coherent parton shower (PS) models with running αs and string fragmentation yield the best description of the data. The HERWIG parton shower model with cluster fragmentation fits the data less well. The data are in better agreement with JETSET PS than with JETSETO(αS2) matrix elements (ME) even when the renormalization scale is optimized.
Jet mass difference distribution.
We report on a study of inclusive particle production in pp-interactions at 400 GeV/c. The data are based on 472 K reconstructed events recorded in the NA 27 experiment using the LEBC-EHS facility at CERN. The production cross sections are determined of pseudo scalar (π±,0, η andK±), scalar (f0(975)), vector (ρ±,0(770), ω(783), ϕ(1020),K*0(892), and\(\bar K^{ * 0} \)(892)), and tensorf0 mesons, of protons and antiprotons, and theΔ++,+,0(1232), and Λ(1520) baryon resonances in the forward hemisphere of the center of mass system, as well as longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions. The results are compared with predictions of the FRITIOF model and with other experimental data.
No description provided.
Final data measured with the EMC forward spectrometer are presented on the production of forward charged hadrons in μp and μd scattering at incident beam energies between 100 and 280 GeV. The large statistic of 373 000 events allows a study of the semi-inclusive hadron production as a function ofz,pT2 and 〈pT2〉 in smallQ2,xBj andW bins. Charge multiplicity ratios and differences as a function ofz andxBj are given forp, d andn-targets. From the differences of charge multiplicities the ratio of the valence quark distributions of the protondv(x)/uv(x) is determined for the first time in charged lepton scattering. The Gronau et al. sum rule is tested, the measured sum being 0.31±0.06 stat. ±0.05 syst., compared with the theoretical expectation of 2/7≈0.286. The measured sum corresponds to an absolute value of the ratio of thed andu quark charge of 0.44±0.10 stat.±0.08 syst.
No description provided.
A comparison is made between the properties of the final state hadrons produced in 280 GeV μp interactions and ine+e− annihilation. The Lund model of hadroproduction is used as an aid in understanding the differences observed. The hadron distributions from μp ande+e− interactions are consistent with the quark parton model assumption of environmental independence, provided that the differences in heavy quark production and hard QCD effects in the two processes are taken into account. A comparison with aK+p experiment is also made. Values are also determined for the Lund model parameters σq = 0.410 ± 0.002 ± 0.020 GeV and σ′ = 0.29−0.15 −0.13+0.09+0.10 GeV, controlling the transverse momenta in fragmentation and intrinsic transverse momenta of the struck quark respectively.
Charm production in deep inelastic scattering has been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 82 pb^{-1}. Charm has been tagged by reconstructing D^{*+}, D^0, D^{+} and D_s^+ (+ c.c.) charm mesons. The charm hadrons were measured in the kinematic range p_T(D^{*+},D^0,D^{+}) > 3 GeV, p_T(D_s^+)>2 GeV and |\eta(D)| < 1.6 for 1.5 < Q^2 < 1000 GeV^2 and 0.02 < y < 0.7. The production cross sections were used to extract charm fragmentation ratios and the fraction of c quarks hadronising into a particular charm meson in the kinematic range considered. The cross sections were compared to the predictions of next-to-leading-order QCD, and extrapolated to the full kinematic region in p_T(D) and \eta(D) in order to determine the open-charm contribution, F_2^{c\bar{c}}(x,Q^2), to the proton structure function F_2.
The extracted values of F2(CC) from a combination of the production cross section of D0 (not coming from D*+ decay), D_ and D/S+.
Inclusive jet cross sections in photoproduction for events containing a $D^*$ meson have been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of $78.6 {\rm pb}^{-1}$. The events were required to have a virtuality of the incoming photon, $Q^2$, of less than 1 GeV$^2$, and a photon-proton centre-of-mass energy in the range $130<W_{\gamma p}<280 {\rm GeV}$. The measurements are compared with next-to-leading-order (NLO) QCD calculations. Good agreement is found with the NLO calculations over most of the measured kinematic region. Requiring a second jet in the event allowed a more detailed comparison with QCD calculations. The measured dijet cross sections are also compared to Monte Carlo (MC) models which incorporate leading-order matrix elements followed by parton showers and hadronisation. The NLO QCD predictions are in general agreement with the data although differences have been isolated to regions where contributions from higher orders are expected to be significant. The MC models give a better description than the NLO predictions of the shape of the measured cross sections.
The dijet cross section as a function of the PHI angle difference in JET1 and JET2 for events containing at least one D* meson in different XOBS(C=GAMMA) regions.